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FiendAZ 04-22-2001 01:03 PM

Call every news place within 50 miles of where you were riding, tell them about the nail strip, and about how it is a big hazard to ATVers, children, etc. She'll learn not to be a hypocrite.

YZGUY 04-22-2001 08:26 PM

Sure we're trespassing, but like I said, the utilities don't care. If I meet a line crew out there, they stop me. But NOT to tell me to go away, but to ask what kind of bike I am riding and how do I like it and how much does it cost and boy do they wish they could afford one too!!!!!!!

My whole point is, that EVERYONE out there is trespassing: the lady who spiked my tires, the hikers, the mountain bikers, the kids who make the BMX track, the horse people, the kid flying a kite-EVERYBODY. Nobody has the right to point a finger at anyone else!

WE ARE THE ONES THAT KEEP THOSE TRAILS OPEN! Next fall when the fires come (you've heard of a California brush fire haven't you), those trail we kept open are where the fire fighters will make a stand to save the GREENIE WEENIE houses!

Farmr123 04-23-2001 10:44 AM

I sure am glad those nuts aren't out here!
If that ever happens again, try and find some kind of tracks from wildlife in the area. Then ask the enviro-nazi what she thinks would happen if a deer, raccoon, muskrat, or whatever were to step on one of those nails. Many of them wouldn't care if a person got hurt, because it would be 'justifiable' if it helped save some kangaroo rat from getting scared by a hiker, and that is what is truly sad.
By the way, I read an article in the newspaper, where in Michigan (I think, anyway) they went to great lengths to 'save' the deer population, by cutting down hunting, restricting access to public lands, etc. It turns out now ther are so many deer overpopulating everywhere that they are pushing out into developed areas. In some counties, there are more traffic fatalities that are deer-related than alcohol-related. Since when are deer (or any animal for that matter) more important than people?
If that person REALLY cared about the environment, she should tear down her house (recycle it, of course), unhook from electricity, break up the pavement (on the lot where her house was) plant grass & trees there, live in a teepee, and WALK everywhere.
I am a farmer and am getting SICK of being told how to take care of the land by people living on concrete, who haven't got a clue as to what it is actually like out here. I guess they get told something by a nut, and some people believe them.
Where I live, my father and grandfather farmed, and I hope my kids will take it over someday. Why on earth do people think I would deliberately poison the land where I want my kids and grandkids to live?
Sorry to rant & rave, this just hits a nerve.

MIA400EX 04-23-2001 11:28 AM

I live in Massachusetts and have seen these kind of "man-traps" (nails, barbed-wire wrapped around trees, etc.) many times. These kinds of things are totally illegal, whether on private property, or on public land.

Best thing to do is what someone else mentioned earlier, CALL THE POLICE and inform them what you found. If you dont want to admit to being an ATV/dirt bike rider, tell them you were walking/jogging on the trail where the trap was, and that you or someone you were with was badly injured on the trap. The owner will be forced to remove it, and may get in serious trouble.

Granted, if they put up a fence or some "legal" kind of barrier, there's nothing you can do, besides go around it somehow....make a new trail.

But PLEASE guys, DON'T resort to doing nasty things back to these people. This is how we all get a bad reputation, and thus we become jerks just like them. And I totally agree, if you run into someone that is pissed off that we are riding on trails near them, stop, shut off the bike, take off the helmet, and talk to them. Sometimes they will ask if you can just avoid one area, and ride around it somehow, or drive slower thru their property, then everyone will be happy. I have done this 2 or 3 times, and it has worked.

Don't be a goon and run donuts around these people. Just be diplomatic, and that will give our sport a better reputation.


MIA400EX 04-23-2001 11:29 AM

I live in Massachusetts and have seen these kind of "man-traps" (nails, barbed-wire wrapped around trees, etc.) many times. These kinds of things are totally illegal, whether on private property, or on public land.

Best thing to do is what someone else mentioned earlier, CALL THE POLICE and inform them what you found. If you dont want to admit to being an ATV/dirt bike rider, tell them you were walking/jogging on the trail where the trap was, and that you or someone you were with was badly injured on the trap. The owner will be forced to remove it, and may get in serious trouble.

Granted, if they put up a fence or some "legal" kind of barrier, there's nothing you can do, besides go around it somehow....make a new trail.

But PLEASE guys, DON'T resort to doing nasty things back to these people. This is how we all get a bad reputation, and thus we become jerks just like them. And I totally agree, if you run into someone that is pissed off that we are riding on trails near them, stop, shut off the bike, take off the helmet, and talk to them. Sometimes they will ask if you can just avoid one area, and ride around it somehow, or drive slower thru their property, then everyone will be happy. I have done this 2 or 3 times, and it has worked.

Don't be a goon and run donuts around these people. Just be diplomatic, and that will give our sport a better reputation.


PhilMoore 04-23-2001 12:15 PM

Ha, but the fire engines won't get there because the mofo's put spikes in the trail. Or the firemen will step on the spikes. Then all the wilderness can burn! What a sick bunch of freaks. Of course wildfires are natural so it doesn't matter anyway to them I suppose.

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