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danyeo 11-29-2000 07:32 PM

I wish he would just give it up. Now we can all see what kind of leader he would have made, if you dont like the way way something turns out then change the rules or get your lawyers. NA NA NA NA, NA NA NA NA, HEY HEY HEY, GOODBYE. I think the judges are getting sick of his lawsuits.

rhubler 11-29-2000 11:14 PM

What a stupid comment. We're talking being the president here, a once in a lifetime opportunity to be the most powerful of all leaders in this world. I would fight to make sure who won the election just like you would if you were in Al's position. This is why we have laws and a court system, let them run their course.

99WarMachine 11-30-2000 12:52 AM

Al Gore has appealed to liberal activist judges, who have changed the law in his favor.

danyeo 11-30-2000 04:21 AM

Check your facts and read the news! According to all the laws that are in place this election should have been over 2 weeks ago. They have done the recounts FOUR times and still more lawsuits from the Democrats. Machine recounts are more accurate then hand recounts. People are bias! Tell me why were 1500 votes of enlisted overseas thrown out? Because of some stupid postmark error! Gore knows that the enlisted all voted in Republican favor thats why they tried to get those votes tossed but he files lawsuits to have votes recounted in Democratic counties in Florida which he still lost. Will of the people! Give me a break, Dont you see what they are trying to do? They lost and they are trying to steal this election but they are losing symphothy. Nixon bowed out for the good of the Country, remember! Gore could give a damm about the country, listen to his last speech before Monday night football questioning our enitre election process. Like i said he should give it up, Gore is getting a once in a lifetime chance to ruin our country and we are all getting sick of him. His chance at 2004 is all but gone!

rhubler 11-30-2000 10:07 AM

Get someone in your area to go over the facts and explain the news to you! In all of your infinite wisdom you overlooked the reason we have time between the election and moving into the whitehouse. This time is for transision between parties and any legal action to be finished. What laws are you talking about? Military ballots were thrown out because of postmark errors, we can't be 100% sure of where they came from. Once again in all of your wisdom you must have overlooked another law that says errors in post marks on ballots are not admissible. Sounds like you are making these laws of yours in your own head. I am waiting for another stupid comment from you DANYEO !

CatLance 11-30-2000 10:43 AM

First of all, I think of myself as conservative, I don't really like to label myself a Republican, but most of the time I do vote Republican. I also believe that according to my interpretation of the laws, George W. did win the election & Al Gore does have the right to contest the results. I believe that the FL Supreme Court did overstep their boundries a little by extending the deadline for the certification of the votes. By doing that, the whole contesting process is now a sham, & there is not enough time left to contest properly & there is no real way to know how this is going to turn out. The lawyers & the judges are going to fight it out in court & they will find no remedy before the deadline for the Electors to report to Washington to choose the new President. The FL Legislature is probably going to step in & try to direct the Electors to choose George W. & the Gore supporters will cry foul over that decision. Then the lawyers & Judges are going to get involved in that fight. Noone can say for sure how this is going to turn out, the only things for certain are

1: It is an unfortunate mess
2: For the next 4 years, the pres.( whoever it is) isn't going to be able to get anything done

Hopefully, the election process will get with the times & find a better way so this doesn't happen again. I seriously doubt this will happen because it will be up the the individual states & it will be soooo hard to get all 50 of them to agree on anything.

Sorry to sound pessimistic, but I don't see how this can end good for anyone.


rhubler 11-30-2000 10:56 AM

Very well said Catlance!

FKNA 11-30-2000 11:20 AM

Rhubler, Florida law states there must be a post mark. Federal law says one is not required, federal laws supercedes Florida law.

Catlance is so correct regarding Florida Supreme court overstepping their authority. Law should of been followed so we would be at the end of the contest phase instead of just now beginning it.

Here's something that really pisses me off. Bush won the state of Florida. Sure, it was a slim margin, but nonetheless Harris certified Bush as the winner of the electoral votes for that state giving him 271 electoral votes. Anyway, even though the election is currently being contested and it was well known it was being contested, NBC did NOT air Bush's speech Sunday night yet they interupt programming Monday night to air Gore's speech. I've always known the major networks to be liberally biased. However, NOT to air the president elects speech is down right ridiculous. I have since boycotted NBC from my household and locked that channel out of my programming.

danyeo 11-30-2000 11:41 AM

They are not finishing up legal actions, Gore's team is starting new ones even after Bush has been declared the winner of Florida. I just want this thing to be over, the longer it goes on the more people will pick sides and it's getting ugly.

BLH 11-30-2000 01:18 PM

Ok, I would like to get a Gore supporters out-take on this in a CALM manner. I don’t usually get excited or resentful. Everyone has the right to think the way they want. Given that please keep it civil so the powers that be don’t lock us out. Lets talk…..

1. The state of FL was machine counted….. Bush won

2. A recount was done, IAW state law because it was close…. Bush won

3. The democrats claimed anomalies in 3 counties, and asked the county commissions to hand count. (by the way, these counties were won by Gore in the first place)

4. Bush tried to stop the hand recounts, stating that it was not constitutionally legal to just count in a few counties, especially democratic won counties.

5. Gore countered, he had to because the people had been confused by the ballets of one county and the other two had discrepancies in the out polls, and there for it must be tabulating machine error. (note the “butterfly ballot” was designed by a democrat and approved by a democratic majority board, also the ballot was posted in the news paper a week in advance, and there were instructions at the voting facility)

6. Courts decide that the hand count can continue. (win for Gore)

7. The law states that 7 days after the vote, that the votes will be certified.

8. Sec of State Harris says she will certify the machine count. (the court said they could hand count, but didn’t say Harris had to except them)

9. Gore appeals Harris’s decision to not take the hand counts. (judge says for her to use her own desertion on the hand count)

10. Harris requests from the 3 counties a written reason, why she should include the hand counts. (read them for yourself, they’re on

11. Harris say the reasons are not good enough, she will certify the machine count.

12. The counting stops.

13. Gore appeals that to the St Supreme court, saying that Harris did not use “sound judgement” and that the recount should resume, that with out additional time the hand count can’t be completed and that Harris should take the hand counts.

14. The St supreme court ruled that the hand counts will be counted and established a new deadline. (win for gore? NO. the court rewrote the law a bit here, first be telling the Sec of State how to do her job, and second, by establishing a new date) (this was not a win for Gore because if Harris had been allowed to certify the vote like the law required then Gore would have had ample time to contest. That is why the law was written the way it was, the court in changing the law and Gore insisting the law be change screwed him out of the time he now desperately needs)

15. Bush file with the US supreme court, that the St supreme court rewrote the law. (the US supreme court can take or not take any case they choose, so why did they take this one, if not because they see a flaw in the St supreme courts actions)

16. So here we are now….. The rule of law had Gore not tried to change the law because he didn’t think it was fair, (remember Clinton did the same, broke the law, then said the law didn’t apply to him cause it wasn’t fair) he very well could have been the Pres elect today. Bush has done nothing but try to make the democrats follow the law.

I do understand the heart ache that Gore is going through, but it is of his own doing. If he had character, ethics and morals, he wouldn’t be in this mess.

So if I got this wrong, tell me……………………….

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