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MNT 03-12-2001 11:47 AM

From the Connection story:

""Editors Note:...... In Wisconsin it is legal to ride 2-up on an ATV. However, neither the manufacturer nor ATV Connection endorse or recommend riding 2-up."

Then WHY did the Connection ride and tell about riding "2-up?" There certainly is a machine built for a 13 year old. I'd think the Connection would have one but maybe I'm wrong. I think this was wrong to publicize.

"The reference to her driving the ATV occurred on a lake with no structures or other people nearby, accompanied by a professional driver and for less than 10 minutes of actual driving time."

Justifying what shouldn't be done in the frist place? "Accidents" have been known to happen to experienced riders while simply loading their machine on a trailer. 10 minutes is a long time for an accident to happen to a non-experienced 13 year old on an ADULT ATV. Although I'm guilty of doing the above with my kids, I think publicizing it was a NO NO and Mr. Beckstrom should have his hands slapped with a ruler.

K9Style 03-12-2001 09:16 PM

I thought this was a pretty good piece. Although I am getting pretty sick of people harping about 2-up, ya, ya I know it changes they way the quad handle's.

It change's the way a lot of vehicle's operate, not just motorized one's.

But you don't hear people bitching about 2-up on a motorcycle or snowmobile or even a bicycle.

"neither the manufacturer nor ATV Connection endorse or recommend riding 2-up." I agree this is a stupid statement, but that's because I think it's a crock to cover your backside in this fashion.

Riding 2-up in any situation requires you to pay attention, and not act/drive like a moron.

As far as Justifying what shouldn't be done in the frist place. Don't throw stone's. Nobody is perfect.

I think it's great that Mr. Beckstrom involves his daughter in such an awsome sport as ATVing, as well as allowing her to publish an article in an on-line mag. Lots of parents don't give a hoot where their kids are or what they are doing.

RichardB 03-13-2001 12:17 AM


I agree. As a Father of a 12 year old I very much enjoyed the young lady's account of the time spent with her father. It's a VERY refreshing thing to see a parent and child enjoying the same thing, spending time together and good quality time at that. The article was also well written.

With that said, riding two up on an ATV on flat ground with no obstacles and obviously supervised by an experienced rider is MUCH less of a risk than ignoring a child’s' need for good quality time with their parents.


Diogenes 03-13-2001 12:39 AM

You raise a good point, MNT.

ATV Connection receives support from the ATV industry.

Now, ATV Connection gets a little bit pregnant by sponsoring and highlighting underage and two-up riding, contrary to ATV Safety Institute doctrine, and the ATV industry product liability warning labels.

If stories on accidents are purged from the ATV Connection because of predatory product liability and personal injury lawyers' scrutiny, why publicize "known unsafe and dangerous practices?" Won't those same lawyers seize on this flaunting violation of widely publicized and well-known safety rules?

Whether one agrees or disagrees with the hazards of underage or two-up riding, some hypocrisy emerges from the "do as I say, not as I do" approach of the article, in my view.

I could be wrong. The ATV Connection might ask its ATV manufacturer sponsors for a second opinion.


MNT 03-13-2001 07:34 AM

DOGG and RichardB,
I think you guys fail to see my point. It's not the point of riding 2-up or underage drivers on an adult machine. I've taken the kids for a spin and my son who's under ten can probably drive an ATV better than some adults. My point? Ridng 2-up or a kid driving an adult machine is not acceptable to the public, period. You want to publicize something unacceptable, be prepared for consequences. I know lawyers who would use this "Child's View" story in a court room in a minute because a "professional" did it, why shouldn't his client (double ride or let a kid drive an adult machine). I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
Our sport's already in jeopardy the way it is. If I do not condone something, I don't do it.

sAyIt_fmf 03-13-2001 09:46 AM

I think it seems ok to me. I've ridden double on my property many times.
Hows that song by Tina Turner go?

MNT 03-13-2001 10:17 AM

You don't get the point, do you Jim? What YOU do ,that isn't appropriate in the public's eye, keep it to yourself so your actions doesn't make all of us look bad.

QAMudder 03-13-2001 11:02 AM

MNT, I don't think you get the point. Mr.Beckstrom can decide to allow any article on HIS website no matter what the topic is so long as it meets HIS criteria. This is a public forum and the site is mostly free but he can decide what goes on it and who can enter if he chooses to, just as if it were a store with an obnoxious customer that didn't like what he sold. Just because you percieve that the message or article does not coinside with what you believe you cannot say what goes on the site. If you want to go slap someones hand how about starting with yourself, maybe that will motivate you to do something 1/100th as influencial to the sport as atv connection has.

MNT 03-13-2001 12:57 PM

Now you're talking like a child, and very well could be. If you don't care what happens to our sport, that's your problem.

QAMudder 03-13-2001 01:00 PM

Excellent comeback MNT, way to stand behind your arguement.

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