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MadDog1096 06-11-2003 11:04 AM

Injured riding the sportsman 500
Hi all, first let me say I'm glad to be part of this forum. Anyway we went riding in mountains yesterday, we had a blast. Little bit of mud, snow, and a lot of good trails. On the way back to the truck, we were traveling down a dirt road. My cousin Steve must have been going to fast, because he didn't make one of the corners. He busted his collar bone pretty bad, the bone was sticking out of the skin a little. the doctors also wanted to X-ray his leg I guess they said he hit hard enough to have the joints from his knee area, tear.
Anyway just wanted you guys (and gals) to know, my cousin is a fair rider. He was wearing his helmet. However it just goes to show how easy it is to crash and get hurt on these machines. It's his own dumb fault for going to fast, but now he's in the hospital for 2 days, can't work for a while, and to top it all off he doesn't have any insurance. So be careful out there.

401 06-11-2003 03:39 PM

Injured riding the sportsman 500
OUCH ![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img] Kinda did the same thing on a street bike.Dislocated wrist,5 pins and a screw that will never come out.Learned my lesson the hardway,on pavement.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]

kblazk 06-11-2003 11:25 PM

Injured riding the sportsman 500
man that would suck having screws inside of you for the rest of your life. Is it a metal screw or plastic one? To me that kindof feels like fingernails across a black board.

MadDog1096 06-12-2003 09:45 AM

Injured riding the sportsman 500
I talked to him today, he will be in the hospital untill this evening. They put a metal plate and six screws on his collar bone. They said his knee is fine, just bruised and scraped. He will be carying that crash with him the rest of his life.

401 06-12-2003 09:55 AM

Injured riding the sportsman 500
Surgical stainless steel,It'll never rust.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]It is so far in there you can't feel it.

bearthunder 06-12-2003 07:35 PM

Injured riding the sportsman 500
Sorry about your cousin maddog! It truly is amazing how fast things happen-
when they do tho', it makes us appreciate the important things in life[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

dcatt 06-12-2003 11:58 PM

Injured riding the sportsman 500
I know how you feel, myself and about six others went riding around a rock quarry yesterday and very shortly into the ride one of the riders who I think didn't have a lot of experience lost it on a narrow trail next to the edge of the quarry and at the last second she fell off the back and the honda recon went over the edge of the quarry and fell 150 yards straight down into the very deep water below. We found her hugging a tree on the edge of the ledge, after we got her up, and settled down, we went down to another place where we could see better and there was the recon upside-down with the rear tires sticking out of the water. She went down to the truck to call the rescue squad, and they came in about an hour with a jet ski and pulled it back through the quarry to the other end until they got it out. It absolutely scared the @%$*! out of all of us, and showed how quickly things can go from having a good time riding, to possible death or serious injury in a blink of an eye. It also showed me the importance of having a four wheel drive over a two. The place where she lost it, we, on the 4wds, just lugged over it, with no problem, and she felt like she needed to hit it with speed to keep up her momentum to get up it. That made me a believer out of me about the importance of a four wheel drive over a 2wd, although I already felt that way pretty much anyway, I defintely do now.
Believe me it's not a good feeling, pretty sick to be exact, watching someone's 4 wheeler, even if it's a Honda, (Just kidding, ) go over the side of a cliff and falling into the water 150 yards below and watching it sink into the water out of sight.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]

MadDog1096 06-22-2003 07:50 PM

Injured riding the sportsman 500
Wow sounds like quite an experience dcatt. I rolled one down mountain a couple of years ago, luckily it didn't go too far, and it only cost me $300 dollars for repairs. I do know that sick feeling though. I guess I've been pretty luck myself, in the fact that I haven't got hurt on these things yet. I love riding so much I think it's only a matter of time before I hurt myself. Knock on wood.

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