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LawnWorks 11-21-2002 09:17 PM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
except in Gone in 60 Seconds

JakalWarrior 11-21-2002 09:56 PM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
Police choppers wont do but around 200 (Long time since I heard the number but 200 sounds right). Bike wont outrun em but a few cars can. As for speeding on a bike, I could care less, I mean how much damage can he do to another car? Lets say he rearends you at 70, he dies, you get a new trunk...... Now if he was in an Excursion doing 70 in a 35 (Obviously noone was around and he was just cruisin) and he rearended me I would personaly beat the living crap out of him as soon as I got out of the hospital. I would try to take him to court for attempted homacide.

fm1972nova 11-21-2002 10:39 PM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
Quadfather i agree with you.

I own a bike (1100 Ninja) plus 2 drag cars (70 Nova and Rear Engine Dragster). So i know when to do it and were to do it. And its not on the streets. What really gets me is that the people in the picture seem proud they got the tickets.

87banshee250sx... Bud what are you going to think when your at work ( if your old enough) and your mom comes to see you and tells you your brother has been killed in a wreck? Guess what... that happened to me and he left 2 babies for his wife to raise alone.

JakalWarrior 11-21-2002 10:55 PM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
When you get a ticket that big you should get a bug that says : "Preferred customer of ??PD"
I would take a picutre too, so I could remember what It was like back in the good ol days when I could afford insurance. Besides, might as well get some sort of suvenir for all that money.

truckracer 11-21-2002 11:25 PM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
I agree with Jakal, if your gonna get the ticket and pay for it, then take the picture and be proud !

RSO660R 11-22-2002 12:12 AM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
70 in a 35 what is that ,residential ,school zone, pedestrians at risk here ?

JakalWarrior 11-22-2002 12:48 AM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
I dunno but I live beside what used to be a drag strip, Only two businesses on either side all the way down and both are fenced in. They so graciously blessed the road with a speed limit of 25. Feels like a sin to drive 25 down it, but I do it anyway since its within eye shot of a police station. A whole lot of areas are graced with 35mph speed limits and its usually because the road is narrow (down here). Considering all those cops were waiting for him, I would say it was probably that little limbo area right after you leave a neighborhood but havent quite yet merged into the rear road, and 35 is just so you will be ready for the up and coming 25. Either way, my golden rule is 5 over is fine (domestic spedos rate you 2-3 mph faster than ur really going), and 10mph over is for big time hurrys, like bout to use the bathroom on yourself. Anything more than 30 over better only be for a few seconds and noone else should be on the road. Besides, if you cant see a soul then you cant hurt anyone and you also cant get a ticket. Those long bridges are just so tempting though because you know your going to see one going by on the other side and you know theres no reasonable way he can get you >[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] , dont taunt them too much though because they will draw you on their donut box and be on the look out [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] *no offence to any real cops, lol*

AlaskaYFM 11-22-2002 12:55 AM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
nick, i think your brother and his friends are the idiots in this case... he!!, they say it themselves on their webpage. if you want to go extremely fast-- that's fine, take it to the track. just don't endanger everyone else with your stupidity... (and yes I ride streetbikes, I used to have a CBR F3)

Batoutahell 11-22-2002 01:21 AM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
It only takes a second to kill yourself or someone else.

I had a very good friend that decided it was fun to run from the police on his streetbike, it was a crotch rocket, dont remember what it was exactly. Happened about 9 years ago.

Anyway, he ran a couple of times from police. This was in the suburbs around pheonix. One night after a few beers decided to do it again, ran into the back of a parked car not 100 yards from his house doing about 90 and died on the scene.

I am a street rodder, have raced, street raced, and did alot of stupid things when younger, Now older and wiser I prefer to enjoy my life and my family. I just want to let you all know that speed can kill. I hate to see kids come on here and brag about speeding and getting tickets and such.

Off my soapbox now, take care and be careful

Cjones013 11-22-2002 02:53 AM

Funny pic of a $350+ speeding ticket!
""As for speeding on a bike, I could care less, I mean how much damage can he do to another car? Lets say he rearends you at 70, he dies, you get a new trunk...... ""

Hmmm, never seen the driver of a car decapitated by a motorcycle's engine after the motorcycle ate a light pole at 145 mph and threw pieces of his bike into oncoming traffic, have we?

First off, A speeding motorcycle CAN kill someone in a car. All it takes is the bike hitting a door that somebody is sitting by. Anyone who rides a bike can tell you that this is the most common way an accident between a bike and car happens. The car either doest see the bike and pulls out in front of it, or the bike comes around a curve at Mach 2 and the car is already in the process of pulling out and Wham, bike rider is dead, and occupant of the car sitting where the bike hit is dead. The motorcyclist doesnt have to see the driver of the car live the rest of his life thinking " if I only didnt turn/ pull out into the road/ take that route home". The motorcyclist doesnt have to be there when the police go to his house to tell his family their son/ father/ brother/ DADDy, isnt coming home and the funeral will need to be closed casket. The motorcyclist is scattered all over the road!
If speeding on a bike isnt dangerous ( and Im not talking 15-20 over the limit, I mean the 100+ mph fools) why do you think the cops would risk their lives to go that fast to catch you? The cop knows that 15-20 bucks an hour isnt worth their life! They do it becouse they have seen what those kinds of speeds cause, and want to write the ticket to deter you from doing it again.
Most of the people who ride that fast have gotten tickets before for riding that fast, therefore---cant afford insurance or cant find an Ins Co to cover them... Who do you thing pays for the Ambulance ride , hospital stay, and emergency surgery to try to save the bikers life? We Do. ever wonder why it costs an average person $500-$1000 for an ambulance ride to the hospital? To make up for what they lose hauling these uninsured idiots around. Or why your Vehicle Insurance goes up each year even though you havent had an accident or ticket? Becouse some fools luck ran out at 120+ mph on an uninsured crotch rocket.
I dont mean to rant and rave, but Im speaking from personal experience. I an a Traffic Homicide Investigator for a major police Dept. I have seen the drivers/ occupants of cars killed from a wreck with a bike, I have told families of a relatives death- then been yelled and cursed at, spit on, called a liar, and assaulted becouse they have to take out their anger and pain on someone else ( the one who caused it isnt there!) and have had my shoulder cried on so many times I've lost count. I have pushed a patrol car to speeds even I am uncomfortable with to try and catch a motorcycle ( although I have a wife and son at home waiting for me), And I have helped the Forensic sciences (coroner) investigator scrape motorcyclist's body parts off cars, skulls off of poles and walls, brain matter out of the road, and have searched accident scenes to see where that dang foot/ leg/ arm/ HEAD, may have dissappeared to. I have spent many nights awake, unable to sleep well due to what I had seen that day (I can only imagine what the surviving drivers in the crash go through).
So yes, the next time you want to see what that bike will do, open 'er only affect yourself... Just be on good terms with the God of your choice, you may be seeing him sooner than you expect. And tell you'r family you love them before you leave, so I dont have to tell them " Im sure he loved you", "he's in a better place"...cause that gets old quick.

sorry for the length of the reply

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