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OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

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Old 05-14-2003, 05:48 AM
bombrider's Avatar
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

We lack the will????????? youve been doing this for what? 2 years? whe've been doing it for more then 55!!!! When worst comes to worts for you guys (and im not saying it not) a couple a thousend people loose their lives (knock on wood), but for us, game over!!! you try living in a war zone serounded by about 7 countrys that jast about evry man women or child will shoot you, your family and evry one you know on site! we'll see how much will you'l have then! we live 911 on a daily basis! now come on people! stop this foolish argument! you agree that their government are a buch of fools, and you also agree that not all canadiens are to! so what are you fighting about?
Old 05-14-2003, 06:04 AM
raptor8's Avatar
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

i should learn to keep my mouth shut
Old 05-14-2003, 06:30 AM
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

You dont wanna know.....
Old 05-14-2003, 06:41 AM
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

Old 05-14-2003, 06:46 AM
rivermud's Avatar
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

I have to beleive the Canadians when they say they dont agree with there goverments way of doing things. Mainly because I dont agree with ours, the US and Canada both have become way to politicly correct (Mainly do to the liberal media) They are constantly trying to take our guns, our rights, and tell us what we cant do on our own land. When I went goose hunting in Canada last year it was like a different time period. Anyone we asked to hunt on there property said (sure feel free). That does not happen here, out of 100 people you will be lucky to find one that wont have you arrested for trespassing. Our big border problem is with those damn Mexicans, they come in by the thousands illeagely, rape the wellfare system, unemployment, healthcare system, with us paying the bill. the Mexican president Fox is always trying to tell us what to do, and he wouldnt even back us on the war. I live in Missouri, I should not have to read spanish at the gas station. Im not politicly correct so I will feel free to say (If you cant speak the language get the hell out of the country)

''Protect America from the liberal assault on our borders language and culture!!!" (Mike Savage)
Old 05-14-2003, 07:10 AM
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

The problem is when you train infents to kill israeli (and also americans by the way) you cant reasen with them! by their tenth birthday they get an ak47 to play with. now the setelments are also part of the problem, and we are still waiting fro a leader with some ***** to get them the hell out of there. and as i said before, terrorists cant be reasend with, you know that, and as long as the palastinien athoraty is being controled by terrorists, it will never be resolved, now we jast hope that that new guy abo-mazen will clear himself out of all terrorist conections and kick arafat the he!! out of there, and then there will be peace.
Old 05-14-2003, 09:19 AM
thegutlesswonder's Avatar
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!


Just so you know, the anthem got booed at a Hockey Game in Montreal. It was booed by a group of Frenchmen. Again, the majority of English Canada identifies with the USA and supports you. I'm an English speaking person who was born in Quebec. Trust me, there is tonnes of animosity between the English and the French in Canada. We English speaking Canadians were just as upset as you were to hear about that. A couple of nights later, the national anthem was played at another hockey game in Ottawa. It received a standing ovation. This was the same day that there was a huge rally on Parliament Hill in support of your country. It was also the same day that I called the US embassy here in Ottawa to apologize for the attitudes of French Canadians, and I was told that the embassy had received an incredible amount of calls expressing the same sentiment. If you look back, historically, the French in Canada have always opposed war, while the English have taken a more American approach. So, in the end, please realize that our Prime Minister is a spineless idiot whose time is up, the majority of Canadians support your country, and French vs English is a battle that has existed since time immemorial.
Old 05-14-2003, 09:46 AM
Kodiac400's Avatar
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

Well said thegutlesswonder.
Old 05-14-2003, 02:32 PM
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

Bombrider is right. If it would of been permitted, Israel would of been right alongside our troops in this conflict. And no amount of leadership in that region is going to help that mess, unless the leader of Israel grows a pair. They are surrounded by countries that would like nothing more than to see every man, woman, and child killed. People that raise their children to hate from childhood. These are people that hate us, and them, so much that they are willing to kill themselves just to take out innocent people. They actually beleive they'll go to heaven, and be surrounded by virgins or something. If it was me, I think I'd want to be surrounded by some ladies with experience. Israel and the people of Palestine have been killing eachother for thousands of years. Israel is our only true ally over there. Why they haven't retaliated and wiped out every single Palestinian, is beyond me. I think they certainly have earned that right. It's crazy to think that by giving the Palestinians their own state will solve anything. It really pi**ses me off to think that Palestinian have the right to keep pulling this cr*p, and Israel is supposed to continue just taking it. "Let's talk, tell me how you feeeeeel. Is everything okay? What can I give you to make you stop killing innocent people"? They are criminals and murderers. Wipe them out, and it's over with. Why does the world insist that Israel negotiate with terrorist? Because oil comes from the middle east, and they don't want to pi** off all the whack jobs that run those countries, supplying them oil. The US is the only country who will support them. And, to be honest, we've made them hold back several times when they were ready to go do what needs to get done. This middle east terrorist cr*p has gone on long enough. In fact, I wish our country wouldn't stop in Iraq. Take them all out. I'm sick of it. My god, we have no fly zones over frickin Disney Land. These worthless dirtbags want to kill children. These people would dance in the streets if it happened. I think we all watched the blatant lies of the Iraqi Information Minister during the conflict. Well, that's what all those countries do on a daily basis. Blatant lies! We just didn't see it as clearly as when we were informed of what was actually happening, and got to see what they were saying.
Old 05-14-2003, 03:30 PM
kuz28's Avatar
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Default OH CANADA???????? time for a border skirmish!!!!

Sigh. all we are doing is taking each other out of context. i know its not all Canadiens...but unfortunatly that doesn't change my feelings on how things went done. it stunk.

Now..my Israeli Ally. you live 911 daily? i don't think so. we lose more people to drunk drivers annualy than you to terrorists. Look at the scale of the attack. And be careful my friend. We endured that attack for our support we supply your country. We have fertalized the lands of democracy with the blood of great Americans for centuries! CENTURIES. Facism, Communism...terrorism will be another chapter in the great history of America. You doubt us...thats lacking vision.

(to all our former allies) hate me...sure it bothers me. But in the end. i'd still defend you and yours for the freedom to do so. even if it meant my life...or my sons. Do you understand the passion for freedom Americans have...do you? "you did it for the oil." how dare you. cowardess fools. we are better than that. better than you. in fact we are you. just a better version. a melting pot of greatness. And we don't need you.

Raptor660rnh from the great state of New Hampshire
"live free or die"


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