Gas Gas Files for Bankruptcy Protection

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To most Americans the name Gas Gas sounds like a stutter when asking for a fill up or perhaps a condition that could require a lot of antacid but that’s not the case in Spain. In fact, Gas Gas is an extremely popular company known for producing 2-stroke trials motorcycles and even tried their hand at the ATV scene in the form of the Wild 300 2-stroke and 450 4-stroke racing quads.
We’ve just received word that on May 18th Gas Gas Motos has filed for insolvency in the Spanish courts while the company seeks new investors.

A statement issued by Gas Gas reads: “In spite of all efforts to find a solution to the current financial situation and re-structure the company, to date none has been found. In the coming weeks a court appointed trustee will take control of the company, but until that date, efforts continue to secure the investment required.”
They went on to say that if locating new investors fails, the company is to be sold off.

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