Ask the Editors: Sloppy Throttle Cable

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Dear ATVC: Do throttle cables stretch over time? Mine seems to have become loose. firsttimerider

Absolutely- like any manual metal cable, the throttle cable is not immune to stretching over time. Keeping the cable and its housing well lubricated is a means of extending its life. Keeping water out of the rubber housing is another. Finally keeping the cable and cam where it connects to the carburetor lubed is always a smart idea as well.

Even still, some degree of stretch is inevitable over time. Fortunately most machines boast a system where it can be adjusted at the throttle cable housing (right next to the thumb throttle) to take up free-play of anywhere between 5-10 millimeters.
Usually this works well enough to take out a little slack/ make things feel more responsive but the only cure for a badly stretched cable (or one that has already been tightened up in the past) is to simply buy a new one and replace it.

Ask the Editors: Sloppy Throttle Cable

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