Ask the Editors: What Is This Thing?

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Ask the Editors: What Is This Thing?
Mystery machine.

Dear ATVC: I just bought this for my grand-kids. The seller said its a 50cc Kasea wheeler. I can’t find the vin# on it. Does anybody know what it is?

It took a lot of digging but we were finally able to match the picture up with a machine called the Kasea Outback 90.
Ask the Editors: What Is This Thing?
While Urban Scooters claims to have also offered this machine in a 50cc configuration, we could find no record of its actual existence (even the picture for the listing was of the 90cc model upon scrutiny).

Your best bet would be to give them a call or shoot them an email of the pic and ask them if they can provide any more information. Kasea has made a few 50cc machines throughout the years, but none of them we ever saw looked like this:

It was probably manufactured in the late 2000s/ early 2010s.

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