Product Review: EVS Vex Chest Protector/ RC3 Race Collar

Product Review: EVS Vex Chest Protector/ RC3 Race Collar

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Upper Body Protection on a Budget
By: Jason Giacchino
The Situation:

ATV riding can be a lot like traversing a battlefield. Especially when multiple quads find themselves occupying limited space. Rapidly spinning rear tires result in trail debris turned projectiles: stones, dirt balls, roots and did we mention stones? Collectively we call this stuff roost and all it takes is a good peppering once to start seeking bodily protection.

The Solution:

Whether you call them roost deflectors, chest protectors, flack jackets or shoulder pads, a hard plastic suit of armor with interior padding is just the ticket to providing protection from roost showers. And there is no shortage of options on the market from which to choose.

We selected the Vex Chest Protector from EVS on account of the fact that in addition to offering protection from projectiles, it boasts additional safety features that we appreciate. Among these:

• Fitted ergonomic design
• Low profile shape
• Can be worn under or over a jersey
• Full chest and spine coverage
• Adjustable front and back panel
• Molded foam edge padding for added comfort

Perhaps most noteworthy in this case was the chest protector’s ability to integrate with EVS’ RC3 Race Collar.

What’s a Race Collar?
A race collar is a small foam donut that sits atop the chest protector but below the helmet. Its purpose is to offer additional roost protection to the neck and throat, and reduce the chance of injury to the collarbone and neck in the event of a crash.

How does it accomplish such lofty goals? Surprisingly simply: It offers the shock of head (helmet) impact somewhere aside from the body to disperse.

The EVS RC3 Race Collar fits perfectly into place with the Vex Chest Protector but it should be noted that the collar will attach to most roost deflector’s regardless of brand.


We picked up the Vex Chest Protector for .99 and the RC3 Race Collar for .99.

Real World Performance:

Fit, quality and finish is all top notch. We selected the middle size option and were satisfied with its snug fit against the body, especially when worn above the jersey.

Movement wasn’t noticeably restrictive except when attempting to look back over a shoulder (then the combination of raised shoulder area, collar and helmet frontal area come together).

While claims of under-the-jersey protection seem valid with the Vex, we found there to be a tad too many unpadded pressure points present to impress all but the most masochistic.

Installation of the RC3 Collar was surprisingly simple. To ensure that the collar stays properly in place, the RC3 features thermal formed-rubber connectors that attach to any chest protector that features adjustable straps for the chest/ back plates.

Not only does this minimize unwanted collar motion, it eliminates having to locate two separate components at the trailhead. Thanks to an easy-to-open hook-and-loop strap up front, the collar goes right on and stays put.


Race Collar and Chest Protector

We came away from this combo quite impressed. We’re big advocates in the safety benefits of riding with a neck brace/ collar and until now, one of the biggest deterrents has been the overwhelming cost of entry. EVS has actually done what had been considered impossible just a few seasons back by offering a quality chest protector with the option of a matching neck collar all for about the cost of the competitor’s roost deflector alone!

EVS has a winner on their hands and we’re extremely pleased to recommend this package to anyone seeking additional protection from airborne debris and the security of knowing modern engineering is at work in the event of taking an impromptu soil sample.


Have you ever used a Chest Protector or a Race Collar before? Do you find them useful? What do you think of these EVS products? Discuss it here!


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