ATV Stacker: Sky’s the Limit Quad Storage

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ATV Stacker: Sky’s the Limit Quad Storage

Storage for your ATVs has a lot in common with “a good thing”: There’s simply no such thing as too much! When we hear about innovative storage solutions, we get naturally excited; especially when they bring a new dimension of space optimization to the equation. Do yourself a favor and take a look at the area where your quad is currently parked. Now look up to the ceiling above it. Odds are pretty good that you could easily fit another ATV in that space.

Enter the ATV Stacker, a two-tiered rack that facilitates storage of all-terrain vehicles with one on top of the other. The design intent is to provide a convenient and space-saving means of storing vehicles that is secure, portable and lockable.

Invented by David C. Grimmer of Mesa, AZ, The ATV Stacker is designed to provide quad vehicle enthusiasts a secure, space saving means of storing and managing their equipment. Eliminating the need to crowd floor space to store more than one ATV, the product could potentially free much needed room on the floors of garages and storage sheds.

Outfitted with durable sway bars and locks, this product would facilitate complete security for costly ATVs. The vehicles would remain in place, and the ATV Stacker would also effectively discourage theft of ATV’s, as this product would make it more difficult to steal them.

Packaged in kit form with clear, concise assembly instructions, the ATV Stacker could be put together in an easy and expedient manner. Additionally, the unit’s wheels allow for easy moving so that both quads can be relocated at the same time, and the area around and underneath the unit can be cleaned on a regular basis.

Housing two ATVs at once, this unique product would prove an invaluable addition to garages and storage sheds and is sure to be well received by the owners and operators of all terrain vehicles; we have only one bit of advice… Make sure the cleaner of the two quads gets top bunk!



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