Ask the Editors: Honda ATV Key Code

Ask the Editors: Honda ATV Key Code

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Honda ATV Key Code Identification Help
Let’s do some decoding.

Dear ATVC: I have a 2024 Honda TRX520FE and I have lost my keys. Yes both of them. Question – I pulled the ignition and there are two codes on the plastic housing on the outside of the ignition switch. “2XED50” and “R45”

I know the format D50 would fit as a key code. Any input from someone who is in the know would be greatly appreciated. Is this the key code?

ALL Honda ATVs from 1983-present use the same basic key code for the dealership to identify – One letter followed by two numbers. Letter will always be A-D.

A, B, C, or D followed by a 2 digit number.

You have the code nearly completely solved. The 2x means it came from the factory with two keys. E for electric start and the actual key code would be D50.

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