Ask The Editors: Off Brand ATV A-Arms Help

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How to find off-brand ATV a-arms
It can be done but it isn’t as easy as just hitting up the dealership.

Dear ATVC: I Need to find new A-arms for my Chinese ATV. It’s an off brand – where do I begin?

There isn’t a week that goes by that we don’t get a dozen questions concerning parts support for Chinese/ off-brand ATVs and the answer is almost always the same – you’re going to have to do a little digging.

The reason off-brand equipment isn’t the same as if you needed a part for your Yamaha or Honda in that brands, makes and models are not specific when dealing with Chinese merchandise. Instead, factories churn out countless examples of a single machine that then receive generic sticker treatment prior to shipping that serves as the brand name, the make and the size. Often these aren’t even real companies or the displacement identifier isn’t even correct.
How to find off-brand ATV a-arms
This can work for you or against you – against you because, as you are discovering, finding a particular part for your Yaboto GTX150 (or whatever your sticker says) is nearly impossible. There is no Yaboto and your machine may actually be 100cc.

It can work for you, though, as there is a very good possibility this identical ATV is available in a dozen different names and sizes.

What you need to do, then, is go by the measurement rather than branding. Measure from the center of the ball joint housing to the center of the pivot tube on both the front and back sides and use this number to cross-reference compatible units. Be sure to write down that number in both inches and centimeters to increase your odds of locating what you need when searching.

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