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ANNIHILATER 09-12-2004 11:50 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
I just got off the phone with the owner of the 300ft track In Amargosa, here are the rules.

We can basically set up our own weekend race , If there is enough participants. 30 bikes or more.

Rules- No quads, buggies or dirtbikes faster than 4 sec. but these machines are all allowed to run.

I kinda talked the guy into setting up the track for some forum members and other draggers that want to go and race w/ TIME SLIPS to see where we all are at. The guy needs $100 from each racer to cover ALL cost to basically run AS MUCH as we want during the weekend (2 days) days and maybe evening. The track will be fully insured and prepped for 300ft. The guy will even BBQ some burgers during this time. There is a hotel not far away or you can camp, Also Amargosa dunes are not far, maybe 20 mins from track. If we can get enough people together so this guy can get insurance and tractors and water trucks in motion. I think it would be a GREAT time. We can run for fun on Sat, and then go heads up on sunday. Moderators, I have no affiliation w/ this track owner other than trying to get everyone to race. .

Participants can pay the owner of the track to enter when we arrive.

This guy wants me to handle the questions, he is a very busy man, Thanks.

A potential date would be Edit- Mid Nov.. If 30 people or more can commit. EDIT-- Mid Nov

All AZ guys are welcome and anyone else.

Anyone interested report right here!!...

ANNIHILATER 09-12-2004 11:57 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Heres who I can think of off the top of my head, let me know who is interested.

Annihilater (me)
Slowride?and freinds
Slimchance?(from vegas)
And maybe a few others that are non forum members here in town.

If we cant get 30 people we are S.O.L., NO big deal, But this could be a cool deal.

bulldogz400 09-13-2004 12:14 AM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
As long as nothin too serious comes up you can count me in!!! Lemme know details...

ANNIHILATER 09-13-2004 12:19 AM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
We might be able to do it the month after, I would have to check.

Our whole group would practicaly own the track for 2 days, and we would not have to wait for a million people to run in between, then kick back and party up. we could get plenty of vids and see who can run what.

Lets see how these hill shooters react on a tree.

Different classes can be set-up according to cc and trial times.

BlackHawk 09-13-2004 04:30 AM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
That sounds cool - FAIR drags where people get a red light if the leave (sparks) early. I don't think I'd drag, but I might go as a spectator. I assume this is a dirt type of drag (not sand) so knobbies and who has what dirt tires (of all things!) would come into play.

speeeedy 09-13-2004 01:48 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
if i am sprayen by then you can count me in. i might need to buy some razer2s also. and yes my nephew will probly be the pilot. it sounds like alot of fun!

thunderalley400ex 09-13-2004 02:55 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Id be up for it for sure, I just hope my bike is done by then [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]

ANNIHILATER 09-13-2004 03:33 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Maybe mid Oct is too soon, we can shoot for mid Nov. And give everybody plenty of time.

Also, we should be able to run paddles, or knobbies, Ill have to see what hooks better, and I will know in advance.

BigDaddy331 09-13-2004 03:34 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
a LOT of "if's" out there...... Come on men, pull up on the boot straps and quit making excuses. Mario is my pal, and I support him. My $100 is in! I'll buy anyone who beats me a beer or soda. If I beat you, you owe me!

Calling you punks out! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

Now that I'm done stirring the pot... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

Mario and I are willing to do all the work and make this an event. We're looking at Mid November, and hoping to make this a pretty big shin-dig. For those of you who are within 300 - 400 miles - step up to the plate. We will meet and try to get some of the details ironed out. T-shirts, food, vendors etc. etc. Looking for a name, and several have crossed my small mind.

Tur"n"key Shoot
Thanksgiving Day Classic
Leave it in the Dirt
Armagosa Lightning

Anyway, this is what I do for a living - event programming. So pardon me for running with it. We will be making NO MONEY what so ever. Just want to give those out there an event and a good time. Hope to have a good showing and make this a yearly thing. We want to make this a family event, so best behavior is MANDITORY! We will need officials in different areas, and those who are interested, please email or PM Mario (ANNIHILATER) or myself.

I'd like to start a thread, that's pinned and always at the top. I will get in touch with administrotors ASAP. Thanks for your interests guys.

BigDaddy out!

bombdsbaja 09-13-2004 03:36 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
I agree with Chris, I'm not fast enough to be racing, well to be shelling out 100 bucks to find out what I already know!! I'm slow ( for now) but I would like to come see you guys race fast.


BigDaddy331 09-13-2004 03:47 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Let's be real.... if we get enough people, the price will drop. We need about 3K to get the event going and that is VERY cheap - that's only 30 people. We we get 60 racers, then the price drops dramatically. Obviously, it's not a linear equation because more people will be more taxing on the track, but it should cut it dramatically.

Also, the possibility of having an ALL stock class, with a tech inspection is VERY possible. A simple tournament format is VERY easy. With an entire two days, we can do a lot of "In-Class" racing.

Simple, Simple, Simple. I've already got a T-shirt sponsor willing to give us cost, and my connections will make vendor collaboration fairly painless.

Any other excuses?

This event would be for all of us, and something that would be very fun for the community. This is not a kill or be killed event. It's meant to give those who have experience, a chance to show there stuff. For those with little or no experience to gain knowledge and have a good time. That's what this is about. Nothing more, and nothing less.

BlackHawk 09-13-2004 05:44 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
This is sounding better and better as the time goes on. Is there a dyno there? Not that I've ever been fortunate enough to get my ATVs on one, but I think a lot of people would be curious about a dyno anyhow. Or how far is the dyno you guys use? If we can get something together in November that would be awesome - for an event this size it's short notice, but that doesn't make it impossible. I really like the idea of it being a fair start.

KGB 09-13-2004 07:15 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
I am not the fast guy, but it sounds like a hell of a time. And a good chance to put names with faces.
Where exactly is Arimigosa?How far from Vegas?

BigDaddy331 09-13-2004 07:26 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Hour and half to two hours, depending where in Vegas your coming from.

I really like the idea of 3 classes - granted this may not be how everyone else does it, but it is simple and should be a lot of fun.

1 = Stock (Pipes, CDI's, Air Filters, carbs and jetting only - no internal mods)
2 = Super Stock (Pistons no higher than 12.5:1, Cams, Naturally Aspirated on any fuel - no NO2)
3 = Modified Unlimited (You name it, you run it)

Everyone must wear helmets, shirts, long pants and shoes/boots

Talk to me?

KGB 09-13-2004 07:53 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Sounds like a great idea. The three classes will do a very good job of allowing everybody to be competitive.
Big Daddy, if you were coming from Salt Lake, would you go all the way to Vegas, then go from there, or is it short of Vegas?
I could do this on a weekend.....Leave friday after work, come home sunday afternoon.

ANNIHILATER 09-13-2004 08:34 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Blackhawk, I can get a portable dyno there, all most 99% sure.

KGB, Try mapquest from S/L to Amargosa.

speeeedy 09-13-2004 08:39 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
hey mario i bet we could get powerhouse to bring his portible dyno up there. w/ enough people, he could charge a minimal fee and still come out w/ a nice size bank roll! this could be alot of fun. and if ther is like a semi stock class i bet alot of people would be in. the more activities and what not the more of a turn we will have! and mid nov. would be better for me too. will there be rv parking so i can have a place for us you and margret to sleep?

ANNIHILATER 09-13-2004 08:56 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
We will probably take a rig down ourselves, But there Should be plenty of space to park and camp.
We are going to talk with the owner this evening and get some more details. The good thing about this event is that there will mostly be 4 strokes there, but all 4.0 banshees or slower are allowed..

Dirtbikes and buggies slower than 4.0 are welcome too. We will find out if wheely bars are manditory ( I doubt it )

THe super fast cars and bikes are not recomended due to the very end of the track, It gets bumpy for all the room it takes for a 2.9 sec dragster to slow down, and we want a safe melow environment. Cough, cough, 4strokes, cough.

DSJOBBER 09-13-2004 09:03 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Sounds like a good time. Looks like its past Dumont right? If we get enough people we could have a bolt on class. I think there are more of us with external bolt on mods then anything else. IT would be interesting to see how the same mods on different bikes do against each other. Would be great for tuning. Any experienced dirt/flat racing peeps with experience feel free to chime in about good tire setups. Thanks

speeeedy 09-13-2004 09:06 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
sounds sweet. the old ball and chain gave me permission to get the boons set up at the 1st of oct. i cant wait. it should be a ripp pushing 80 hp w/ a 130 lbs pilot!

THeBYRD 09-13-2004 10:05 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
I live in vegas and been to the dunes plenty of times but i cant figure where you would run 300ft drags? Is it actually at the dunes or further away? I would like to go out and watch. My stocker wouldnt do so good i dont think.

Kenzcycle 09-13-2004 10:48 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Kenz Cycle Tech is intrested , we will keep watching for the time and date .

speeeedy 09-13-2004 10:53 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa

Originally posted by: THeBYRD
I live in vegas and been to the dunes plenty of times but i cant figure where you would run 300ft drags? Is it actually at the dunes or further away? I would like to go out and watch. My stocker wouldnt do so good i dont think.
thats the best part. like i posted before they are hoping to have a stock class too. the more people who sighn up the funer it will be!

bulldogz400 09-13-2004 10:59 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Yes a stock class. or close to it, would be a help because they are much much much more common than us full tilt engine guys who are few and far between. If that is the case I may be able to get some friends who would be interested...

ANNIHILATER 09-13-2004 11:03 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa

Originally posted by: Kenzcycle
Kenz Cycle Tech is intrested , we will keep watching for the time and date .

Glad to hear it we will keep everyone posted. Its really not that bad of a drive for you all.
We could possibly do this twice a year.

marbleous 09-13-2004 11:16 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Hey Mario did you say sandrails also?

speeeedy 09-13-2004 11:55 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
i will anwser for him. if they dont run under 4.0 seconds!

ANNIHILATER 09-14-2004 12:18 AM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Bring your quads Frank, Dont think you can take the easy way out!!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

BigDaddy331 09-14-2004 12:27 AM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
also thinking of putting in a children's class.

Mario and I will be getting together this weekend and see where we are at.

Children's classes would go something like this

12 and under = 110cc & Under
13 - 16 = 250cc and under

They would also be charged half of what ever we charge the adults.

Again, we are not trying to make money in the slightest. Just trying to bring a bunch of people together for some good family fun.

Mario and I would love to make this an annual event, but we need you all to gather steam and commit.

There will DEFINITELY be a bolt on stock class. WAY more bolt on guys than us internal mod guys, let alone sprayers.

PLEASE.... LET everyone know. We need to get as many as possible to lower the cost.

speeeedy 09-14-2004 01:51 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
that would be cool. my kid is 11 and would love to race. he already drag races people up comp. hill at dumont on his rm 65!

PhotoFinish 09-14-2004 02:20 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Count me IN, I will also take Pictures. How about fot the kids ??

1BADRAPTOR 09-14-2004 03:36 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
you can count me in, for help and money....

ANNIHILATER 09-14-2004 03:43 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Sam call me about dumont this weekend.

I hope you will race, Thanks for the help, I have nothing to do w/ the money part, we just have to pay when we get there. I will hopefully here back from the owner today to set in stone the date.

PhotoFinish, welcome to the forums.

DemonDS 09-14-2004 04:50 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
GREAT IDEA!!! Man this kind of racing is what I have always wanted to do. I think this kind of racing is where the DS shines. Weight isnt as much of a factor as it is in hillshooting. So for us fatboys, this could get fun!! Now I just wish I had a DS, meybe by then, who knows!!

Good luck on getting this together guys, I know when we were putting DS Days together the first time it got to be a big headache from everyone wanting it done there way so my suggestion is figure out how your going to do it and dont change it till after its done and you'll know what to fix for next time. One thing about this is, the BLM cant shut it down!!

Mario be watching for a PM here in the next few days, been short on time this week. TTYL

sincityduner 09-15-2004 12:53 AM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
I'm in annihilater if you guys don't mind a 800cc nitrous vforce taggin a long, let me know if you need help with anything.

DaBeechMan 09-15-2004 01:02 AM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
rather then making 5-10 classes to fit everybodies individual setups you should set it up as a bracket race. If your bike runs 4.0-4.3 put them in a class, if they are from 4.31-4.6 stick them in another class and so forth. Otherwise you're going to have people second guessing what each has, fuels, ect and it just makes a mess.

Mid november is turkey day racing for a bunch of folks. That will hurt your turnout when people love going to glamis/pismo/dumont/ect.

ANNIHILATER 09-15-2004 02:06 AM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Good idea on the brackets.

Nov 13 would put it 2 weeks prior. But until the owner of the track responds to e-mail we wont know. We will set this up to where it is convienient as possible.

BigDaddy331 09-15-2004 03:00 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Remember that bracket racing requires a good deal more officiating (for lack of a better word). It requires a qualifying period, a computerized system for light timing, and takes away from the head to head. A guy on a stock bike leaves about an hour earlier than Mario's bike. You kind of lose some of the "head to head fun. Once you have classes, and everyone is locked in, you just run the tournament style bracket. Also, depending on the set up at the track, bracket racing may NOT be an option, if the system doesn't support it. We're not talking tons of divisions, just 3 for adults and 2 for children.

Again, all is for not if the owner doesn't respond. I think that both Mario and I have emails to the owner with no responses as of 10:50am pacific. We'll keep you guys informed.


ANNIHILATER 09-15-2004 04:18 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
Not to panic, The owner has been very busy. I am confident we will have a firm date set by tomorrow evening.

This drag race is also for STOCK bikes as well, It will come down to rider skill, Set-up and tuning.
The classes will be set when the date is set.

To avoid all exuses we might require the Owner of the bike to run their own bikes.

DaBeechMan 09-15-2004 04:32 PM

Vegas and Cali 4 stroke 300ft drags in Amargosa
nah, drag racing is run what ya brung. If you require the owners to ride their own bikes then that in itself is an excuse. The race is to determine the fastest bike/rider combo and it should stay that way.

As for the brackets, its quiet simple and it is the fairest possible way to hold a drag race. Go ahead and read my message over again. You stick racers within a .3 bracket with eachother. That way it isnt much of a wait at the light and is still a very competitive drag race. If you dont do this, like i'll have second doubt's, you WILL have cheaters, and this takes all the problems away

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