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Sportjet 03-10-2002 02:45 PM

Primarily for personal protection. Pistol, rifle, or otherwise.

I don't know about anyone else, but we've gotten into some real backwoods of KY thats like "Deliverance" territory. A friend I ride with carrys his S&W semi-auto. I have a permit but do not normally carry. What about you?

mich660griz 03-10-2002 03:39 PM

hey sport,
i live in michigan, and on some trails one might run into a bear or other wild animal. i even once came around a corner to see a dear in the middle of the trail giving birth. i sat there for bout 15 minutes,,, just 10 ft from the deer, until the baby was out and they both could get into the woods. i have also come up on a bear, bout 50 ft from the trails. well, i still fear the dreaded bear cub i may some day incounter witch will certinally lead to one pissed off mother bear. i tell you all this couse i am too licanced to carry a weapon at all times. i never consittered it till i got deeper into the trails and further north in michigan. i too have thought bout coming around a bend in the woods one day only to see some half crazed hunter who just knows i messed up his hole day, holding a 12 gauge! with that in mind, i DONT LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT!!!

my pics

ftwflh 03-10-2002 06:49 PM

I carry when i ride in the bottoms i have seen all sorts of wild life there.

Quadfather 03-10-2002 07:11 PM

After seeing all of the spelling errors in your reply, I have to wonder who read the carry permit registration papers to you?

Farmr123 03-10-2002 09:11 PM

I do sometimes when I head out into the wild wollies. We have coyote problems sometimes during calving, and I like to be ready. Also sometimes carry a .22 pistol for popping at the ground squirrels that dig up the kernels of corn along the edge of the field after planting. If you don't have a concealed carry permit (I don't) you can carry the gun in a holster (I prefer the kind that completely covers the pistol to protect it from the elements), attatched to the handlebars, using a RAM holster mount. Also, the RAM mount that stays permanently attatched to the bars, has all kinds of quick-tatch accessories for it, like a GPS holder, and the like.

okiedude 03-10-2002 09:19 PM

Cant stop laughing at Quadfather. It is funny to see in print what is going through your mind!!! I carry either 22mag pistol or Glock 45...........good one Quad!!!!!!

Crawdad 03-10-2002 10:03 PM

Sportjet it sounds like "Deliverance" territory must scare you a little bit.
Are you afraid some good ole boys would think you're cute? Just keep a plug of chaw in your mouth while riding that way they won't want to kiss ya. Lol.

boneylong 03-10-2002 10:15 PM

i also carry a glock model 21!!!!

ScramSlam 03-10-2002 10:49 PM

All I can say about deliverance country is..."boy you sho do have a purdy mouf" I carry a Glock 9 when we ride at night. I look at it this way....what (or who) ever gets in front of me during the daytime is getting ran the F Well except for that big pine tree I hit head on this

motorman 03-10-2002 11:12 PM

why be half safe! you never know when someone may want to own your quad with out paying for it.

ScramSlam 03-10-2002 11:16 PM

Well if they want it they can have it. I'm not going to shoot someone if they want it bad enough. Just like car jacking, are you willing to die for it? Not me. That's what fire and theft insurance is for. It's cheap. Cheaper than a Only my opinion

mud2myeyes 03-10-2002 11:51 PM

And at some point in time there will be the crazed tree hugger (hyped up on bean sprouts, tofu, wheat germ, and barley green) that jumps out from behind a tree saying "Oh, my god, not only is he ruining our beautiful nature lands with the dust, dirt, smoke, and noise of that ATV, BUT he's also carrying a GUN!" (at this point the crazed tree hugger raises the back of his hand to his forehead and faints dead away - right in the middle of the trail). This is where you pull up beside the now fainted tree hugger and chew the plug Crawdad suggested until you have about 5 gallons of spit, then launch it right between the tree huggers eyes. (was that Al "Chad" Gore??)[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

Shot gun, rifle, and a 4X4 quad - the country boy is going to survive. Besides, if your not pack'n, then that means dinner has to to be scraped off the pavement on the way home - right?

bodineus 03-11-2002 12:22 AM

That damn Quadfather. My two pennie's on the situation. While duning don't need it. While trail riding always. Here's why, running into someone on the trail isn't a real concern (wildlife maybe) but returning to your camp or motorhome and finding someone eating your lunch or taking your tv or what have ya is a concern. I hope my spelling is correct.

earthraper 03-11-2002 12:25 AM

Browning 9mm hi-power. Always.

RickRitter 03-11-2002 12:35 AM

I ride very little, when I do I carry a stainless ruger 22 pistol . I am not in fear of anything , nor do I have any G.I. Joe fantacies , I just like to stop and do a little target shooting . Anyone that has been to my place knows I really enjoy firearms as a hobby . I have a trap thrower on the back concrete pad , and my office has a gun or two behind my desk.

In my humble opinion , firearms are sporting goods , like baseball bats , footballs, golf clubs, and tennis rackets .

dcroc 03-11-2002 12:39 AM

I always carry, you never know with all the Drug Crazed nuts out cooking thier stuff, god knows where in the woods, 1911 45acp, mod 70 win. 22=250. See Ya.

boneylong 03-11-2002 12:40 AM

it is easier to get out of jail than to get out of the morgue!!!!!
better to be judged by twelve than carried by six!!!!!

RickRitter 03-11-2002 12:51 AM

This has got to be a joke .

Do you mean to tell me that you actually carry firearms when you go riding to protect yourself from poeple ?

If I was afraid of being shot , I would wear a bullet proof vest.

Someone please , tell me this isn't a bad dream .

M249SAW 03-11-2002 03:55 AM


RoostKing 03-11-2002 09:14 AM

A friend once found a really nice pistol on the trails in Wyoming. Had a cool handle knife that matched the pistol grip. Not sure what he did with it... If your going to carry a gun, keep it secure!!!! Some kid could have got ahold of that thing and done some damage.

One thing. Where can I find information ragarding antique pistols? I was given a H&R fireamrs (I think) 32 pistol and would like some information on this pistol. It seems really old, with an octogon barrel, but seems to be in perfect working condition. Are old pistols safe to fire?


okiedude 03-11-2002 10:40 AM

Dcroc is right, here in Oklahoma there are alot of meth labs(not proud of it)and where we ride there are alot of cabins on about 10,000 acres. We have not interupted anyboby while making the junk, but there are acrticles left over after they leave, so yes they are out there. Where we deer hunt, they ruined our cabin(wonder they didnt burn it down). In a day and age where people shoot people in a church, what makes you think it wont happen out in the woods?

Farmr123 03-11-2002 11:24 AM

I'm more with Rick Ritter on this one, I carry my .22 auto pistol for opportunity shots at corn thieving ground squirrels, or other targets of opportunity. Sometimes I take my contender in the hills for coyotes, though. I would hope to never have to be in a 'him or me' situation, and if I was, I hope I would be wearing a bulletproof vest.

Mike Chero 03-11-2002 11:31 AM


Yes, it is a crazy world out there. Who would have thought that a bunch of crazy Arabs would crash several planes into prominent buildings in the U.S. six months ago? I hate to say this, but the people with whom I work (convicts) force me to carry a gun 24/7. You see I don't make a lot of friends at work among the inmates, and some of them down right dislike me. Also with hoodlums moving further and further out into the "sticks" to avoid being caught by law enforcement, a Glock .40 cal gives me some added piece of mind.


What's to say that who ever wants your quad doesn't want any witnesses? What if your wife or significant other is attractive and they decide to take her for a ride? Life is worth protecting, even if your quad isn't. If someone points a gun at you, you have just cause to use deadly force on them to protect your life or the life of others from serious bodily harm or death. It is this way in just about every jurisdiction in the country, including the People's Republics of Massachusets, New Jersey and Kalifornia.

Crawdad 03-11-2002 11:58 AM

The thought of carrying a gun for protection while riding has never entered my mind. I own guns and belong to the local shooting range but when I ride I'm just out to have a good time. If I felt I had to carry while trail riding I would probably feel the need to carry at all times. I'm guessing some of you carry at all times and not just on the trail, and that's ok if you feel the need to do that. I think people that are responsible enough to get a permit to carry are not going to be careless.
I just find it scary to think everyone I might encounter out in the woods may have a gun cause I've met some not so bright people while out riding.
Hope we don't see road rage start cropping up on the atv trails someday.

okiedude 03-11-2002 12:30 PM

I try to be prepared for anything(almost). When I ride I carry the kitchen sink with me in a Tamarack box. Matches, compressor, wrenches, cell phone, xtra oil, spark plug, saw, gun, food, water......etc. I look at a gun as a tool if I need it. I am not packing it to make someones day, but to get home safely. If the truck breaks down on the way back home at 9:00 pm, I will have tools to help(one being a gun if I need it). Here in Oklahoma, I have not met one guy or gal who has a permit(to carry a gun) who has the "I'm packin' heat so watch out" attitude.

jim 03-11-2002 01:01 PM

Sig Sauer P226 full nickel, night sights, 18 rnd clip & carry permit especially when w/ the wife & kids. Anyway, I was curious how a pistol can be carried like say in Ohio or WV if your from PA? Forget about reciprocating carring permit laws since Ohio doesn't have a carry permit law. Is it true you can carry it exposed or maybe unloaded w/ a full clip ready to go? I wouldn't do it unless I knew for sure but just wondered if anyone knew.
Jim Maloney 98 400 Scrambler

VeryPicky 03-11-2002 02:31 PM

I have a good friend in law enforcement and he CLAIMS that you can carry in Ohio as long as it's NOT concealed. He also says to be prepared for a lot of SH-- if they see you. He has been in law enforcement for 25 years, so he should know. But than again, sometimes I'm not sure if he's all there. I don't really worry about it though. If I feel I need it, I take it. SIG 229.

EdTrip 03-11-2002 02:34 PM

Absolutly a must to carry my bozuka and AK47 incase I see Bin laden

MagnumMudMan 03-11-2002 02:58 PM


You are right that in Ohio, we do not have a carry law or reprocity. If you have a license in your home state, it means nothing in Ohio. As for carrying in the open, that is a little fuzzy. If you are hunting, you can carry a loaded pistol (many do for deer and raccoon), but not on the quad and you have to be able to prove you are hunting. I am not sure if you can get away with carrying in the open on the quad with it loaded or unloaded. Like said before, prepare to get harrassed about it. They will most likely arrest you and you will have to prove the law in court before getting your gun back and out of the charge. Not worth it in my book. The really fuzzy part comes because a court has recently ruled that Ohio's law against carrying a concealed weapon violates the Ohio Constitution. So now it would come down to the individual court to decide your fate. Again, good luck. As for my opinion, I have never carried because the risk of getting caught far outweighs the need for it. We usually ride with a large group and the trails have enough people on them that there is no need for one.

earthraper 03-11-2002 03:33 PM


No, I hate to dissapoint you, it's not a joke. We have nice folks here in Utah (environmentalists) that like to do things like fill a piece of plywood full of nails and put it points up in a trail covered with dirt. Or how about wire across trails?

Of course you'll never hear about these publicly, but it happens. So you tell me, do you really know who you will run into in the field?


tryan 03-11-2002 03:53 PM

[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Make sure you have it looked at by a Gunsmith before you try shooting it. He can also give you a ball park figure on what it's worth. Octigon barrel - you can bet it's worth something if it's in good condition. Nice find for your friend with the pistol and knife. The guy that lost it is sure to be sad.

jondeer78 03-11-2002 04:35 PM

I don't have to carry a gun while riding. My penis isn't that small that I need to show other riders who's boss. For personal protection? Nah. Besides, if I'm going to go out the right way, it's going to be riding through the woods. Plus, I've never met another rider who was a jerk. We are all in the same boat, out to have a good time.

okiedude 03-11-2002 04:40 PM

I wish I lived in your perfect world....whats up with the penis thing.....chill out

Polarisman3210 03-11-2002 04:55 PM

Well, I own all the land around the local V.A., and occasionally get a strange one walkin around, kind of creepy when you are ridin and a guy pops out of the trees onto the trail. We also get the occasional hunter that gets pissed if I tell him that he has walked off the game preserve. I don't carry when I am riding on my land, but will go get a shotgun if I have to. I had a mushroom hunter tell me that it wasn't my land, and that it was the governments and that he had hunted there for the last 25 years. Well, he didn't know that 10 years before that, the government sold the land. He didn't want to leave, so I went to the house, picked up the 12 ga. and said we could do it the easy way or the hard way, he could leave, i could call the sheriff, or meet my gun, he left. He started gettin mouthy with me, and I didn't like it. I am nice if you are nice to me, when I tell you that you are on private property and direct them to the closest way to the game preserve, but I will get ticked if you mouth me. But i must say, I do get a little nervous telling a guy with a loaded shotgun that he needs to leave.

thenewfiebullet 03-11-2002 05:45 PM

WOW, I don't know if things are really that bad in tha states, or if all you guys are just plain old paranoid.
I think if I ever was to move south of the border it would be to Ohio. I'd get kind of nervous riding quad if everyone but me was carrying a pistol to protect themselves from ?

Earthraper, I'm kind of curious what a pistol will do against a spiked peice of plywood or a wire across the trail.

I thought I was against silly guns laws, but now I'm starting to understand what all the fuss is about.

As far as the wildlife thing goes, come on and get serious! You're on a quad! If I was going to the North West Territories canoe tripping or something I would take a gun, because Polar bears tend to be pretty aggressive. Black Bears though, are pretty timid. Anything else...come on, give it a kick and it'll leave you alone.

This whole thread really does seem like a bad joke. I can't believe you guys would even consider taking a firearm out for a ride unless you were going hunting.

Are there any other states like Ohio?

soggyrider 03-11-2002 06:14 PM

Depending on where I am riding I either carry a taurus pt92 or my shiny new RAGING BULL !! The bull is more fun to shoot though[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

okiedude 03-11-2002 06:15 PM

God Bless the USA!!!!!!!

VeryPicky 03-11-2002 07:01 PM

Please don't move to Ohio. California or New Jersey sounds like just the place for ya.

Sportjet 03-11-2002 07:20 PM

Thanks for the responses.

Hell, I don't think anyone carries because of other riders. I like to talk with them on the trails or give 'em a pull with the winch if they need it.

In the hills of KY you have a potential of running into someones pot cash crop, a meth lab, a redneck hunter (no offense there, 99.9% of them are fine), or maybe even a still. You just have to read the headlines to know that. THOSE are the type of people I'm worried about. Don't seem to have the radical environmentalist problem in this area.

Ditto there okiedude!

Ride on!

Mike Chero 03-11-2002 07:20 PM


" A well regulated militia, being nessesary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Well, seeing as how you don't have a Second Amendment in the monarchy in which you live, I can see where you're coming from. The fact that you are not a free citizen, but a subject, might have something to do with it too.

You see, the founding fathers of my great country affirmed this right over 200 years ago. To this day, because of the fact that over 99.9% of all gun owners are law abiding (yes, believe it or not it's true, despite what you might hear on TV) bears witness to this. This along with the other nine amendments in the Bill of Rights are what made the USA the greatest country in the world.

Also for those of you who own guns to hunt, notice that the above amendment has nothing to do with hunting. It does (as Attorney General John Ashcroft testified) have everything to do with keeping the government in check while defending our homes and country.

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