Memorial Day Riding Safety

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We’ve heard it said that Memorial Day weekend is one of the most dangerous statistically for ATV and UTV riding but it doesn’t have to be that way. The reason has all to do with the time of the year. Warm weather, time off, the unofficial kickoff to summer.

“The weather warms up, school is out, and it’s the time of the year that most ATV accidents happen,” said 2nd Lt. Leland Owens, Minnesota DNR’s recreational vehicle coordinator.

Here are five important safety rules that will help keep you and your loved ones safe for the coming long weekend and the rest of the summer:

Always wear a properly fitted DOT-approved helmet, goggles, long sleeve shirt and long pants, gloves and over-the-ankle boots.

Only ride an ATV that is properly fit for your size and age. Nearly 90% of youth injuries occur when a youth is operating an adult-sized ATV (CPSC).

Do not, under any circumstances, carry a passenger on a single-rider ATV and never carry more than one passenger on an ATV designed for two people.

Don’t drink and ride. Alcohol is involved in a large percentage of fatalities.

Always supervise any rider that is under the age of 16.

Believe it or not, stats prove that 95% of off-roading fatalities occurred with operators who had not taken an ATV safety course.

Be safe this Memorial Day! More riding tips and safety course options are at your disposal at the ATV Safety Institute’s site here.

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