Ask the Editors: Best Choice for Cleaning an Air Filter

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Dear ATVC: I’m due for an air filter clean and the last time I used dish soap, the sponge started to crumble apart shortly thereafter. What do you recommend that is strong enough to clean up a pretty dirty filter but gentle enough not to destroy the material? AsterIk

You’re in luck – the perfect air filter element solvent is relatively inexpensive and can be found at just about any hardware or big brand store. You have to head to the paint aisle though to find it.

Pick yourself up a can of odorless mineral spirits. The fluid is commonly used to thin oil-based paints, stains, varnishes and polyurethane but it works wonders on a dirty filter as well. Perhaps best of all, odorless means no breathing noxious chemicals while you soak your filter element. Avoid the cheaper non-odorless variety on account of flammability and a kerosene-type scent.
While it’s affordable enough ($10-$15 per gallon) to be disposable, it’s very reusable as well. We fill a plastic oil drain pan with mineral spirits and cover it with tin foil when not in use for a permanent filter bath. When the spirits get dark and cloudy, just swap for fresh.

Ask the Editors: Best Choice for Cleaning an Air Filter

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