Ask the Editors: Unlocking Seized Forks

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Ask the Editors: Unlocking Seized Forks

Dear ATVC: I just purchased a Yamaha 225DX, great condition EXCEPT it has been sitting for a while in a garage and the front forks are locked up. Any suggestions on ways to free them up? Thanks! KStarkey

When it come to the subject of seized suspension components, your best bet is to either open them up yourselves or send them out for a full rebuild. Your oil damped forks operate on a system of fluid flowing through a valve stack to absorb shock and an internal metal spring to rebound after.

However, if you’re not looking for the full performance potential of your forks, there are a few simple techniques you can apply just to get them moving again. Once you break them loose, it’s possible that they’ll continue to loosen up and flow oil with repeated use.

What we’d do in the situation would be to remove the outer rubber boots then with a flat-blade screw driver, pry away the dust seal enough to spray a coating of WD-40 or similar moisture displacer followed by a dose of PB Blaster/ penetrating oil. Let the fork sit for at least two hours.

Next give the upper sliders a good wipe down, paying careful attention for signs of pitting. Rust pits can be gently sanded down with a wet piece of fine grit sandpaper then filled in with a dab of clear nail polish.

Coat the entire uppers with a teflon or silicone spray lube and give the top of each fork leg a few good solid whacks with a rubber mallet. If there is still no motion, stand beside the machine, grab a hand full of front brake and rock yours and the machine’s weight forward and back. Repeat these two processes until the stanchions begin to slide in and out of the lowers. This motion may be minimal at first so don’t be afraid to repeat the process as needed until you begin to really see some compression and rebound.

But remember a good fluid change/ rebuild is the only way to restore your three-wheeler’s fork performance fully.

Ask the Editors: Unlocking Seized Forks

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