ATV Industry Facts: Did You Know?

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ATV Industry Facts: Did You Know?
The US Army will take 20 please.

Team Polaris and its advanced MRZR X multi-mode vehicle platform have been selected by the U.S. Army to be one of the robotic systems used by infantry brigade combat teams for the next year of trials as part of the Squad Multipurpose Equipment Transport (SMET) program.

The MRZR X provides warfighters with a modular, multi-mission support platform and that has multiple modes of operation that span a broad spectrum from traditional operator driving, to multiple levels of autonomy, including the capability for remote control, teleoperation, follow-me, leader-follower and full autonomy.

This allows the MRZR X to enhance and evolve mobility in varying roles including service as a robotic equipment mule, autonomous resupply vehicle, warfighter-driven squad carrier, logistics support vehicle, rescue mission enabler and high-speed casualty evacuation capability. In the future, the connectivity of the MRZR X will provide the ability to act as a networked node in the multi-domain battlespace.

Bonus Fact: ARA has been producing Modular Robotic Applique Kits (M-RAKs) for more than 20 years, with a specialty in off-road robotics, further enhanced by the acquisition of Neya Systems.

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