Ask the Editors: How Big of a Problem is This Oil Leak?

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Ask the Editors: How Big of a Problem is This Oil Leak?
Time to do some investigating.

Dear ATVC: My grandson drove our ATV with no gear oil, it locked up. I filled it up, it unlocked, rolled fine. The gears changes slightly hard at times, but now I’ve got a leak on the bottom left side of the crankcase cover. What is the problem and is it a big job or a quick fix?

Losing oil will certainly make shifting hard and can even result in grinding, stalling and eventually transmission seizure. There are two likely culprits for your leak: Either the casing itself is cracked or the gasket between the case and cover is failing. The size of this job is completely dependent upon which of the two scenarios is to blame.

If the case is cracked- you do indeed need to tear the machine down to the point where you can access the damaged area and have it either professionally welded or replaced entirely. While we don’t officially recommend this; we have ourselves used automotive liquid weld (putty) to keep the fluids inside until we could have the damage fixed properly.

If, on the other-hand, it is simply a gasket no longer correctly sealing, the job is as simple as popping off the cover and replacing the gasket with a fresh OEM unit or making your own out of permatex should you have an off-brand ATV without parts support.
Ask the Editors: How Big of a Problem is This Oil Leak?
Your next stage is to go outside with a rag, clean the wet area thoroughly and examine the source of the leak. Run your finger along the casing if in doubt. What you discover will determine your course of repair action.

Ask the Editors: How Big of a Problem is This Oil Leak?

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