SprocketList Weekly ATV: Sniffing Out Good Deals So You Don’t Have To

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Each week we rummage around SprocketList in the hopes of uncovering some spectacular deal on a nice used ATV so as to offer hope to those in need of a new (or new to them) set of wheels for the upcoming season.

This week we happened across an ad that takes us to a place called Coldwater, MS.

SprocketList Weekly ATV: Sniffing Out Good Deals So You Don’t Have To

The specimen in question happens to be a 1999 Yamaha Big Bear 350 that not only tickles our fancy in the price department, but the ad’s poster has some pretty interesting things to say:

“I have a 1999 350 Big Bear. It’s all-time four-wheel-drive.” Mods include having been bored, new pistons, new timing chain, rebuilt rear end, new brakes, 27-inch ITP tires and wheels. “It’s well worth it I keep it clean at all times and don’t let dust get on it!”

As far as asking price is concerned, $1800 will get ‘er done but this Big Bear owner can’t rule out trades as indicated by a phrase we always like to encounter in an ATV classified: “What you got?”.

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