#1) Safety Wire

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#1) Safety Wire
ATVs consist of a lot of individual parts and those parts are subject to all sorts of vibration, shock and abuse each and every time we fire them up. Bolts vibrate loose, grip glues fail, fasteners crack and supports sag over time and all of this can be accelerated drastically in the event of a crash!

Attempting to carry along every sort of proper fix would demand towing a mobile race-shop but the rider who carries along a roll of safety wire can be just as confident and a lot less restricted!

Using nothing more than a length of wire and the cut-rate OEM toolkit pliers, we have personally constructed such trailside operations as a temporary muffler suspender, cure for twisting grips, tensioner to keep a faulty seat-release locked into place, support for a dangling brake lever and so on. Space scrooges need not even worry about having to carry a full roll around. We know plenty of riders who get into the brilliant habit of making sure a length of safety wire is looped tightly around their rear grab bar or front bumper in case of an emergency.

What three items would you guys bring? Tell us in the forums!

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