5 Hottest Side-by-Side Accessories This Summer

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5. Rocky Road Repellent: Skid Plates

5 Hottest Side-by-Side Accessories This Summer

Sure it makes sense to us- the underbelly of your machine is always vulnerable to damage from rocks, roots and stumps. Many UTVs come equipped with pretty decent coverage but going without can be an awful big gamble to those that do not. Skid plates come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and materials, many of which are designed to accompany specific makes & models. It’s often joked around here that even the most expensive aftermarket skid plate is exponentially more affordable than a blown engine case!

4. Hinged Happiness: Doors

5 Hottest Side-by-Side Accessories This Summer

Your car has them, Jeeps have them, and nothing makes an individual feel more secure in their off-roading exploits than by the security of a good door clicking into place. Cabin protection from mud and water is a bonus of the door treatment. As is the case with most UTV accessories, some models come equipped from the manufacturer with doors but we can certainly understand the logic of adding them to the ones that don’t.

3. Front-End Occupant Barrier: Windshields

5 Hottest Side-by-Side Accessories This Summer

Unless you’re a frog, you probably aren’t a fan of dead bugs on you lips. Typically constructed of scratch and abrasion resistant polycarbonates, windshields are a great way of putting a little welcome protection between the occupants of the UTV and the elements- very useful in the colder climates! Finally, for those who fear that installing a windshield will dull the sensory experience of off-roading, many companies offer windshields that can raise and lower like a window. This way open-air exploration is possible without giving up instant protection in a sudden rainstorm or ride that runs into the night.

2. Protection from Above: Roofs

5 Hottest Side-by-Side Accessories This Summer

Our # 2 most popular side-by-side modification is the one responsible for keeping the sun, the rain and bird droppings off our heads. Most UTV roofs are fairly simple to install, making use of the OEM roll bar configuration for support and go a long way in keeping the cabin comfortable and the weather out. Best of all, we’ve heard tale of UTV drivers literally spending the night inside of their UTV cockpit in a pinch thanks to the weather protection allotted by a roof.

1. Let There Be Light: Lights

5 Hottest Side-by-Side Accessories This Summer

This all leads us to our top UTV modification and coming in at the top spot is additional lighting. No UTV offered in the United States today comes without head and tail lighting but that doesn’t mean one can have too much of a good thing. Darkness can be an inhibiting factor to exploration or even crucial in keeping multiple vehicles in sight during night rides. Fortunately there are literally dozens of lighting configurations and output options on the market today. We are particularly fond of LED light-bars that mount to the UTV’s roll cage cross members.

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