Ask The Editors: Learning the Art of ATV Repair

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Dear ATVC:

Are you aware of any DVDs, or an online school or books designed to teach ATV repair? I am dying to work on ATVs as a career but I am just starting out. There are literally no small engine repair schools in my whole state, KY.

Any help is appreciated.

Fortunately, in this, the digital age- just about anything you can ever want to learn about repairing and maintaining an ATV is literally at your fingertips.

The net is chock full of tutorials, step-by-steps and how-to’s while sites like Youtube have elevated the usefulness of such info by integrating it with video.

While the concept of becoming a self-taught mechanic is entirely feasible, if you are serious about making wrenching your career, your best bet would be to look into motorcycle/atv- specific education centers such as the Motorcycle Mechanic’s Institute (MMI) with campuses in Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, &

If one of your requirements is staying in your home state, schools like Pennfoster do offer online ATV repair diplomas from the luxury of your own home.

Ask The Editors: Learning the Art of ATV Repair

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