Ask The Editors: What’s The Best Year Grizz?

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Dear ATVC:

I’m looking for the year model with the most bugs worked out of it and least amount of problems. Which would be the best year for this?

Norf Georgia

Well the simplest answer to that question would be to go with a 2013. Why? Because not only is it the latest/ most refined version of the machine, it’s also going to come with factory warranty should you purchase it new.

Assuming you’re curious about used models, however, you should take comfort in knowing that the Grizzly has a long and proven history and that no particular model year was known for having problems.

The vehicle’s heritage can be traced back to 1998 (the Grizzly 600) that used an already proven motor from the XT600 motorcycle.

It became the Grizzly 660 in 2002 when Yamaha decided to integrate another time proven engine of theirs (the 5-valve 660 from the Raptor). It also went from a single shock to fully independent rear suspension in transitioning from 600 to 660.

From there you’d be hard pressed to find any changes made all the way up until 2007 when it became the Grizzly 700 and included such perks as fuel injection and EPS (Electric Power Steering). This is the top of the line Grizzly still offered today.

So in short, you really can’t go wrong with whichever year you decide. Base your choice on budget, location and the condition of the individual specimen in question.

Ask The Editors: What's The Best Year Grizz?

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