Friday Funny: Greatest Hits & Resulting Bruises

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We know, we know, “Best Of” compilations are usually reserved for the New Year but your ATV Connection editors like to look back at some of the wackiness that is humanity, an ATV, a camera and Youtube.

It’s only right then to share our rehashed chuckles with you, our loyal readers. Presenting, for the first time ever, some of our favorite Friday Funny moments.

#5) There’s No I in Ouch

We ran this one back on September 28th, 2012 and it still cracks us up to this day. Who’s idea was it to have the team mascot attempt to ride the bases on an ATV in a packed stadium again? Eh, it doesn’t matter, whoever it is was, we have to thank them for what would end up becoming comic relief, Friday Funny style!

#4) Albin and the Ship-Punks

This one originally came at you August 24, 2012 and still do this day we can’t figure out what this guy was attempting to do with his quad on the deck of a river boat. Of course what ends up happening is nothing shy of hilarious, one can’t help but ponder the question, “What could possibly have been the best case scenario here?”

#3) Can-Am Ker-Splash

Ahh failed water crossings. Though there may be only one way to get it right, Youtube reminds that there are literally hundreds of ways to get it wrong. This one was a fan-favorite right from the get-go (Dec 13, 2013) and with good reason. There’s a whole lot of preparation here for what becomes a very short and drenching experience.

#2) Archeologists Excavate “Raptor” From Tar Pit

Back on July 23 of 2012, we laughed ourselves silly at the exploits of a Canadian guy named Tory who 1) Gets egged on by his camera-toting friends 2) Believes his Raptor 700 is unstoppable 3) Discovers mud can suck up momentum as well as any brake pad and 4) Performs what may be the world’s most prolonged face plant. It was funny then. It’s funny now. We suspect this is one of those clips we’ll be laughing at 20-years from now.

#1) Ramps Versus Gravity – The Untold Stories

August 9th, 2013- we happened upon a compilation that elicits a grin no matter how rough a day you’re having. We started the description with, “There are some things in this world that simply meant to go together: peanut-butter and jelly, cookies and milk, bread and butter and ATVs and ramps”. We didn’t add gravity to that last one but as this video demonstrates, that is clearly a factor as well.

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