Friday Funny: No Shirt, No Helmet, No Clue

Friday Funny: No Shirt, No Helmet, No Clue

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Each week your ATV Connection editors scour the net in the hopes of locating fresh tomfoolery from the saddle of an ATV for entertainment and education (after all, most of our Friday Funny clips are cautionary tales in what not to do).

This week we present another gem along such lines- The Canadian wild, a group of ice fisherman, a helmetless & shirtless man with a few bad tats and a cigar and a friend with a cellphone video camera. What could possibly go wrong?

For a moment you may find yourself convinced that bad fashion sense aside, maybe this week’s ATV rider will ignore the temptation to impress his friends and will instead cruise his quad on over to the cabin to get his thoughts together. But fear not- he’ll come back. It wouldn’t be Friday Funny if he didn’t!

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