Product Review: Twin Air Heavy Duty Wet Wipes

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Product Review: Twin Air Heavy Duty Wet Wipes
The Twin Air stocking stuffer.

What Is It?

Like the name suggests, this is a can of disposal wet wipes; the latest in a near infinite selection of similar products available at any grocery store but the first such entry from air filter specialists Twin Air.

What’s The Procedure?

You tug a wet wipe out of the plastic container much in the way you would a tissue from the box and get to scrubbing whatever surface it is you need cleaned. Twin Air isn’t completely specific about the limitations of the intended purpose of the wipes so we naturally used them on everything from wiping down tools, our riding gear (boots especially), the fenders of our machines and of course, skin after touching things like our tools.

How Do They Work?

Surprisingly well. For a skin cleaner, they are certainly a step above the baby bottom wet wipes we’ve been using up until now for removing grease and grime. You wouldn’t want to use these in place of a good vehicle washing but they do a great job removing surface dirt and grime when you’re miles from civilization. If you end up having to make a trail-side repair, they become priceless.


If you’re looking for a replacement for a shop rag/ sink and Fast Orange soap in the workshop, this probably isn’t the best choice. However if, like us, you like to toss a pack of wet wipes in your machine’s trunk knowing that the messiest jobs tend to happen unexpectedly and far away from any sink, Twin Air has created a very nice product here. They cost quite a bit more than comparable Clorox or Lysol disinfecting wipes but they are much better able to remove greases, solvents and oil from hands and tools. Plus they are made of tougher fibers that don’t shred on hardened surfaces the way kitchen wipes will.

Just remember that while they are disposal, they aren’t biodegradable. In other words, make sure to collect up your used ones on the side of the trail when you’re done.


$30 for a canister of 70 eucalyptus-scented wipes.

More Information:

Click here.

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