Tag: Fail

Friday Funny: The Never-Never Land of ATVs Discovered

Friday Funny: The Never-Never Land of ATVs Discovered

We here at ATV Connection eat, sleep and drink quads and even still we’re taken aback to discover there are places on the planet like this week’s Friday Funny entry. Imagine a land of endless green pastures, hordes of Honda 400EXs and closets full of denim coveralls that you can slip into before trying to […] More »

By: | November 1, 2013

Friday Funny: Ancient Sport ATV Mating Ritual Revealed

Friday Funny: Ancient Sport ATV Mating Ritual Revealed

In this never-before-seen footage, our cameras have captured the long-thought-mythical mating ritual of the elusive desert sport ATV. Witnessed are a Yamaha Raptor 700R and Suzuki QuadSport Z400 engaging in the ancient traditional doughnut-burning dance of honor upon the sun bleached sand. However when the Raptor pilot eases off the throttle in what can only […] More »

By: | October 25, 2013

Friday Funny: In Over Their Heads

Friday Funny: In Over Their Heads

We here at ATV Connection advocate safety above all else but let’s be honest, there are moments we all get in over our heads. Thanks to an abundance of poor quality cell phone cameras in the world and the power of the internet, sometimes these critical moments are captured for the entertainment of others. Exhibit […] More »

By: | September 27, 2013

Friday Funny: Big Man Goes a Tumbling

What we have here in today’s installment highlighting the foolishness that people tend to do when an ATV and video camera enter the equation is a man in ill-fitting shorts and his Yamaha Grizzly, a few rocky hills and the law of gravity. What we don’t have is a helmet (naturally), skill or a whole […] More »

By: | March 1, 2013

Friday Funny: Bruised And Muddy Pride

Friday Funny: Bruised And Muddy Pride

It’s Friday, the week’s been dragging… We figure you can probably use a laugh with as little setup as possible. That said here’s a 13-second clip we dug up from the vast resource that is Youtube of a helmetless (of course) ATV rider demonstrating a textbook dismount when the mud pit bites back. We like […] More »

By: | August 17, 2012

Friday Funny: Not So Super-man

Friday Funny: Not So Super-man

Hey we know watching freestyle riders on TV can inspire delusions of grandeur but in this case going big on a Yamaha Raptor 660 that may or may not be due for new bearings quickly becomes a cautionary tale in knowing one’s limitations. Sure, times are tough.. Perhaps full MX gear is overkill when attempting […] More »

By: | August 10, 2012

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