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Old 05-11-2006, 08:08 PM
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I've been in just about all forms of popular motorshorts for about 30years now. Being an OLD 37, the math says that I was just 7 when I started. Since I was 7, I progressed through different types of motorsports, and it seemed that with each new challenge brought a new set of skills that were needed to be successful. New skills were learned, and a new reality was realized. Racing costs money, and I'm sure that my Mother new that far before I did.
Between racing and athletics, my time was often split between the hard court, soft pack, water, and asphalt. As I grew, the majority of my time drifted more and more to the hard court and away from the speed scene. Now that my life in basketball is over and I've turned in my jersey for a coaching binder and whistle, I've been able to return to my motorhead roots. I've been given the chance to get back into the motorsport world that I loved so much. Somethings have not changed..... the need to be the fastest guy still remains embedded in most of us. The technology has leaped forward at an exilerating rate. With this technology jump there has also been a jump in other areas related to the technology itself. More knowledge is needed to keep up with your pit neighbor, more focus is needed to make sure that you are using your parts to their full potential. Finally, the costs have dramatically increased in order to be out in front.
Costs.... something that my Mother knew about but that I had no clue of when I was 7. Cost is somehow always associated with success, and many times means the difference between the checkered flag and the black flag. Cost are not fixed. As you become more successful those cost only increase. Sometimes to a point at which you question the very reason why you are racing to begin with. Most of us fall into the catagory of enthusiast, and ride this crazy ride because of pure joy. Some still have the checkered twinkle in the eye (most of us do to be quite honest) even though there are no flags when where shooting the hills or traversing the bowls. Our checkered flags are those small victories that keep us coming back. The knod your pal gives you after he just realized that he can't take you anymore. The smile your wife gives you because she knows how hard you worked to get that win. These are our checkered flags and the reasons why we choose to by the piston instead of the new shirt we've needed for a year and a half. I swear that my underwear is older than the assortment of pistons in my garage. And I know that I've got more head gaskets than socks.
In the real world however, we are all limited by the amount of money we are willing to spend on the toys that we love. Some are able to spend much more than others, but I assume that most of us are in the same boat. We want a great deal more than we can afford or can wisely spend. After adding the dose of reality that our local bank or credit union continuesly injects us with, we are left being more frugal and discriminating that ever before. What we spend our money on matters. Who we spend our money with means something. What you get for that hard-earned "Washington" is even more important. This is where things get fairly tricky in the world of high-end parts and service. Service, yes service becomes even more important when many companies offer similar objects of our desire.
We've all had bad service at some point in time. Whether it was that waiter that didn't bring the water or that mechanic who sold you a bill of goods when all you needed was an oil change. Service can be HORRIBLE or fantastic. Unfortunately we have been conditioned to accept mediocrity, not exemplary.
As DS owners our plite goes deeper in that we don't have a plethora of companies building parts for our particular needs. We've got a few companies that sell basic hop-ups like pipes, tires, wheels and grips, but not many giving up the goods. This leaves us with a lot of frustration especially towards are buddies across the sand who can buy just about anything from anyone. Sometimes I think that "Ride Red" means ride over the DS with the red plastics on your way to Pep Boys to get a new cylinder for your TRX450. Seems as though it will come to that in the future. The DS crowd will still be waiting for the one trick cylinder that costs 3 times as much and is no where near as pretty. We chose this life, so I guess we'll have to make the best of it. We are the only ones who know about BRP, their quality and their uniqueness. Just 3 years ago we were being laughed at by the very guys we're handing beatings out to now. Still 650cc's (fore the most part) but now we're in front. We're in front because the few companies that we have provided us with top notch parts and service.

@#$##@*&$$# - the sound of me jumping on my Soap Box.....

Many of you know about the BigDaddy failure that took place about 4 months ago. Many of you also know that I run HPR parts exclusively. Some of you also know that I have never been anything but honest when it came to reviews, opinions, reactions and yes.... even discontent. On that fatal Sunday afternoon with the Ninja himself looking on, the motor that was handing out mopping after mopping at California's Dumont Dunes, decided to end it's own life. The carnage was complete. From the valves to the crank, nothing was left untouched. I've seen my share of blown motors over the thirty years mentioned above, but this kind of wreckage was never seen by my eyes especially in the world of ATV's and Motorcycles. The amount of damage done to the head alone would make most men cry.
Even before any calls were made by me (really just sick to death over what had happened), I recieved a phone call the very next morning from Mr. HP himself, Eric Oldham. He didn't feed me milk and cookies over the phone and didn't try to console me. Just got right into coming up with a plan to help figure out what the cause was. With in minutes of the start of that conversation, we had the culprit in hand. Didn't make me feel any better, but at least we knew where the problem was. Over the next week, many phone calls were made, and the incident generated a couple of topics on the forum. I've had many inquiries from fellow board members over the last several months as to the situation's outcome. Well, that situation is finally coming to a conclusion. The premature death of the mighty 730 was due to a lack of communication on the part of HPR and BigDaddy himself. I never thought to ask, and they didn't tell. The parts that we were working with were very new and I was the first in the country do the install myself. Something as simple as a sentence or a quickly worded question could of saved us all a lot of misery. Honestly there was no body to blame. One of those live and learn type of things.
It was time to put the tissues away and create a plan of attack as to how this would be handled by both parties. Randall Richards of HPR took the lead, and layed out a course of action that in his words "wouldn't hurt too much". After three and a half months, the pain is starting to set in, but the pain is no where near what it could be. Most of the parts have been shipped and are now at my feet. The monster will be breathing again real soon, and with HPR's help, the motor will be better than before.
For those of you who have followed my relationship with HPR, you know that I was one of the first to call them out on their products and service. After those troubled times relationships had to be mended, trust had to be reclaimed. A great deal of pride had to be washed away, and what has grown from those difficult times means much more than any part could. The good ol' boys from Kentucky could have written me off and sent me packing. Many others on this forum have been handled just that way by other vendors. Not only do I still run HPR , I run them exclusive. Forget the relationships that have been built..... their stuff WORKS. NUFF SAID.
I'm still BigDaddy, still too heavy to give anyone a competitive race on equal bikes. Still the honest guy that tells you like it is. STill the same guy that will give up a month of Sundays to make sure you are on the right road to the checkered flag - what ever that checkered flag might look like. Same guy, just a little better knowing that I've got two good friends in my corner whether I'm atop of a DS or not. Some will call me an HPR guy..... darn right. The reasons are many and very clear. I've been privy to MANY things concerning HPR that are not for public consumption. They are not out for the public because it wouldn't serve anybody positively. If you know me, you know that I'm honest and genuine. Know that my HPR family is a family by choice not because of the price of my soul.

Now that the 730 journey is coming to an end, I'd like to thank a few people

Annihilater for his CONSTANT enthusiasm and friendship. Without it, I would probably would have sold everything for parts.

222 and Mr. HP for their friendship and unwaivering support.

Last but not least, Leslie for putting up with my MANY phone calls.

See at the top!
Old 05-11-2006, 09:40 PM
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Great to hear your getting everything together!! Congrats!

Theres nothing like new found power. You now get to try that power out again. Id STILL double check everything just to be safe (what am I saying you know that)

Now is the time to look forward to the trips we have comming up,
Hopefully we will have a few more trips to make (coral pink, Sand Mt Utah etc. Ds days w/ bomber and Tom etc) The golf course Near Zion by Coral...

BTW Everyone-- Bigdaddys bike is looking show type. EVERYTHING ceramic coated, Long swingarm, FINALLY the right paddles. The paddles Bigdaddy used to run lost him up near 6-7 lengths. I dont think you could have EVER got the power to the ground with them other tires. Your gonna be in for a real suprise homebizzle. You will not be able to keep the front end down ESPECIALLY spraying out of the hole (=more fun). As far as you being a mechanic, Your one of the best!! Ive told people this and they can vouge so keep up the good work... I hope you used all your little tricks on my motor, you must have!!lol If you were'nt building these motors I would have done a coversion by now (so thanks to you mammal)

You think you can get it together in 9 days without rushing it?? Doubt it but that would be cool.
Glad you stuck with your bike and had ALOT of patience, That day I talked with you on the phone you were dead set on dumping the pig, Another time you were frustrated and getting ready to build a rail (another money pit)

The great thing is that all of us and the original Dumont crew are going to have a BLAST this next season. 5 more months to get tuned and we can battle everyone. Alot of fast bikes run the hills at Dumont. Banshee hill has increasingly grown popular for thumps and 2 jokes.

EDIT: The videos will be plentyfull this year.
Old 05-12-2006, 12:11 AM
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That is fantastic! You absolutely had the wind taken out of your sails that day. I still remember the tone of your lol

You rode it out and you are soon to by handing out those whoopin's by a bigger margin[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

Congratulations man!

Old 05-12-2006, 12:35 AM
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Nice screen play BigDaddy. Right up there with Dust to Glory. I hope I'm there to see some of the whoopins' handed out. Now when you've disposed of all of the garbage and it's just you and Mario left to shoot the hill that's when the video needs to be rolling. Did you save a trick or two for your own build because you know his is the second baddest beast at Dumont or is it going to be even setups and up to the jockeys to get the advantage??? Some good racing in the future to be sure.
See ya'll there.
Old 05-12-2006, 12:38 AM
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Good to hear dude.... I too remember reading your original post on the disaster. I felt for ya bro.... but it seems like it is going to be ok. Every time I think of shopping around for parts I think about things like this and then end up back at HPR dropping a little extra coin for the HPR service. I have used them for a couple small things so far and have been amazed at the service provided for something as small as a intake port job. They are a class act. Not to say others are not, but they are for sure. Great to hear you will be back running big dog.... in the famous words of Hanibal, from the A-Team "I love it when a plan comes together."

Old 05-12-2006, 12:55 AM
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Very good read BigDaddy and i share your sentiments about HPR .I follow your posts with a greater interest than most since i too am larger than the average rider at 6'4" and 230 lbs.My goal is to build my Baja to be competitve with the faster quads even with my big behind on it and HPR is helping to make that a reality.
Old 05-12-2006, 03:23 AM
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I must admit I did some Speed Reading of the above. . . whoa. . .

Glad to hear your up and running. Good to hear HPR turned your unfortunate incident positive for you. Sounds like they really stepped up for you.
Old 05-12-2006, 03:52 AM
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Sweet BigDaddy, so glad to hear it is coming together!

Ditto what Mario said - can it be up and together in 9 days? Understandable if not, don't rush it causing rushing can lead to bad things sometimes! But it would be cool to have you guys out at the mountain next weekend! I will not be at DS Days, but there is always next year for me to meet up with you guys.
Old 05-12-2006, 11:38 AM
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Congrats Mike,
Mario has given me some 411 as this thing has progresed....Glad to hear your bike is about to be back up and running.....Get ready for DS Day's cus' it's going to be fun.....I will be rolling through Vegas on my way there and you and Mario know you guy's are welcome to pile in to the Sand ease up on the cost of the trip [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] ...I'll be there at Dumont to be another victim of Bigdaddy.........

Keep the faith,
Old 05-12-2006, 03:30 PM
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Thanks for the good wishes guys. HT, I won't be able to get it going for the first trip, but I will be there for DS days in September. I'm thinking that I will have a couple of friends with me then. Part of our DS family, but friends that will be able to pilot the monster a tad better than I.
Did I save any tricks for my motor that are not in Mario's motor..... There are some little tweaks here and there that very few have, but that's just having a little more suger in the icing of the cake. Mario will be more than fine.....

Actually looking at the calander now to plan some events for the next duning season. Very excited and most of you will see more of Mario and I than you will ever want.

Talked with Mr. HP the yesterday and from that conversation my wheels started turning. Looking to do a Light Tree that can be dropped at a hill with VERY little effort. This should make things very fun next season. Break-out lights shouldn't be too difficult.... the idea is to make things that much more competitive. I'm hoping that I can fab a tree, break-out lights and a simple control box w/setup taking only 5 - 10 minutes.

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