Kids Quads Discussions about Kid's Quads and other ATV's.

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Old 04-27-2004, 12:23 PM
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Default best 125 or 100cc for adult and kids

Some people respond negatively when they feel threatened that their personal rationalizations are being challenged and those rationalizations don’t stand up to commonly accepted scrutiny.

Sometimes its because I do work for the DNR that makes people respond not so well. Some people have authority issues. But the truth is – all I do is work to get youthful operators through the safety program so they can ride larger then 90cc machines before they are 16. Interesting paradox isn’t it?

I love the “preaching” reference. When someone disagrees with you its always preaching! If they agree with you – well, then that’s a pretty darn smart person and we all should listen to what he has to say!

This weekend I attended a ATV open house for a large sporting goods retailer that sells ATV’s.. It was unbelievable the number of young parents asking if these ATV’s would tip over, can they ride them in the house or “are they safe?” --They??? – While their 4 or 5 year old sat on a 90cc to which their feet wouldn’t come within 6 inches of the floor boards. The level of ignorance and lack of common sense was outrageous. Manufactures have stickers all over these things saying “don’t do it” but reading the warning labels is beyond many peoples comprehension it seems. When the store refused to sell one guy a way over sized quad for his kid – he said he would just buy one used out of the paper. (middle finger waving).

One thing that has become obviously clear to me since starting to do this is that no amount of law or regulation will impact the intelligence of some parents.

If I’m not sticking to the manufactures and industry recommendations, state laws (as I know few other then MN) and/or generally accepted safety guidelines – then go ahead and speak up. Point out where I have been incorrect. I’m not perfect and I’m sure I’ve missed something or not communicated something and welcome the opportunity to straighten it out.

But, as long as I hear or read about idiot parents putting 4 year olds on ATV’s and sending them down public roads with auto traffic to grandma’s house – I will continue to advise parents of the safety recommendations and regulations. Anyone is welcome to spin in circles proliferating the virtues of whatever selfish personal rationalizations they have that oppose those safety issues.
Old 04-27-2004, 01:42 PM
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I agree w/ what some of whodat said. I must say if the parent is stupid enough to ask if it can be driven in the house then they shouldn't be looking to buy a quad for their kid.

Any Parent that lets their kid drive on a public road into on coming traffic is retarded!!!! This site and others are full of us parents that came looking for info long before buying and I personally feel that it all comes down to parental supervision. Unless of course the parent is again, "RETARDED".

I think someone called what "whodat" is doing is preaching. It sounds alot like preaching to me. Just my .02. Then again I think most people on this forum know there kids and their capabilities. Yes laws for these machines are moronic. I can not pictue my 14yr old @210 pds riding a 90. The suspension would be all clapped out. My 7 yr old on a 50cc. That is a little more exceptable to me. Then again he drives a 90cc. Again I know what he can handle and the choice in our unit was mine and mine alone.

maybe this makes nosense to anyone but me but I know what I meant.

Just get all the safety gear you can and WATCH THEM...WATCH THEM...WATCH THEM!!!! Be safe!!!
Old 04-27-2004, 05:47 PM
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This is not the first thread that I have read that you have told people to not even consider ATV's for there children. You have your views and I understand that! I also understand that you spouting off everytime someone comes to this section and asks which Quad for his child is right and you not giving any advice except to not get any is no help at all! Again we have all decided to put our children on these machines. If someone comes and asks if he or she should get a quad then maybe it would be a more apropriate time for your views.
I can't help if people are stupid, maybe it is about time we let natural selection start taking over again!!!

Old 04-27-2004, 07:31 PM
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If wondering, "WhoDatInDaMud" has been posting his "get a puppy instead" speaches in many different forums for a while. At first, I thought he started to makes sence, then I started to catch onto this guy. Then I read a post where he described one of his 14 year old students "drove himself" into a tree and killed himself. Yes, accidents do happen and many of us feel for this kid's ATV Instructor, this kid and this kid's parents. What I don't understand is, why is this guy pushing "safety overboard" like he was the kids parent? Even walking across the road can't stop any of us from getting hit by a car. Heck, an airplane land on us, etc. Life is always full of chances and risks. Even eating a hot dog has its risks as well. You don't see any parents standing infront of the grocery store holding a picket sign over a hotdog!!! To me, the best thing he can do is find a way to move on with his life..... If one doesn't, it will emotionally destroy themselves, and everyone else around them as well....

Here's a true story..... Approx 5 years ago, a 5 year old kid is diagnosed with Leukimia. The parents spent 2 years in he hospital isolation ward with their kid. The kid endured 35+ blood transfusions, had his rights read to him 5 times, etc. etc. In the end and when remission was finally reached, does one of those parents start preaching about "how bad smoking is, how much chemicals is in our foods or how much cancer causing stuff is within lawn pestisides???". Nope!!!! That family moved on and now have a wonderful life with each of their kids. mmmmmm...... I guess it takes time for other people to move on with their lives....

Just my 2 cents worth!!!!

Old 04-28-2004, 12:54 AM
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You guys crack me up.

You cant do anything about a airplane landing on your house or even getting hit by a car. But you should do something about 3 and 5 year olds riding ATV's. Its all about the danger of children operating motorized vehicles and their inability to make the good decisions that many parents fail to make for them.

I had a 12 year old riding quads on mountain trails many adults would walk away from. I agree that with the right equipment, supervision and training many young people are able to ride safely with a expectation of not getting seriously injured. However - It is unreasonable IMO to put little kids who should be on a tricycle on a motorized quad that will do 30+mph. Often - very often - the kids are not on kid size quads - as in some of the postings here. If we are talking 10+ year old kids - well, thats different and it depends on the kid. If you check my posts regarding the puppy purchase they fall into the tricycle category.

To follow your logic - as long as the parents choose to put their kids at risk (usually for the parents entertainment) - then its nobody elses business. Then why stop at quads. Can't a 5 year old be taught the minumum skills to operate a car? The parents said it was ok. Its the parents choice right?

Not. Courts have ruled that parents do not have the right to wave the rights of their children. Children have the same rights to a reasonable safe enviroment as adults. I'm very familiar with this from skydiving. You can't sign the waiver for children to jump - as a parent you don't have the right to put the child at risk.

If my postings ruffle your guilt feathers for putting innocent little children at risk - then you should worry about that - not my posts. The laws and regulations, and manufacturer recomendations are on my side. Not yours.

Old 04-28-2004, 01:24 AM
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Then why should we stop at Quads?? Maybe we should not allow kids to ride in cars, after all children are killed every year in autos, even when they are properly restrained! Maybe we should not let them play sports, I know the kids on my childs Tball team use bats and hit hard objects around at 30+ mph! Maybe we should not let them go to school, after all children die at school or on there way to school every year! See my point here, there are risks in everything and you people that think you need to tell me how to raise my child need to get a grip! When you can't use the fear tactics you try to legislate your shortsightedness and remove the things we love to do with our families!!!
Maybe we should outlaw ATV's all together, so that no one gets hurt on them?? If someone came up to you and said that they were gonna ban quads for everyone because someone was killed, you would be going through the roof! But it is people like you who have tried to push your idea of SAFETY on the rest of us! After all it is this kind of nonsence that has gotten the standards for ATV's passed already! COme on 90cc's for a 15 year old kid is assanine!!!

Just as a refrence and I was not going to bring my son into this but I wanted to use an example, We got him a 50cc and it was so small he could not fit his feet between the wheel wells!!! This bike was made for a tiny child, but according to the regs no one under 6 should be on it! Do you think this is safe, to have him on an undersized quad.

I guess what it all comes down to is this, we all make decissions for our families and maybe you should stick to making those decissions for your own and not try and decide them for me and my family! The only thing this does is feeding fuel to the fire of the groups that would like to see all the motorized vehichles removed!


Oh, yeah wayneob I am sorry your thread got so far off it's topic! look at the E-Ton Youkon, it is a great little utility with full racks and reverse
Old 04-28-2004, 01:40 AM
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Yup, a tree hugger for sure!!! Save the forest. Save the entire forest! I'm so "teflon" in my cause, I'm going to chain myself to the biggest tree. That way, the lumber jacks can't cut the trees down. Then the newspaper folks come and take lots of pictures of this guy chained to the tree. Lots of write ups of "he's on the side of the law". After no one pays attention to him anymore, he unlocks himself from the tree and moves to another forest. On the way out, he purchases lots of newpapers (that contain the photos and the many write ups) of him previously chained to the tree. Guess what, his actions of making News caused the destruction of many more trees. Yet, he thinks he's doing a great job by being chained to the tree and preeching to others. Yup, a tree hugger for sure!!!

Instead of preaching to others, it would have been more welcome & efficient by just posting something like... If you are interested, surf: type posting. As we often say, folks listen more to friendly advice then others who quote laws and "worste case" examples to others.

Hope this helps....

Old 04-28-2004, 02:32 AM
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Default best 125 or 100cc for adult and kids

Hey Spike,

This is the joker that was looking for a left hand throttle so he could ride around with only his left arm!!

Real safety guru this one is!!

AKA ChrisM on pred owners
Old 04-28-2004, 05:52 PM
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TextHey Spike,

This is the joker that was looking for a left hand throttle so he could ride around with only his left arm!!

Real safety guru this one is!!

AKA ChrisM on pred owners

LMAO.... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

Nobody loves their kid anymore than the next guy the loves his own. With this in mind if you feel your kid is good to ride it, then let them. Just be safe that's all I ask because that's what I do. I will preach this because it needs to be out there for the fools that have no clue. "WHODAT" you make a great point for yourself and how you would approach it w/ your kids. 3 maybe young for my taste but it is just that" MY TASTE". The next guy may not feel the same and I am ok w/that and so should you.

Don't waste your breath or finger strength, it will not change his mind. Good try though!
Old 04-28-2004, 11:15 PM
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Default best 125 or 100cc for adult and kids

Originally posted by: csamayfield55
Hey Spike, This is the joker that was looking for a left hand throttle so he could ride around with only his left arm!! Real safety guru this one is!! Chris AKA ChrisM on pred owners

The personal attacks are not surprising. They usually follow when it is realized that their position is not defensible. When your argument isn't reasonable - attempt to discredit the opponent. Not a new tactic. Flaming liberals hiding behind the monitor are typical of many wanting to have there opinion known but not wanting anyone elses to be heard.

But more importantly - I think there are several million Americans who have a physical disability and use adaptive technologies to overcome physical limitations that would take offense to the statements being spewn here. I know several disabled veterans and a fireman who have ATVs with modifications - and I believe niether of you two would deserve to stand in the same room with them.

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