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this is bad! real bad!

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Old 03-03-2004 | 05:03 PM
WheelieKing's Avatar
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ok i was goin for a ride to the trails down the road. the same trails that my dad used to ride at as a kid. and at the enterance i noticed a car blockin it off. i was like WTF? so i went around it to see what was goin on. i went in and everything seemed normal. then i went around the first turn n the place was tore up!!! most of the trees were gone!!!!! i kept goin to my favorite part of the trails were me n friends built our jump and maintained it every weekend. our jump was flattened and it was like a wierd dream! everything was gone!! i guess there gonna build another subdivision!! here in Temperance they have been shooting up like crazy. this is really bad. all the fields that i have permission to ride at are plowed for the winter and the others have wheat in there. theres really plain trails that run along the railroad tracks by my house but i have the cross to sets of raiload tracks n i have to get off a few times to lift it over em. and i heard if i get caught back there i could get aressted.
Old 03-03-2004 | 06:39 PM
sugarhead's Avatar
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that sucks,its the same bs here where i Live.Its either subdivided or what really really blows is having farms an open sace designated for everything except off-road vehicles even dual sports.What really gets me mad as hell s when the rangers can ride there quads on it but no 1 else can or its open space ,no 1 can ride on it its a crime then 10 years later the town will sell to the builders an its great no 1 debates that..aweee cripes Im sorry I;m having abad day an am having the sudden urge to ride.half the people in this country or so brainwashed an divided I dont know how we exist as a country aymore.The thinking an common sense of people just dont make sense anymore.
Old 03-03-2004 | 08:54 PM
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Same thing here were I live.....The state bought out the corp of engineers land and went in and shut down the riding spot the has been there for a long long time...Its gettting harder and harder to find a place to ride anymore....Sucks.....The Big Manufactures of quads Honda,Yami,Suzuki,ETC........Need to step in to the Political field and start fighting for the Customer and help us start winning the fight for riding land....Or the Major Manufactures WONT have any customers to sell to because theres NOWHERE to ride there machines.......
Old 03-03-2004 | 09:08 PM
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thats what Ive been sayin about the big mfgs.thats where they messed up big time I feel.HOnda when asked in last months atv sport if atvs would end up track only models he said nO. think thats a bg fat LIE.cause if It does people dont wanna ride on a trackan go around in circles an the industry will lose out.SOme 1 wrote an article read yesterday in here it was on the main page bout PA an the gaming commision.It slike there not getting it.They want more land an money an then they wanna crack down on the hunters an atvs an then they wonder why Hunters are decreasng to get permits.They cant go as far for the hunt they get haggled over petty bs an then its a crme to ride atvs>What the hell is going on in this country is this becoming russia?It makes me wonder that when I hear state owned land an open space an ya cant even use it due to dim witted non outdoors men dictating everything.I;m 29 an its getting to be a royal pain in da *** to drive 2 hours ride for 3 an go home.If get caought I can easly lose my job.all I wanna do is ride an have a good time I cant even do that anymore.Thats what I ment by there is alot of discord an contradictions w people.I like the part of the article where it stated bout pseng an powerlines keeping them brush free,my co worker said tha tto me other day.It makes sense it would save the gas an electric companys alot of money.ohh well good thing theres still alkyhol an pot[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Old 03-04-2004 | 11:24 AM
660mmm's Avatar
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If you think it is bad now, just wait. If Kerry gets in, I fear we might as well sell our quads. He is against any kind of ATV use on public lands and would love to make them ileagal to use on private. He and his wife (who has the money and has given millions to radical environmental groups) have stated they will re-instate Clintons ban on ATV use in 65 million acres of land via the "roadless" act. He further wants to expand the wilderness areas by quadripple. Right now if you were to combine all of the wilderness areas in the US into one area it would be the third largest state, after Alaska and Texas. After Kerry and his crew gets through the amount of land closed to ATVs will be larger than the state of Alaska, here in the continental US. Goodby freedoms.
Old 03-04-2004 | 12:58 PM
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From what I heard kERRY IS THE Biggest sack of SH*T liar this sde of clinton.Not to disresespt vets but hes admitted bout murders an rapes etc.Just found out last nite our towns police force has bought a rhino to patrol the new open spaces the town has bought an designated against illegal atvs.How is is the cops can ride or drve a vehicle legaly that if I or others had purshased it would be illegal no matter what.Some 1 tell me this isnt the biggest case of horsecrap ya ever heard.Sheesh if were gonna ride we might as well peddle drugs to so we really are criminals,cause when they bust ya thats how they treat ya,confiscate ya machine,fne the crap outta ya.Maybe we should confiscate police vehicles.Bastards! hate to say it but if chose to outrun a cop on a rhino any of my bikes would outrun an outgun athe fat bloated that thing is governed to 40 anyways.I might get outdone by there radio but not by there quad.I went to pick my klr up from the dealer an I asked who was buying these things cause there is no fams or ranches in NJ.The 1 mechanic said a few police forces an stated a waste of tax payers monies no doubt.I snickered an said it was probably to crack down on us atvers an off roaders.Then 1 nite later I get township bulletin an read it an man was I pissed.I shoulda become a cop or a ranger just so I could ride an get over.
Old 03-04-2004 | 09:34 PM
deanz400's Avatar
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well fellow riders , heres'the next politician we need to ax , Dean's gone away so now we have to keep karey out also . so spread the word to your buddies ,you don't have to get to political just let them know what Kerry stands for and what we can loose . i am a veteran and Kerry's politic stand just is wrong what happened to the right to pursue happiness in america . dang why do the dam democrates not see what the american people really want and thats less goverment . i hate people that can only see goverment service as a way to get power and enforce there will on others just makes me want to pull out my remington 870 and go hunt some politicians , why don't we start a new hunting season on them that would work .

Old 03-04-2004 | 11:11 PM
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You can also say farewell to more of your "Right To Keep & Bear Arms" too. Kerry is strictly
in favor of more idiotic gun control legislation. Those morons don't know one gun from another.
Any semi- auto is an assult weapon to them. If elected president, Kerry will just continue the
" Great Land Grab" as Clinton did. More & more areas will close to OHV use. Gun shows will be a thing of the past. We will lose a great deal of our heritage as free American citizens. With the
10,000,000 ATV riders in this country, over 44,000 on this forum alone, we do have a voice, let it be heard," LOUD & CLEAR". Do it in your own way, but do it! Or you, your children,your grandchildren will face the "Consequences of Apathy".
Regards, Jerico1

It's better to have a gun & not need it, than to need a gun & not have it!
Old 03-05-2004 | 01:10 PM
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whats hilarious is a bb gun could kill some 1.Look at the jason williams trial.I mean what was that guy thinkin all tha tmoney an no brains.I see it lke this politicians will brainwash majority america,only cops will have guns.Well end up like china,way cops act above an beyond the law we need more checks an balances an oversight not on us but these peolple in power.Its lke they say vote make a difference vote em out etc..ALl good an said but when its done an over they still got there peeps lobbying making em money an they still have a poltical post of 1 position or another so people that believe any republican democrap any of it to make a difference is only fooling themselves.My buddy s in libertarian party ,thats what they believe less goverement involvement.He said ralph nader was technically socilaism disquised in bs to look good. I relize I cant do much but its frusrtating to think we have freedoms an it still dont make no damn dfference.At work 1 of my co workers had a good Idea even tho it wont happen,get rid of the whole shebang system an start over..
Old 03-05-2004 | 02:54 PM
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Kerry is bad news! We have to keep him out of there. Land area for riding is already restricted and we don't need more restriction. Its already illegal up here to ride in some areas even if it is your own land. Its crazy..

With my gun in my right hand and my left holding my atv, nobody will take them from me..

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