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Old 07-30-2000, 03:48 PM
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Well face it. The media is owned by the left wing liberals. The only non-liberal channel is MSNBC (and thats because of the MS part). I watch MTV and I am outraged at the commercials to vote. It soooooooo asks people to vote for democrats and what ticked me off most was this:
"Over 16% of our taxes go to the Military."
Now I see that 16% IS NOT ENOUGH, and I have incredible information to back this up. But the way that these hippies at MTV represent it, its that less money should be spent in the military; its just the way the commercial goes.
Remember, I may not be old enough to vote. But I do what I can. I urge all to vote Republican for many reasons. I joined the NRA and Blue Ribbon.
Old 07-30-2000, 08:37 PM
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I think its time the whole off-road industry and outdoorsmen take a stand.How long are we gonna let the goverment and the EPA tell us what we can and cannot do.It should be were gonna ride hunt walk,etc anywhere we want,were gonna do it our way or the highway.who controls what the epa does no 1,its getting out of control,that they can say what we do but we dont have a say in what they do.its getting to the point that ya cant fart funny without some 1 saying or doing something anymore. It took me 16 years very long years of mags and dreams and read jobs to finally be able to buy a bike(Dad wouldnt buy me 1 wanted me to learn value of money and responsibility) now I have aquired 1 and theres almost no place to ride well i guess if I have to ride illegally I will.I mean think what do these tree hugging hippies liberals want us all to do sit and in our living rooms smoking dope and practicing free love and our problems will go away.who ever said write to your politicians and vote thats on the right track but its still not that easy our illustrious politicians have there own agendas.
Old 07-30-2000, 09:03 PM
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Yep, the best thing we can do is get EVERY friend to voit for bush
Old 08-01-2000, 10:59 PM
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I have just been enformed by a friend of mine that the State of Tennessee has just closed access to all four wheel driven vehicles. My friends and I really have enjoyed riding in these states parks and are really concerned about the impact this decision will have on Tennessee atv'ers. What is even more disturbing is that the message here is that if you have four legs and horseshoes than the parks are for you and your riders. I hope someone out there will see how wrong this is for atv'ers who also pay taxes like everyone else.
Old 08-03-2000, 11:12 PM
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I hate to say it but the rich people are ruining and controlling this country for what they want it for( Golf courses and new age nature freaks for nature walks) some of these people have demented thinking,I know some of you guys or gals have money and I dont mean it like that but look at how the enviros pander to the politicians and vice versa,our dollars have to be good to buy some 1 out like the mafia or oil companys do.i get angry cause they can have 250 acres to play golf where sh*t load of poisons and fertilizers are used but we cant ride a simple machine that barely pollutes at all.America better wake the hell up cause if it don't were gonna end up like China,hell the way clinton sold us out to China I wouldnt doubt that they control us someday
Old 08-04-2000, 12:46 AM
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I guess I was wrong. When I originally made this post, I assumed that it wouldn't get many replies. This post has gotten 14 replies! I thought that everyone would rather argue about who was faster, bigger or better. I am pleased to see that people actually do think. The last 8 years have made me wonder. It has gotten to the point that I wondered how people even changed lightbulbs or found their way to work. I hope that you all vote in November. In this case, to those who want the freedom to use public property that they have paid for, for their families enjoyment, the choice is clear and simple. I have many other reasons that aren't appropriate for this forum, but the choice is the same and just as clear.
Sugarhead, I agree with you on most of your points. But, its not as simple as rich vs. poor. Stupid is stupid, rich or poor. Remember, to many people, if you can afford to pay for your kids lunch....your rich. I used to golf. Where I live, there is room for golfing and riding both. I don't even care if the tree huggers hug a few trees if that is what makes them happy, as long as the don't spook the deer that I'll be hunting!.
Old 08-04-2000, 09:27 PM
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I was just reading in this month's Blue Ribbion magazine that a lone nature walker, walking with a dog off leash, disturbs deer more than 4 wheelers do. It seems the deer get acclaimated to the sites n' sounds of machinery on trails and that breeding and feeding activites are not affected. Of course any farmer or logger could have told us that. Many times while cutting wood with a chain saw, I've had curious deer come right out to investigate. They do not shake and run away in terror as the Sierra Club would have the general public believe.
These special interest groops are really guilty of using erroneous information to further their own agendas. When you can't get the facts to back up your claims then lying is your only option!!
Simply join the Blue Ribbion Coalition .. learn the facts and how you help protect the sport AND the environment for ourselves and future generations. It's easy and you will feel better!!
Old 08-04-2000, 10:04 PM
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Bill450es, my comment about spooking the deer was a joke. But, your right, if the wildlife has anything to fear its certainly tree huggers, not quads or hunters. Their mixed up, uninformed views should scare anything with a pulse and an ounce of common sense.
Your right about deer not being spooked by quads. I use my quad to scout for deer and to get to my treestand. They normally just freeze and watch me pass. They are afraid of things that display predatory behavior. It doesn't surprise me that a person walking a dog would spook more deer than quads. Both humans and dogs are predators. The best way to get close is to act like your not hunting them.
Old 08-05-2000, 05:20 PM
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Rush Limbaugh is another hope for us When I met my girlfriend she was way left, almost a liberal enviro freak because she "learned" in college that logging, ORV's, and Republicans are destroying the earth. After one year of going out with her, she has changed her voter card to a "R" and will vote for bush! All I needed to do was explain the truth to her about logging (clear cutting is needed for full sunlight) and I showed her how little impact if any ORV's cause. I took her on a trail that was in a home video with ruts that looked bad but now is closed for the 3rd year. When standing in the very place I took the video she didn't even know a trail had been there. She is also fine with hunting now that her friends cat got killed by a cougar (our state banned hunting them with dogs so the population skyrocketed) One more vote for bush
Old 08-06-2000, 11:43 AM
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JRM, I agree, Bush is the "lesser" of the two evils running for president.

The land grab hasn't just affected us, our snowmobile friends are now facing the same problems as us.

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