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ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

Old 05-07-2005, 10:20 PM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

lol tone it down a lil bit whodat. how did we get on the subject of garbage and lifted up rusty trucks and trailor trash????? either way it was still entertaining. i dunno where you guys ride and see this but i haven't seen anything that bad of corse you are gonna have people who don't care thats anywhere you go. and you will have trailor trash hillbilly's wherever you go to i can't stand those people anyways lol and i agree 100 percent about loud pipes specially in more populated area's me myself i don't have loud pipes on a fourwheeler it is just annoying riding next to someone wiht them but as long as they stay out of populated area's it isn't a problem.
Old 05-10-2005, 06:09 PM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

I ride by Hoyt Lakes a lot And i barely see any garbage around on the trails. The swamp lands are a great place to ride over here also. A atv cannot do that much damage at all look how small they are. I had a lady come up to me couple months ago and say damn you atvers and snowmobiles for tearing up mother nature and killing our air we breath. I was like give me a flippin break lady. I told her to look at the piece of **** car she was driving and how her old wagon was putting fumes in the air more then I. On how much wider is the road SHE drives on is then a atv trail. STUPID LIBERAL TWITS!
Old 06-03-2005, 07:42 PM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

Where I do most of my riding, I don't see anything like what whodat or hondabuster are saying. Most of the guys I ride with haul out far more trash than they drag in. For this reason we see very little trash on the trails, and the trails are not nearly tore up as discribed, and I very rarely see tracks go off trail. And when the tracks go off trail, it is usually in the winter when the ground is frozen.
Old 06-04-2005, 01:59 AM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

LOL - well.... we rode 100 miles in the Biwabik, Aurora and Gilbert areas this last weekend. There were so many broken booze bottles that glass has become the #1 trail hazard. The 4x4s have pulled to the side the huge boulders used to block the trails from the 4X's and not to far into the wood did we find beds, recliners, couches, stoves - piles of household waste, yard clippings and leafs and bags and bags of discarded clothing. Numerious couch cushions were found in unlikely places. I can't even begin to figure out why.

With Pigs like this in northern Minnesota Its no wonder we must struggle so badly to create new riding oppertunities.
Old 06-05-2005, 09:51 AM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

Originally posted by: WhoDatInDaMud
LOL - well.... we rode 100 miles in the Biwabik, Aurora and Gilbert areas this last weekend. There were so many broken booze bottles that glass has become the #1 trail hazard. The 4x4s have pulled to the side the huge boulders used to block the trails from the 4X's and not to far into the wood did we find beds, recliners, couches, stoves - piles of household waste, yard clippings and leafs and bags and bags of discarded clothing. Numerious couch cushions were found in unlikely places. I can't even begin to figure out why.

With Pigs like this in northern Minnesota Its no wonder we must struggle so badly to create new riding oppertunities.
I've lived in this area for the last 15 years and rode here for 4 years. I'll admit when I first moved here I saw a few old stoves, a couple old car fenders and even one old car body from the 40's. I later found out this was all very near an old, now closed county garbage dump. I guess when they closed it and landscaped, they missed a few items.

Recliners, couches, piles of household waste....I've never seen them. So many broken booze bottles that glass has become the #1 trail hazard....give me a break!! If I or any of my club members ever see anything on a trail, we stop and pick it up and have never seen glass on the trails here.

Any marsh area path that will support a ATV above its fenders is mulched into swamp muck
I just looked at your pictures. There is one there of your wife and her bike covered in swamp muck. It kind of looks like Marsh AREA Muck

A question for you: Being a DNR safety instuctor, you should know the riding laws, right? Where were you riding (100 miles) in this area? There are NO legal riding trails here except within the OHV park! All those other trails are mining company and MN Power properties and posted! Sounds like a little tresspassing going on to me!!

With Pigs like this in northern Minnesota
Maybe you should not come to northern MN and just stay in that pristene metro area.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
Old 06-05-2005, 12:01 PM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

People, People, can't we all just get along[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

But this is a very intresting subject.

Everybody has alot of different opinions on what they've found or not found on the trail.

I personally have not seen very much garbage, but I have seeen broken bottles and old barb wire, but other then that garbage isnt a problem.

I havent ridden on state trails very often but the ones I road on were very well maintained and in great shape.

I generally ride on private property when I go out riding so there all my trails and my nieghbors trails so I clean them up if I want to and I have.

It's just hard for ATV riders here because if some1 that is'nt an ATV enthusiast see's tracks causing damage they always lead to ATV's. Half the time its frickin trucks and dirtbikes! Dirtbikes have already been banned everywhere in the state ecept private property and in closed competition . Hopefully things turn around and they dont do the same to the quads because I dont know what I would do if I wouldnt be able to ditch ride and have fun cruisin with my friends.

The future is up to us in the ATV industry.
Old 06-05-2005, 12:04 PM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

Originally posted by: mninstructor
Originally posted by: WhoDatInDaMud
With Pigs like this in northern Minnesota Its no wonder we must struggle so badly to create new riding oppertunities.
I've lived in this area for the last 15 years and rode here for 4 years. I'll admit when I first moved here I saw a few old stoves, a couple old car fenders and even one old car body from the 40's. I later found out this was all very near an old, now closed county garbage dump. I guess when they closed it and landscaped, they missed a few items.

Recliners, couches, piles of household waste....I've never seen them. So many broken booze bottles that glass has become the #1 trail hazard....give me a break!! If I or any of my club members ever see anything on a trail, we stop and pick it up and have never seen glass on the trails here.

Any marsh area path that will support a ATV above its fenders is mulched into swamp muck
I just looked at your pictures. There is one there of your wife and her bike covered in swamp muck. It kind of looks like Marsh AREA Muck

A question for you: Being a DNR safety instuctor, you should know the riding laws, right? Where were you riding (100 miles) in this area? There are NO legal riding trails here except within the OHV park! All those other trails are mining company and MN Power properties and posted! Sounds like a little tresspassing going on to me!!

With Pigs like this in northern Minnesota
Maybe you should not come to northern MN and just stay in that pristene metro area.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
LOL.... wow... if you don’t like our trash and rubbish then stay Now that’s a good one

1) There is one brown and one yellow recliner along the trail near a little lake south west of McKinley, you can likely still find those. And several of the couch cushions are on a hill east of where Belgrade use to be.

2) There were numerous broken beer and booze bottles between Aurora and Hoyt lakes. We do our part also and we picked up the larger fragments so your not going to find those but the really shattered ones we would bury. We carry a shovel for just such purpose. This was north of the lake above Aurora. You are welcome.

3) I noticed recently that trails around Hoyt lakes are marked ATV trails. They must be realizing the economic boost of the tourist riders. Your "club" needs to get out more.

4) Being a DNR instructor much consideration was taken to legal riding in that area. This is our 3rd year riding up their. I personally spoke with the county sheriffs office, the Biwabik police and the DNR at Gilbert. Their are posted areas but much of the land is mining tax forfeit state property without any designation, I was told. No prohibition to ride on the existing trails (former RR beds mostly) or where its not posted. We come across authority’s all the time, in fact - we ride with a St. Louis county deputy occasionally. I don't think we are in violation.

5) That picture of my wife was taken in the Sherwood Forest campground adjacent to the Gilbert OHV Park during the ATVAM spring convention a few years ago. Your about as wrong with your assumptions as a person can get.

Their are some people up north that are making the area look bad, but I have no anti- Iron range agenda and I don’t intend to make any enemies with the decent and responsible people who live their. But you have no credibility with me when you argue there is NO glass and NO riding areas as I have picked up the glass and I have been on the marked ATV trails and I've been riding there with the full knowledge and as far as I understand, the "consent" of law enforcement.

It is hard to beleive that two people can have two very different expereinces riding in the same area. Maybe I'm more sensitive to taking note of it. But I have the facts to support my posting. Or I know exactly where I buried them.

Old 06-05-2005, 12:59 PM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

1.) Never rode there. so they could be there. That sounds like just out of the OHV park by your descriptoion.

2.)So you found a couple of bottles. That couldn't have happened anywhere else but where the "pigs"live? I'm glad you picked up the glass. Did you say that was between Aurora and Hoyt Lakes? The only way to get to Hoyt Lakes from Aurora is on a state snowmobile trail, which is closed to ATV's. How about that big swamp and creek crossing in there?

3.)The trails in Hoyt Lakes are one loop around the town. As far as I know they were put there for the locals to ride, when they closed many others in Superior Natn'l Forest that they used to ride. Of course anyone is welcome to ride them.

4.) Some of that may be true. But from McKinley to Biwabik, you ride an old railroad grade, which may be OK but it ends right in the Canadian National Railroad yard in Biwabik. Which means about 1/4 mile of tresspassing there. From Biwabik to Aurora you have to now ride on another state snowmobile trail and a paved biking trail. Both off limits to ATVs.

5.)That sure does not look like the red ore mud at the OHV park but I suppose it could have come from a nearby trail

"when you argue there is NO glass and NO riding areas as I have picked up the glass and I have been on the marked ATV trails"
My apologies about the glass you found and thank you for cleaning it up. I am sorry to tell you that the only marked ATV trails are in the OHV park and around Hoyt Lakes. Those orange markers everywhere else are for the snowmobile trails.

"Their are some people up north that are making the area look bad, but I have no anti- Iron range agenda and I don’t intend to make any enemies with the decent and responsible people who live their"
So you write this on a public forum: " I guess if I wanted to live a life without rules for sanitation, environmental responsibility or any kind of unexamined lifestyle I would want to be left alone also." and "low-life pond scum-sucking pimple faced hat on backwards jerk baits who drive rusted out POS jacked up 4x4 trucks down ATV trails so they can haul their soon to be knocked-up 14 year old girl friends back into the woods for a little north woods hanky panky. and "brings visions of "Deliverence" and other hillbilly scenes to mind doesn't it?"

Dude next time you are coming up to ride leave a post. We would like to ride with you show you that there are regular normal folks living here and not the trailer trash you make us out to be

Old 06-05-2005, 02:34 PM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

whodat: Your posts sound as if your opinion of anyone from north of the cities is white trash. Perhaps that not the way you mean it, but that is how you come off.

The area you discribe may be "up north" to you, but it is "down south" to a lot of people, myself included. Where I ride I have NEVER seen the likes of what you discribe. Just thinking of it makes me sick to my stomach. I have never seen any house-hold goods out on any trails. Bottles, cans and etc, yes (we usually stop to pick these up), couches, mattresses, etc, never.

I hope the "trailer trash hypocrates low-life pond scum-sucking pimple faced hat on backwards jerk baits who drive rusted out POS jacked up 4x4 trucks down ATV trails so they can haul their soon to be knocked-up 14 year old girl friends back into the woods for a little north woods hanky panky" stay "down south".
Old 06-06-2005, 02:00 AM
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Default ATV bill lets DNR decide where riders can go in MN

off topic but i actually love northern minnesota, i get to go up there a few time's everywinter for ski races and it so beautiful off of the lake and it's just quiet and kinda has its own thing going on. My all time favorite city to go to is Duluth, sweet city, its like uve left minneosta and are just like, somewhere else, cool town[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

whodat-Theres gonna be trailer trash everywhere in minnesota, not just one place, but its not like every1 except u is trailer trash, some ppl arent and u should judge them just because of where they live dude

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