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"four wheeling gun-toting partyers"

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Old 03-23-2000, 01:46 PM
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I'm from a little town in Pa., upon opening my morning newspaper today I was stunned to see headlines reading "Partyers start fire in mine shaft near Mount Carmel, officials say". Now the second worst thing about this article is that it is directly attributed to some atving punks out of the city of Philadelphia. The criminal activities didn't end with just starting a mine fire no, some were also caught with drugs and about 20 firearms were seized. Not only have these punks given all of us legal riders a bad name, but they have gone and given the anti's ammunition they so badly want. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??????? The paper refers to them as "four wheeling, gun-toting partyers", how can we stick up for our rights with these kind of slobs running around.This, in my opinion and the laws, is not warranted or wanted, so please stay out of my neck of the woods or any neck of the woods for that matter. Unfortunately it says they got directions from the internet which I have also got directions from myself in the past. I don't know how to stop this but I sure hope they throw the book at them and that it hurts when it hits 'em. Now this is just my opinion of these people you are free to form your own but I have a feeling I know what that will be. Let's stop the idots of the world from ruining this great pasttime of ours. And by the way I am an avid hunter and I also own a bar so I enjoy these activities also, just each in it's own proper time and place.
Old 03-23-2000, 03:37 PM
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I agree! It is the "punks" that are ruining it for all off the law biding responsible riders. I saw the same thing in Florida with personal watercraft. NOw if you own a PWC there hardly any places to ride. Here again a few reckless punks is going to spoil it for everyone. What is wrong with the kids of today.

I will now step down off of my soap box
Old 03-23-2000, 05:18 PM
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Imagine if they went to the mine in a car. No one would blame the automobile. Once again lets say they did'nt have guns along. Then they would just be called four wheelers. Why don't they go after cars or knives, hatchets ect. when a crime is committed with one of them. I can't see these "peoples" train of thought. I can imagine in my lifetime loosing my firearms and the right to hunt because of narrow minded people like these. I can also see more and more places being closed to atv's because of the behavior of a few. Case in point--Our local Camp Robinson wildlife management area is closed to atv's but I can drive my z71 all over it. I guess a 4,000 4x4 is less of an impact on the area. If a gun is used as an instrument of crime "they" want to ban them. When an auto us used in the same way (as in running over people) they blame the driver--not the auto. We really need to get more people involved in sports like atving and hunting so no one is confused with what we are all about. Gardner10 (sorry about venting}

Old 03-23-2000, 11:46 PM
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Four wheeling and shooting guns are two of my favorite past times. Having a beer or two, or partying on the weekends is also a good time, but by no means should ever be mixed with either of the forementioned. Out here in Washington, I can't say as I've actually read the arcticle you are referring to, yet I will assume they were some high school kids, or in that particular age group. As to what is wrong with these kids?, well, I tend to believe that it is due to an extreme lack of respect. Lack of respect towards their 4x4's, their guns, their parents and especially the effects of alcohol combined with the others. I am in no means preaching not to drink. I think everyone is entitled to a good time, yet you should be responsible enough to know that alcohol and guns, or vehicles do not and will not ever mix.

I hate to say it, but I feel that part of this lack of respect is due in part to their up-bringing, and from their parents. People don't like guns because they can kill people. Well, what these people don't understand is that the guns themselves do not kill people. It is the person behind the gun who is doing the killing. I know there are a lot of parents out there who leave there guns unsecured, or in places where their kids can reach them if they wanted to. This is where the problem lies. Unless the parents have actually taught their kids how the guns operate, and proper gun safety and handling, there is bound to be problems. I grew up on a farm in Northern Washington. My Dad and both sets of grandparents all had numerous guns around the house. The thing is, they drilled me constantly about proper gun safety and handling. Things like the usuall never pointing unless you tend to shoot, and keeping your finger out of the guard until you are ready to fire, being absolutely sure of what is behind your target, and the usuall safety techniques. To this day, I don't think you can ever be too safe with a gun. I have seen several of my friends playing around with guns, and nearly blow a hole through their foot with both hand guns and hunting rifles. Is this the fault of the gun? NO, NOT A CHANCE! Had they not have been screwing around, the gun never would have went off, and nobody would have been hurt.

I think it is this lack of knowledge about guns and lack of training that is the reason for all the fear about them. As a result, we have people screaming for more gun control, and politicians pressing for more laws to ban guns, or further restrict their use, and function. All this does is make it more difficult for the honest person to be able to enjoy a sport that was written into the constitution so many years ago. Yet, do people see the result of banning all the guns? Do you think they realize that by banning guns, they are actually putting themselves at a higher risk for danger, or attack? NO! Think about it for a minute. If you live in a very low crime area, chances are most of the people in the community have guns. These are the common every day people who go to work every day, come home to the family at night, etc. Now, would a criminal want to go to this town, knowing full well that there is a chance that the house he is about to rob just may have a gun on the other side of the door greeting him as he breaks through the front door? Doubtful. Now, would that same criminal be more inclined to go to a city where guns are banned, such as Washington D.C., where he knows full well that nobody is entitled to own a gun, so he could break into any house, nab any person on the street, or grab any man, woman or child, knowing full well that they do not have a gun, or concelled weapon? Highly more likely. The pure deal is, gun laws make it more difficult for the honest person to buy and use guns legally. Criminals do not care what laws say and will find a way to get them anyway, whether it be legal or not.

An alternative to the banning of guns would be to further educate the people on the use of guns, and proper handling technniques. Education is power, and with that, I believe we would not have near as many problems as we do today. Instead of accusing guns as being bad, rather than banning atv's in forests or recreational area's, and rather hastily making it more difficult for the honest person to go out and enjoy their personal freedom in ways they choose, or in hobbies they pursue for a good time, why not open shooting ranges, and schools for guns. Why not open the land or designate more area's to ride? As citizens of the United States who enjoy riding and shooting, we need to also stand up to protect these rights before the shear ignorance of the non informed, and the environmentalists and politicians take everything away from us.

Please forgive me for rambling on, it's just that topics like these kind of strike a nerve. Also, please take no offense to anything in this post. These are just a few of my personal opinions, and should be taken at will. I am in no way trying to pursuade anyone to believe anything, just voicing my opinion. So, in conclusion, keep on four wheeling, respecting the land. Keep on shooting, respecting the guns. And, if you're going to party, be responsible about it. Put the guns away, and give the keys to the designated driver. With this respect, everyone can enjoy their favorite past times, and no one has to get hurt, or ruin it for everyone else.
Old 03-27-2000, 09:36 AM
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I think it has to do with parents not having a woodshed behind the house if you guys know what I mean!!!
Old 03-27-2000, 05:33 PM
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You're damn right it does!

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