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This makes me sick.

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Old 03-03-2011, 02:04 PM
MooseHenden's Avatar
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Default This makes me sick.

This is from today's Patriot Post. As a sidenote; I can't imagine how well received the new policies for our troops will be by those who are fighting by our side in Afghanistan and Iraq. So much for getting friendly with the native populations of Arabic parts of the world. Just giving them another reason to hate us. Just my .02. Here's the article.

Army Command Sgt. Maj. Marvin Hill, the ranking enlisted man in Afghanistan, and an outspoken Obamaphile, took time out from a joint interview with his Afghan counterpart, Sgt. Maj. Roshan Safi, to confirm that training sessions will be required for all combat personnel at forward operating bases as part of Obama's force-wide "Do Ask -- Do Tell" agenda to integrate homosexuals into combat units.

"We will take our directions from the Department of Defense, from the secretary of defense, the chairman, as well as the service chiefs of each service," said Hill. "Our plan is to take their direction, and we're going to execute that training right here on the battlefield."

Soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere around the world will receive this homosexual normalization indoctrination in the next few months.

As if that weren't enough "change" for one day, the afternoon policy reports confirmed that Obama's chief law enforcement officer, Attorney General Eric Holder, will not enforce the law. Actually, in Obamese, they will "enforce the law but not defend it in court." I'm referring specifically to Section 3 of DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as "the legal union between one man and one woman," or genetically, "one male and one female," under federal law.

DOMA doesn't infringe upon states' rights to establish their own definition of marriage, but it does protect the several states from having to recognize another state's standards for marriage. For example, Tennessee recognizes a driver license issued to a Hawaii driver, but it is not required to recognize a homosexual "marriage" license from Hawaii if that duo or duet should happen to move to Tennessee.

DOMA was signed into law by Bill Clinton after it received overwhelming congressional support, 85-14 in the Senate and 342-67 in the House. That notwithstanding, Holder has confused his post with that of a Supreme Court majority and has unilaterally declared DOMA unconstitutional.

Obama's rejection of DOMA is his latest attempt to pander to members of his second-most vociferous constituency after government unions: homosexual unions.

After his December blessing upon homosexual service in the military, Obama said, "[M]y feelings about this are constantly evolving. I struggle with this. I have friends, I have people who work for me, who are in powerful, strong, long-lasting gay or lesbian unions. And they are extraordinary people, and this is something that means a lot to them and they care deeply about. It's something that I personally am going to continue to wrestle with going forward."

"Evolving"? Homosexual unions have no chance of evolving, only devolving, as they are self-solving. (A shout out to Jesse Jackson as the inspiration for those prose!)

On the DOMA decision, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), head of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Equality Congressional Caucus (seriously, there is one), met with Obama, and then told reporters, "Getting the DADT repeal, that went a long way toward alleviating the sense of unhappiness. Now, the DOMA decision means there's no significant argument at all that the president has not been supportive."

But is Obama's high-profile rejection of DOMA solely to appease a minuscule pack of pantywaists in Congress, and their gender-confused constituents?

Obama's endeavor to "fundamentally transform America" into a Socialist state is predicated on the success of his labors to destabilize the three pillars of Essential Liberty: Individual Liberty, Economic Liberty and Constitutional Liberty.

He has already dealt a latent deathblow to Economic Liberty by way of his generational debt bomb.

He has done more damage to Constitutional Liberty than any Leftist since Franklin Roosevelt.

And Obama knows the most effective method to erode Individual Liberty is to undermine the integrity of faith and family, and that is why he advocates overturning measures such as DADT and DOMA.
Old 05-21-2011, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by MooseHenden
Obama's endeavor to "fundamentally transform America" into a Socialist state is predicated on the success of his labors to destabilize the three pillars of Essential Liberty: Individual Liberty, Economic Liberty and Constitutional Liberty.
Sure looks like he's fundamentally transformed "America" into a Socialist state alright. The "Patriot Post"... Now there's a quality source of news for ya. A bunch of whack job right wingers that probably believe the end of days starts today.

Tell me Moose you're not one of those "end of days" types I see with signs on the streets. The earth quakes and floods should start by 6 pm today
Old 05-21-2011, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by FunRide
Sure looks like he's fundamentally transformed "America" into a Socialist state alright. The "Patriot Post"... Now there's a quality source of news for ya. A bunch of whack job right wingers that probably believe the end of days starts today.

Tell me Moose you're not one of those "end of days" types I see with signs on the streets. The earth quakes and floods should start by 6 pm today
Wow, Funride, haven't heard much from you in a bit. Did you put your "middle of the road", Mother Jones, down long enough to make a post? Just kidding. You can call them all the names you want but how about seeing if what they say is true or not first. Also read some articles about this elsewhere.

As far as the, End of Days goes, the Bible does talk about it but Jesus himself said, Matthew 24:36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

I think it is the height of arrogance when someone says they know the Day. I'll just keep living in such a way that if He does show up today, by His grace and forgiveness, I'll go and be with Him for eternity. The crowd that says they know the time, day, and hour make a mockery out of what Jesus said and they cause the world to mock because, in all likelihood we'll all still be hear tomorrow.

If I thought the guy was right I wouldn't have gone and replaced the panic bars at the church that weren't working right. I'm looking forward to Sunday service tomorrow. I don't think it will be in heaven barring God saying my time is up.
Old 05-21-2011, 01:46 PM
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You know Moose, Funride may be right.

I think he's surpassed the socialist state and it working on a muslim state now.
Old 05-22-2011, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by MooseHenden
Wow, Funride, haven't heard much from you in a bit. Did you put your "middle of the road", Mother Jones, down long enough to make a post? Just kidding. You can call them all the names you want but how about seeing if what they say is true or not first. Also read some articles about this elsewhere.

As far as the, End of Days goes, the Bible does talk about it but Jesus himself said, Matthew 24:36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

I think it is the height of arrogance when someone says they know the Day. I'll just keep living in such a way that if He does show up today, by His grace and forgiveness, I'll go and be with Him for eternity. The crowd that says they know the time, day, and hour make a mockery out of what Jesus said and they cause the world to mock because, in all likelihood we'll all still be hear tomorrow.

If I thought the guy was right I wouldn't have gone and replaced the panic bars at the church that weren't working right. I'm looking forward to Sunday service tomorrow. I don't think it will be in heaven barring God saying my time is up.

Mother Jones... Good one Moose. I have read that once is while at the library. Some good gardening and self sufficiency articles. Not sure if it's the same magazine though. Lots of earthy stuff...

I did read some (not much) and that title is nonsense. Obama never made such a statement. Some rightly coined it and now it's being used as if Obama put it in writing. For me, I could care less about the whole issue. One thing I don't want is to see some 1st rate experienced translator, for example, getting kicked out of the military because he/she is gay. Who cares... I don't care anyway but others certainly do. Seems like there more important things to worry about than kicking good people out when we're trying to get more in to serve.

When's the next rapture date? Think it's 2012.

Just wanted to check in before the end of the world and annoy you one last time

BTW: Put a turbo on the RZR. It's just stupid fast now. Sucks a lot more gas, but worth it. The thing will shoot a roost on a dirt road at 35mph... No kidding. You're up to 50 in seconds and the trail becomes a blur if you really get into it. Only have a few miles on the rebuild so not a lot of experience with the boost yet. Nicely done accessory though. Worth the money...
Old 05-22-2011, 07:57 AM
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FunRide my friend, have you posted a video of your RZR w/the new turbo? wow, that's something i gotta see! sounds awesome, i'm happy for you.

BTW, guessing the dates of the Rapture gives Christianity a bad name. besides, when it happens, it will be denied and be called "the mother ship came and got them". ! or some lame excuse like that. anyways, i'm looking forward to it. but till then, i'm going to enjoy my life, my friends, my friends on this website, and my family..........have a good'en.

and i look forward to the video!
Old 05-22-2011, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Jaster94
FunRide my friend, have you posted a video of your RZR w/the new turbo? wow, that's something i gotta see! sounds awesome, i'm happy for you.

BTW, guessing the dates of the Rapture gives Christianity a bad name. besides, when it happens, it will be denied and be called "the mother ship came and got them". ! or some lame excuse like that. anyways, i'm looking forward to it. but till then, i'm going to enjoy my life, my friends, my friends on this website, and my family..........have a good'en.

and i look forward to the video!

I'll try to get some video Jaster.... Will post something over in the RZR section. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well Sir. I'm glad we're all alive this AM.

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Old 05-22-2011, 08:53 AM
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Originally Posted by FunRide
I'll try to get some video Jaster.... Will post something over in the RZR section. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well Sir. I'm glad we're all alive this AM.
i'll give a high and mighty AMEN to that!!!!!!!!. good to hear from you. i hope all is well with you.....take care my friend, and we'll talk at you soon.........
Old 05-22-2011, 06:38 PM
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Funride, no fair, you posted on a topic I posted almost 3 months ago! All the emails are long gone. And, honestly, I'm too tired to get into it. He did change the policy. I believe that 83% of active military men and women were against changing the don't ask don't tell. Most of the others didn't have an opinion one way or the other. I think the previous position made the most sense. It wasn't a big issue until people made it an issue. I can tell you from experience here in Massachusetts that the "normalization" of homosexual marriage is just the tip of the iceberg on what they want to accomplish. One of the bills they're seriously considering here is that anyone can use any public bathroom that they "gender identify" with. I'm sorry, but if a guy who is 6'2" and 250 lbs. follows my wife into a bathroom because he "thinks" he is a woman there's something really wrong here. It's a perversion (that is a practice that does not fit the norm) physically, socially, and in terms of orthodox religion. We had a case here in Mass. where two guys puposely went into a convenience store and started to make out. After a bit the guy behind the counter asked them to leave. You guessed, it, the clerk is being charge with discrimination because he shacked two people making out in a convenience store. If they had been straight and got kicked out would it have been an issue? I doubt it. I guess I'm just tired of all the social engineering that's going on, especially here in Mass. People can do what they want, but some activities are best left in the bedroom or home. And no, I'm not homophobic, I'm not in the least bit scared.
Old 05-22-2011, 08:05 PM
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Default Obama, Homosexuals, socialistic Gov., end of times??

You covered alot, but Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing and he will destroy this nation. He has got to get out! Problem is men sleeping with men is a sin and Obama calls himself a Christian?? Wheres it stop? Sisters and brothers? Nephews and Aunts? Fathers and daughters? Yes, its all out there, but in the closet. When will it come out?? Very scary, but if Homesexuals can do it so can they. You are right. No one, not even Jesus knows when the end of time will come and all who go against Isreal, beware as they are the chosen people and land. Not the USA and when it all comes down we will be joyful and merry in our ways or committing sins, but were all going somewhere, sometime. Giving our enemies billions when our people are starving and its ok to take away our medicare, shove Obama Care on us, sky-rocket food and fuel prices, take away our bargining rights. There should be one tax the same for all no matter what they make. Immigration can be fixed! Close the borders, don't allow men to come and impregnate our women so they can use our social system. Illegal is illegal. Amnesty NO. Sure eveyone is scared (Big business) and Obama knows it. This man is in it for 100% himself and politics. Enough said for now. Only my opinion. Thankyou

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