Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!

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Old 08-20-2004 | 06:52 PM
OneFlyCowboy's Avatar
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!

Its good to see you have such intelligence to come up with great comments. If you choose to persuade anyone you surely not goin about it the right way. Civil debate with out insults is more effective. and i will check msnbc and see what they have to say.
Old 08-20-2004 | 06:59 PM
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!

Okay so i read the article on msnbc and i dont see that it says they are actors. and why is it OK for mr. Moore to publish a movie of lies about bush yet its not ok for someone to do so against kerry? if thats what the deal is. Sounds like someone wanting to have their cake and eat it too. Free speach only applys to democrats and liberals, and when it comes to a republican or conservate saying anything its wanted to be snuffed.
Old 08-20-2004 | 07:07 PM
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!

lol......u reallly are pathetic.....u don't think before u type do u
Old 08-20-2004 | 07:40 PM
lostone1413's Avatar
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!! John Kerry's service in Vietnam lasted 4 months and 12 days, beginning in November 1968 when he reported to Cam Ranh Bay for a month of training. His abbreviated combat tour ended shortly after he requested a transfer out of Vietnam on March 17, 1969, citing Navy instruction 1300.39 permitting personnel with three Purple Hearts to request reassignment. So far as we are able to determine, Kerry was the only Swift sailor ever to leave Vietnam without completing the standard one-year tour of duty, other than those who were seriously wounded or killed.

It is clear that at least one of Kerry's Purple Heart awards was the result of his own negligence, not enemy fire, and that Kerry went to unusual lengths to obtain the award after being turned down by his own commanding officer.

John Kerry has long insisted that using the three-injury loophole to leave combat early was his own idea, but Kerry's fellow Swift officer Thomas Wright, who served on occasion as the OIC (Officer in Charge) of Kerry's boat group, contradicts that claim. Wright reports that he "had a lot of trouble getting Kerry to follow orders," and that those who worked with Kerry found him "oriented towards his personal, rather than unit goals and objectives." He therefore requested that Kerry be removed from his boat group. After John Kerry qualified for his third Purple Heart, Thomas Wright and two fellow officers informed him of the obscure regulation, and told him to go home. Wright concluded, "We knew how the system worked and we didn’t want him in Coastal Division 11."

Constructing a complete picture of Kerry's service is difficult due to gaps in the Naval records provided by the Kerry campaign. These gaps include missing and incomplete fitness reports, missing medical records and missing records related to his medal awards.

For this reason we call upon Senator Kerry to authorize complete access to all his military records by filing a standard Form 180, a simple two-page release form.

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is in the process of researching John Kerry's time in Vietnam by conducting interviews with eyewitnesses to his activities, and we plan to add material to this section over the next several weeks as it becomes available. We will report the true circumstances of Kerry's medal awards and injuries, describe other controversial missions, and provide in-depth analysis of his fitness reports.

Kerry's Medals

1st Purple Heart: December 2, 1968

2nd Purple Heart: February 20, 1969

Silver Star: February 28, 1969

Bronze Star / 3rd Purple Heart: March 13, 1969

Old 08-20-2004 | 07:45 PM
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!

loststone u ever been to combat?war?
Old 08-20-2004 | 07:58 PM
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!

Was in but not Nam but know allot of them that were. More then one friend got a purple heart one was also a POW along with two that were Long Range Recon Units. Non believe that you could get 3 purple hearts one bronze start and a silver star and still have all your limbs. But they would be the first to tell you even in Nam allot never seen combat. All of them did and had the wounds to back their story
Old 08-20-2004 | 08:08 PM
Ernie660R's Avatar
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!

Bush all the way!!!!!!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Old 08-20-2004 | 08:18 PM
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!

I myself will vote for GWB but I look at it more as a vote against Kerry then a vote for GWB. Like I said was never in combat but had allot of friends in Nam that were Kerry being with Hanoi Jane and his vote record for the anti-gun crowd is enough were I could never vote for him. I know a few very few Nam vets that back him but I don't know one combat vet from them years that back him
Old 08-21-2004 | 09:27 AM
ss97's Avatar
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!


You're voting for the Geroge Washington Bridge?

I like that bridge too, but I can't in good faith vote for it. I've always liked the Brookly Bridge better. I remember riding my Hutch BMX on the Brooklyn bridge as a kid, tossing pennies into the river, dodging the jogger and hotdog venders, it was a good time.

The GWB is just too commercial now, always taking more cars than it can handle, showing off it's two levels like it's so great!

Oh....wait...........did you mean George Walker Bush?!?

Hmmm.........I know a lot of people who would still vote for the Brooklyn Bridge.

Old 08-21-2004 | 03:21 PM
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Default Good Reason not to vote for Kerry!!!

I just finished reading this post, and decided to weigh in with a few of My Own Personal feelings concerning the criteria I look for in someone to lead what is the GREATEST Country in the world.

I won't use any names, I will leave it up to you the reader to determine whom I am referring too.

What I look for in a leader is someone that takes a stand in what they believe in and follows through with their convictions. Second, they stand by their decision regardless of it's outcome or popularity. That includes taking all of the Glory as well as accepting all of the blame.

One candidate stands beside his decisions, the other stand for what ever happens to be popular at that moment in time.
One candidate made his war record an issue in this election in an attempt to show that he has what it takes to lead this country. The other is leading by example.
One candidate wants to handle the war on Terror in a "Kinder more gentler way" with the decision making process to be handle by other countries that don't necessarily have our best interest in mind. The other says "You are either with us or you are against us." and then goes out and does what no one else had the courage or convictions to do.
One candidate thinks that we are lost sheep and need the government to make all of our decisions for us. The other wants to let the States decide what is best for it's own people.
One candidate says that wee need to stop sending jobs to foreign countries, while most of the worlds Ketchup is being made everywhere but here in this country. The other one likes Barbeque Sauce better.

As far as the gentlemen from Canada who posted on here about our failed Health Care system, you should take a look at your own. I will give you your kudos as far as prescription drugs are concerned. That is something that needs to be brought under control in this country. Which by the way is a problem due to special interest groups (The Drug Companies) having too much power in Washington D.C.. Unfortunately, if anyone thinks that ANY President can clean up that cluster hump, as long as our elected officials are receiving millions of dollars from these companies for their campaigns, you are not living in the real world. The trouble with the Canadian Health Care system is that it does supply it's patients with the BEST health care available. I will give you an example. I live in Washington State and have family working in the health care industry in the Seattle area. The hospitals in the Seattle (and North of) are FULL of Canadian citizens who come to the US to get the best health care they can. That doesn't appear to me to be a big success story.

The real trouble with our health care system is LAW SUITS. Ridicules Malpractice Insurance costs and Insane monetary rewards from the courts.

I have to say that the whole election process has gotten to the point of being almost laughable. You have the Democrats crying foul and screaming of conspiracies over the Swift Boat adds. You have Michael Moore spewing lies and propaganda by way of a movie that people take as the gospel, without any proof to back its claims. "I saw it on that there big giant screen, so it dun gosta be true".

One quick note on Moore's whole "Bush lied" theory. This is how Moore sees it.

If I told you that you could get 2005 YFZ450's at this dealership for $3000. So you tell 5 of your friends, who decided that they were going to go with you and get one too, for that price. When you get there, you find out that not only are they $7500, but they don't even have them. Now, does that make you a liar? The answer is simple, No it doesn't. It makes ME a Liar, it makes you look stupid an misinformed.
The 9/11 commission (Made up of both Democrats and Republicans) found that every credible intelligence agency in the world felt that Sadam had WMD's. Only Moore and the rest of the Democratic Pit Bulls can interpret that to mean that Bush misled, lied and deceived the American people as well as the world (2+2=29???). personally, I don't see it, but then again, theses are My views.

By the way Warrior350ripper, you are not doing yourself or your cause any justice by insulting or attempting to belittle members of this Forum who do not share your same views.

I'm done, Goodbye. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

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