The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

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Old 05-03-2005, 04:55 PM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

And thats why there is social secruity crisis. The money has been used for hiding the true cost of government. Now bush doesnt want to repay those treasury notes. and wants 5 trillion to set up the new social security to bail out wall street. The real answer is to have government stop with drwing from ss, and repay what they owe. Then there wouldnt be the need for the 5 trillion.

Almost every big player in the white house is a former oil industry employee, from 12 former enron lawyers, all the way up to bush. Give these guys credit, they know about the impending oil crisis, and they know if the facts are brought out, there will be widespread panic.
Old 05-03-2005, 06:36 PM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

Awwiiiggghtt hondabuster you got me thinking of a revolution[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img] I garuntee if it was started, millions would be up for it, and things would change, but who has the ***** to get it going??[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Old 05-03-2005, 06:51 PM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

The important thing to keep in mind is what every magician and psycologist knows...misdirection. They want you to focus on every thing except the job they are doing. The shivo case, micheal jackson, g@y marraige, religous divide, gas prices, and so on. They want us to argue and fight amoung ourselves, keeps us from examining them., and the way they dodge the hard issues, which will eventually effect us all. They want us thinking they are doing a great job, and that its reps against the dems...but reality is, they are together against the rest of us.
Everything bush has done since getting into power, has benifited big business. Nothing for the average guy. were only expected to send the money in...and pay for everything.
His tax cuts for the wealthy, the asbestoes litigation, the patriot act, the so called medicare reduction of last year, loosening of evionmental issues to make it easier for business to make money, opening the anwar, using our soldiers for personal and bussiness gain in iraq, sensoring the news, manufacturing so called news ...and now the wall streeters get this vast pool of money , in the name of social security crisis, to distribute to them selves, and leave us with worthless paper.
The reason the stock market is going nowhere, is because the net money going in, doesnt cover the net money coming out...its fits the definition of a ponzi skeem. In order for the market to rise, and for the wealthy to get money needs to come in...and they think they found it, in the social security taxes.
Ask yourself, why doesnt congress have social security, why something more garunteed and has better lifetime benifits? why dont they advocate a plan like that for everyone?
They want us fighting amoung ourselves on petty issues, and not fighting them on major ones.
We knew the oil crunch was coming back in the 70s, The facts are still facts, and we still have no policy for it.
carter energy awareness
Old 05-04-2005, 08:13 AM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

Honda, you need to spend more time on your quad, and less time in the left wing media...
Old 05-04-2005, 04:23 PM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

MrTommy, Youve got a good point....sorry about the rant.
Old 05-05-2005, 09:40 AM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

So do the black helicopters with whisper mode really exist? And who really killed JFK?
Old 05-06-2005, 11:44 AM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

hey, lets not forget about the most recent slap on the middle class americans face for the benifit of big business!!
the new bankrupsy(sp) laws. cut extensions on unemployment, then pass a law not allowing people who are suffering to file chapter 11 and loose the dept they have accumilated. over 50% have had things like electric shut off before filing. 90% of filers are sinking and trying to save there homes. now, credit card company,s make billions more, and the american public gets another slap on the face. who profits from this? not the sinking mass, thats for sure. it isn,t going into ss.
as for iraq war. its oil people. iraq a democracy, lmao!!! not while there,s 3 differant tribes trying to out one another. bush built a cammune for terrorism, to capture oil. plain and simple. lies on top of lies, paid for with american lives, for the benifit of big business. spending our money like water, trying to get more of it. i am not a fan of giving away 15 % of my income to a plan that wont give back.
another good article hondabuster
Old 05-22-2005, 09:21 AM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

You can change it. Only part of your money goes into the personal trust acct, and part
into the normal social security. You can't lose. You will definately lose if you do nothing.
What you invest is yours, at least there will be something there for when you retire.
The only reason Liberals don't want to change anything is the money will not be there
for them to spend, (spend). What you got to know is ss check only grows at 2 pct
per year avg, and you investments in stocks, will rise and 4 to 8 pct avg over the long
term and you have maybe ten choices to choose from. You are not left out there on
a limb with the money wondering what to do. The money still goes in like it always
has and get invested for you in Risky to safe stocks, your choice. If you don't do it
you will continue to support people like me who is on social security and once you put
on 20 more years find out the cookie jar is dry.. There is no guarantee by politicians
that the current systems owes you anything. Just and IOU. If the system goes
bankrupt, too bad, so sorry, money all gone. Bush is trying to save your butts, and
getting flak for it.. How typical.

Old 05-25-2005, 01:49 PM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

America is ran like a BIG corperation, and like any corperation, If the top suites start paying themselves to much,and start spending way to much money. Thier will soon be no money to run the business,and Poeple will have to be laid off to cover for their mistakes, BUT NOOOO they never learn from their mistakes and being selfish they keep giving eachother rises and spending freely, and sooner than later BANKRUPTCY. And just like big corperations the top brass get away scot-free, while the masses are SOL and all they get is ( were sorry, go try and rebiuld your life somewhere else).

Taking control of your retirement through private business,and/ or stock market, is probably the only sure way of assuring yourself will and your family will have something to fall back on. BUT that is only an OPTION that we as americans have to better our retirment, WE cannot let the government sweep this SS problem (and other issues)under the rug....They have to be held responsible!! WHY do we pay taxes??? their has to be something in it for Us in the end, Right???? I typical dollar bill has a physical life span over about 15 years, before it gets so old it rips ,or falls apart. Over the its life span that one dollar bill will have been taxed and made the government probably 100K. So not only does the government operate on NEW money, that they seem to ALWAYS find when they need it, but the money the OLD money generates aswell.

One of the problems is that our government officials have become so FAT&LAZY that is now takes 10 people to do one mans job. Each congressman,and senator has a small army of people doing thier jobs, while they take the governments private jets (we pay for) and travel the globe finding ways to justify his own existance,and they want to say that they are creating NEW government JOBS!! That would be fine if all of those jobs were doing anybody else but the Senator any good!

But in the end, it is the SILENT majority, that is ultimately responsible, We sit on asses,and let the fat cats run our lives,and we dont speak up EVER (maybe every 4 years, maybe) until one day it will be to late, and their will be a revolution,and the great USA will never be the same.

History does indeed repeat itself,and if you look at some of the biggest , wealthiest goverments in the past they all imploded.

Old 05-25-2005, 09:17 PM
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Default The truth about social secruity, and what the dems and reps dont want you to know

[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]What your have got to understand is our senators and house reps are on this
personal trust account that the president wants to put us on. The senators and
reps aren't stupid it is their choice to do this. I am sure everyone has heard about
how much they will receive when they reach retirement age. Its mindblowing. Then
to make matters more confusing, when the president wants to give this benefit
to the younger generation they balk and complain. If younger workers don't make
the change, then it is very simple, they will pay in for everyone older than them to
get a ss check, but never get one for themselves. You have to realize that government
has no and I mean no obligation to make sure social security endures.. And to make
matters worse, no obligation that anyone recieve a check... Back in and around 1993
the democratic senate decided to take social security out of it own fund. It at the time
was the only part of government that was in the black. All the rest was in the red. It
passed in the senate by one vote, this was passed by our then vice president Gore,
who is the leader of the senate. It was a tie vote with the dems and reps, and vp
Gore cast the deciding vote to take ss out of its safe fund and place it into the General
fund of the us treasury. Since that time, all the money coming in is paid out to the
ss people, and once that is done, the rest is spent on whatever. And all of you that
receive the statement each year on how much you will recieve when you reach
retirement age, its just and IOU. To make matters worse its and IOU that for all
intensive purposes does not have to be paid. Sorry no money left good bye.

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