$700 99scrambler polaris???????
$700 99scrambler polaris???????
My buddys has a 99 scrambler polaris 500 4x4. 4 stroke it has been sitin for about 6 months. we was riding one day and it started runing bad cutin in and out lost power on way back to truck. got it back home and it would start but when you would give it gas it was like it wasint get enough air so we cleand the air filer still same he had the carburator cleand. put it back on cant get to start the guy that was workin on it could get it to start with starting fluid but not to stay runing. i dont no much about polaris. My Question is dose it sound like it needs rebuilt or just a fuel problem? any one have any idea what it could be or is it worth buyin not runin for 700? he will not take less.. thanks
$700 99scrambler polaris???????
I had something similar happen to my 99 sportsman 500.It had the same symptoms as you described.Turns out the needle was pushed up into the top housing.Look inside the throat of the carb to see if the needle is hanging down.Work the slide a couple times and look for the needle.After i put the needle back where it belonged the bike ran better than ever.Good luck.
$700 99scrambler polaris???????
I bet you anything that the motor does not need to be rebuilt. It is somthing verry simple. Dude buy that scrammy asap man. You will regret it if you do not. Pluss you have to look at it like this. If you baught the scrammy for 700, and lets just say it needed more than a grand of work. You would still pay more for a scrammy that was in good condition as far as the engin ad running components go. A scrammy 500 4x4 can go anywhere from 22 all the way past 3. I would ****** that scrammy up. It could jsu be that it isnt getting enough gas, or somthing could yet be blocking the ait intake.
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$700 99scrambler polaris???????
Your are one lucky guy to have the chance to buy that scrambler for $700. I tried buying a 1997 Scrammy 500 4x4 for $2000 BO that wasn't running because it was sittin around in my neighbors garage. I know it was easy to fix like a leak in the gas tank but he just wouldn't give it up.