05 CV Boot... again......
05 CV Boot... again......
Originally posted by: caperinmuskoka
Thanks..........I did know about these..........You mean to tell me that the stock plastic ones can bend or flex and still damage the boot!!!!!!!!I did not know they could still let me down that easy!!!!!!!!!!!.............caper............
Thanks..........I did know about these..........You mean to tell me that the stock plastic ones can bend or flex and still damage the boot!!!!!!!!I did not know they could still let me down that easy!!!!!!!!!!!.............caper............
05 CV Boot... again......
I got the OXLITE protectors on. They are pretty cool. Little tweak here, little bend there. I am ready to go. Mine have the same agonizing u-bolts, cut off the excess, but the nuts could easily "assist" snagging on a log. Oh well, still better than the plastics. Over the winter, I may try to redesign the fasteners. I may try to taper the holes and use tappered fasteners on the bottom. Need to figure out the rest of the setup. I am always thinking "how can I modify this or that"
05 CV Boot... again......
I have been lucky so far(shouldn't have said that) with CV boots, but am looking at ordering these also. Anyone know difference between Oxlite's and Stick Stoppers? One have more coverage? $ on Oxlite's? Think you could use square U bolts upside down on the front's to avoid the "hang down?" Guess they could wear also and possibly break?