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How much should i sell my ATV for

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Old 12-01-2007, 04:08 PM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

no insurance on these ,but my lil bro put insurance on the 800 before he got it off the trailer. i'm still waiting on my cousins to pay me for what it would have cost to get fixed, 5,000. we kind of worked out a deal for 1200 with the dealer. i going back tuesday or wednesday to sign papers on it. they did get hurt but no broken bones.
Old 12-01-2007, 10:18 PM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

also the dealer said that the frame is not bent
Old 12-04-2007, 01:30 PM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

so 1200 is about right??????????
Old 12-04-2007, 05:37 PM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

how fast was he going when he hit
Old 12-04-2007, 08:20 PM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

Man that look's bad , they must have been running WOT when the one in front stopped suddenly and the one who hit the stopped quad to do that much damage ; i rolled my old 86' Honda TRX350 Foreman 4x4 off a cliff and i know i counted ten to 12 roll's sideway's because i got thrown off the atv and was rolling down the cliff in front of the quad in pitch black drakeness !

I remember while i was rolling down the cliff trying to keep my leg's together as my knee's banged againt the ground , my last thought was GOD please let the atv stop before i do ; and just as i stopped rolling i heard the Foreman bang one more time and it stopped !

When i looked up the cliff i saw that the quad was laying broadside with the seat touching a tree , the headlight's were still on and the engine ran for a few second's and stalled ; and here i am a bilateral amputee having to crawl and claw my way back up to the quad not knowning how i was going to get the quad back on it's wheel's !

When i reached the quad i could smell the strong odor of gas and i guess it was fear and GOD that gave me the strenth to pull the quad onto the wheels , and then i shut the switch off to a erie Silience i sat there in the dark trying to think of what to do next ; then i remembered my wench i had to put on my gloves to protect my hand's from the wench cable's wire !

Then i fired the engine up and i had to turn the idle adjustment up to keep the engine running , while i let out the cable and crawled up the cliff and found a tree to put the cable around ; then keeping the cable tight i sild back down to the quad and used the wench to turn the quad around till it was pointing straight up the cliff !

Then i wenched the quad up to the nearest tree and let out enough slack to let the quad's rear rack rest againt the tree , then i let the cable out again and crawled up again repeating this at least 10 times or more untill i got to where the ground turned to rock ; then i reeled in the cable and got on the quad and started driving up untill i came out on a well groomed trail !

I didn't have a clue where i was so i just went to the left down this trail , when i come to this lone Grave with a marker with two enciial's and last name Disney on the marker ; i knew i wasn't in Disney Land but i still didn't know where i was or where the trail went to !

I went another 1000 yard's till i came to a paved road and i could see a brick building and that's when i knew where i was , right behind the Georgia State Patrol Barracks the paved road was down hill and i knew i would have to go by the Patrol Barricks ; so turned off my light's and killed the engine as i coasted past these big glass door's i could see 3 Patrol Officer's sitting in lounge chair's with their feet propped up watching TV !

I don't know what program they were watching , but thank GOD it was good enough to keep their eyes glued to the TV screen ; i coasted to the bottom of the hill where it came out to the highway i fired up the engine turned on my light's and took off wide open down the side of the highway to where my trailor and Dotsun Station wagon where parked and rode straight into the trailor !

The only damage to the Foreman was one side of the gun rack mounted to the handle bars was broken , and for me two bangged up knee's that were bruised for a week or two ; i learned my lesson that night never get off a well marked trail again !

I've been rammed in the rear before by a friend who wasn't paying attention , and i hope your cousin's learned something about tail gatei'ing at high speed ; from the look's of your quad they were lucky to be alive and they should pay for the damage to the quads !

Don't let them off the hook , because they will never learn anything about responceabilty ; unless it cost's them money believe me !......
Old 12-04-2007, 11:25 PM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

well they said that they were going about 35-40 when it happen
Old 12-05-2007, 03:36 AM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

Well the picture's were small and maybe it's not as bad as it look's in the photo's , because from the photo's ; it doesn't looked like anyone could do that much damage with out breaking some bone's in the process !

But i've seen car's that were totaled , and the driver not have a scratch ; and see a car with a scratch on the fender and kill's the driver.

But no matter how fast or how slow they were riding , they should be held responsible for the damages ; otherwise they won't think twice about doing the same thing to your next ride if you let them off so easy !

I may sound like an old groucth to you , and i'm sure your cousin's would think so ; but did someone give you your quad ?

I 've never had one given to me , and i know how hard you must have worked to buy it unless you were born with a silver spoon , so i would have them washing and waxing every vechicle i owned ; untill i thought i had my money's worth from them unless they have the money to pay ! .......
Old 12-05-2007, 06:30 PM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

30-40 would do it
Old 12-06-2007, 03:54 AM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

What a story I have a similar one. They should have a forum with the heading "I learned my lesson from....." It would give people a chance to tell a story that others may learn from.
Old 12-06-2007, 10:47 AM
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Default How much should i sell my ATV for

This reply has been has been Edited on 12 - 08 - 2007

tom you're right they should have a thread like that , the only one i've seen on the forums is called ( Land , Trail And Environmental Issues ) and it's currently on the new topic's thread next to the last post called ( Stupid Kills ? Or What Can The ATV Communiity Do To Reduce The Number Of Serious Injuries ?

And most people won't even read these post's because they think it's the tree hugger's that are again't any ATVing , and trying to get law's past that outlaw's any type of off roading with jeep's ATV's or any motorized vechicle any Public State and National Forrest's at all ; and every time someone's seriously injuried or killed riding ATV's they use it to try to have law's passed to close access to all public State And Federal Forrest Land !

As for myself i think they should add more trail's opened in All State And Federal Forrest's where logging has clear cut the tree's and made road's for the logging truck's and their equipment , that's what the Forrest Service where going to do after they were through clear cutting part of one mountain where we ride how ; they were going to add more mile's for trail's here in North Ga. for us to ride untill some Enviralmental group stopped them with law suit's to pervent it from happening !

First they were again't the clear cutting of the tree's and they failed in stopping the clear cutting of the tree's , then they opposed the opening of these logging road's to ATV and all ORV use of these logging road's ; so we didn't get any more additional miles to the trail system to ride like they promised us over 19 yrs. ago !

But there should be a thread that rider's could post their stories about how near they came to serious injuries and near death accident's they've had on their ATV's , because of something they did wrong and nearly killed while they were operating their ATV carelessly ; to teach all rider's how easy something they've done before and were almost killed the next time they tried it !

There really should be a topic under ( How i almost Got Killed while Riding my ATV and how i learned my lesson ! ) to teach New and Old Rider's Alike , how easy it is to be seriously Injuried or Killed on ATV's ; i have more stories like this that need's to be told !

Here's one that should be told , while riding some utilitity pipelines with my cousin ; we had ridden these pipeline's hundred's of time's before and my cousin would alway's follow me when we rode together and i would have to stop to wait on him to catch up to me evertime we went riding !

But this day there were these trail's through the wood's that we rode and really liked better than the pipeline's because the trail's were flat wide long curvy dirt road's where you could really get on the throddle and power slide in the curve's , but this time there had been pulp wooding to clear the land for building more onto this Industrail Park since the last time we had rode over the trail's ; and my cousin took off around me like " A bat of of you know where " i had to hit the throddle wide open to catch up to him screaming at the top of my lung's for him to stop !

He stopped right before the first big curve and ask me what was wrong , and i told him the reason i away's liked to lead the way was because i would ride slow over every trail we rode because you never know how the trail is from one day to the next untill you ride over it once ; before any racing over them at high speed !

And i ask him don't you see all the tree's have been clear cut ? , he said yes but we've been over the trail's a thousand times or more ; but i told him that the trail could've changed since they had been logging and clear cutting !

So he was a little hot under the collar for me stopping him and he thought i just wanted him to eat my dust , and he told me alright you take the " Making Love " lead then ; ( Those weren't his exact word's ) i went around this first sharp curve and there was a small tree that had been knocked down by a bigger tree that was sheared off from the trunk about chest high with a long sharp peice of the downed tree sticking out in the middle of the road !

If i hadn't catch up with him and he didn't stop when he did he would've been Impelled right in the center of his chest and his ATV would've kelp going leaving him hanging there with the sheared off section of the tree through his chest and there would've been nothing i could've done for him except riding to a phone to call 911 like i did when he had a bad accident later on ( another story ) where he was Hospitalized for a month from a cracked pelvis , when he saw this sharp part of the tree sticking out in the middle of the road the blood drained from his face knowing his life had just been saved by me catching him in time ; when he finally stopped shaking and could speak he told me i'll never take the lead again and i will let you or whoever i'm riding with lead the way from now on !

My Brother was the same way about making new trail's , and riding to fast over mountain trail's we've ridden over for yrs. and i have alway's told him or anyone else i've ridden with to go slow over the trail's first to see if they are
clear of downed tree's and fire break's that the Forrest Service make's to help fight wild fire's ; and he did the same thing i did when i rolled the Foreman off the cliff and he wasn't as lucky as me after he stopped rolling his Honda TRX250 2x4 didn't stop when he did it slamed into to him penning him again't a tree !

He was very lucky because if it had been my old Foreman whitch he had tried to get me to sell or trade either one of my quad's so he would have one of his own , but i would always tell him i didn't want to get rid of either because he wouldn't always be able to ride whenever i did ; and if i did ever sell or trade one it would be the old 86' Honda Foreman !

Because the KQ had beloged to our cousin before he passed away and he alway told me when he died he wanted me to have his 93' Suzuki LTF4WD 300 KQ , and my bro said he would buy or trade for the Foreman ; and i told him i wouldn't trade even for the 1979' Chevy Cheyann 1500 Custom Short Bed Pickup he offered to trade me for the Honda !

He even offered to offer me $800 to boot but i didn't in hind sight i should've made the trade , because it was such a nice truck ; but it was a manual shift and even though i could drive a manual with Home Made control's to drive it with out leg's but i let a good deal get away from me !

But then again he Could've been on the the Forman that weighed in at 250 lbs. more than the lite weight of the little Honda TRX250 2x4 he would've most likely been killed or seriously injured for sure and he was riding alone at the time , He strained something trying to get out from again't the tree and the quad ; i had just ridden with him over these same trail's a week before his accident !

When he tried to get me to follow him up the top of a ridge that was to steep and when i wouldn't follow him he got mad because i told him it was to dangerous and reminded him of my accident , but he's like me sometimes it's like trying to mix Gun Power with Fire ; that's how we get along when one of us think's the other is wrong !

He didn't tell me about it for over 3 month's after his accident happened , because i had already warned him about getting off the main trail's and how just because your ATV can climb a hill ; it's a different story when you start back down them and like my Foreman his Honda TRX250 2x4 had slick tire's them when both mine and his accident happened !

In his case he was laid up in bed for over a week , and he had to go to the ER at the local Hospital for exray's with bruised rib's and a sore back and he still has trouble with his back and shoulder to this day ; It was lucky for him he had good Insurance where he work's driving a Truck for a Carpet mill even though he could've been killed that's why he waited so long to tell me about it he knew i would say i told you so !.............

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