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Old 03-23-2001, 02:39 PM
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I am a 32 year old college graduate, I work at a media company in the research department. Intelligence is something I do not lack. 70 mph is something I have never witnessed anyone say there Polaris will do( without heavy modifications). I owned other brands, for years I was a Honda and Yamaha man. Would buy them not matter how they performed. After being severely dissappointed in the lack of performace and the way I was treated after spending 10's of thousands on toys at there establishments, I gave up on atving. I told myself if people are correct and Honda is actually the best there is then I want no part of this atving thing. I could go on about how bad the machines were to ME but I do not have enought time to do so. After a couple years my friends were turning to Polaris and just loving them. I got interested again. Tried a Xplorer 400 out and thought my God! This is what an atv should be, fast , powerful and comfortable, not the slow , bouncey, 3 wheel drive machines I was used to. So far I have owned two Polaris atv's without a problem, something I can not say about they other atv's in my life. Your assesment of Polaris is wrong. The words I could use to describe a person such as yourself would get me kicked off the forum so I will refrain from using them, but you can imagine what I might say to someone like you.
I will say since I have owned other brands they have come along in there products, the last machine I owned besides my Polaris machines was a 1994 Honda 300 4x4, if machines like the Rubicon were around, I might have had a better experience.
Actually I am glad you will never buy another Polaris, we certainly do not need people like you as fellow owners.
I too own the SP500 because simply right now there is no better blend of comfort, power and style out there in the 4x4 market. The Sportsman far exceeds anything I hoped for in an ATV.
Your lack of willingness to be opened minded about how far Polaris has come, shows me the lack of intelligence you have. To not be able to comprehend that a company can change and do better is a sure sign of ignorance.
Old 03-23-2001, 03:09 PM
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Kettle this is Pot, Pot this is Kettle.

Now that we have our introductions over with let's get on with it. I saw that site a while ago with the 2 burned Polaris Bikes and dimly remember someone in this forum yelling about a lawsuit. Frankly, that fire looks like either a purposely set fire (dare I say arson?) or, at best, a drunken campfire gone horribly horribly wrong. I would not submit this as evidence of a manufacturer building shoddy products. It is a great example of why you should not use a campfire for ilumination while you are topping off your gas tank. hehe As Frankenstein is so fond of saying, "Fire burnnnn....Fire BAD!!!!"

There has always been an older generation lamenting the idiocy of the younger generation. It is so easy to forget how stupid we were when we were young. In advance, please spare me how responsible and smart you were as a young man. I am man enough to admit I was a blithering drunken idiot and who chased skirts unabashedly. I still made it through college and eventually got my MBA.

The fact is, your whole post is one long logical fallacy. I hereby sentence you to one year of freshman English with heavy emphasis on persuasive writing.

Just kidding.....it's actually going to be two years!

Just kidding again. Remember that nobody in this forum is being graded on their grammar. We are looking for ideas and information in whatever form.

As far as honest atv reviews go. The only way you are going to get an unbiased opinion is to ask someone who has never rode an ATV before. Problem is, they won't provide anything useful as they won't know anything. Remember bias can be a good thing, and no bias at all is still a bias. (can you hear the sound of one hand clapping sensei?)

There is a wealth of knowledge in this forum as long as you ignore the flamers and crazy claims of some. You have to take the time to sift through the posts, but there is gold here. Of course, if you are bored, like I am right now, you can always reply and make inane observations of no consequence.

I also agree that the Arctic Cat forum has great info and a very laid back, friendly group of posters. Oh, that all the forums could be that way. I know....let's all hold hands and.........."KUM-BAY-YAHHH MY LORRRRD......."


Mr"The kids are alright"Man
Old 03-23-2001, 08:52 PM
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I'll pick one individual to respond to. I counted on many coming out of the woodwork and you folks certainly did not disappoint.


((Four posts and he is an expert alreadly. Amazing!))

I never proclaimed myself an "expert" on anything. What,exactly, is the minimum amount of posts necessary to become an "expert"? Do tell.

When I spend quite a few thousand dollars and I end up with a piece of junk thats unusable I become highly irritated and that goes for anything I purchase. I'm the customer here. Did I use your funds to purchase my ATV? Certainly not. `Nuff said.


So what is your experience with fuel injection? Do you sniff auto exhaust at the local clean air testing facility. LOL

You have been here for years? What was your old screen name?))

Good one Thor! Remind me to laugh at it sometime. We have no clean air testing facility in this part of the USA. The air is already sufficiently clean, thanks.

I don't recall stating I was here on this board for years. If I didn't provide enough information, I apologize.

((Profile= entirely ficticious))
((Intent= agitation))
((Results= no fish yet))

In response to those 3 points: yep, entirely ficticious.
My intent is to stir the pot, as it were and it's working in spades.

Personally, I don't care for fishing. I generally don't eat anything that swims in it's own toilet.

((Okay sleuths track down his IP signature and tell us who this alter ego is. hehehe))

Hey genius, i'll make this easy for you to understand. I'm connecting via AOL which means a proxy address which also means you won't be able to see where this originates. Besides, what DOES it matter where I hail from anyway? Are you looking for a new boyfriend? I'm not interested.

One last thing.

Those that chose to respond: I'd like to respond to each and every one of you, in turn. Sadly, I won't be able to so please don't feel I am dissing you or ignoring your concerns. I am merely having a great deal of fun at hopefully a few users expense

-Samir Nagonnaworkhereanymore
Old 03-23-2001, 10:13 PM
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we are all entitled to our opinions--that is what makes America America; however, on a forum such as this, expressing a personal opinion is considered to be a bash even though an opinion does no physical harm.
you are very correct in you assessment of education degradation, especially english, in the USA. i think the root cause is reliance on technology to correct spelling and grammatical errors instead of the good old webster's dictionary and the Little, Brown Handbook, for example. when i first enrolled in college, i took english 1301. our introductory essay, composed the first day of class, was a real eye opener to how english was taught at my high school--my grade, a big fat F. basically i had to re-learn how to write in one semester.
(in my posts i do not capitalize I for the sake of speed and sometimes i will use my vernacular language because i am a true texan and we do butcher the english language down here; moreover, if you know you are wrong but you know the correct spelling, punctuation, etc. it is ok to make errors.)
tpsreports, you are a high caliber person and i hold you in high esteem not because of the subject of your post but, instead, because of your principles.

Old 03-24-2001, 12:52 AM
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TPSReports, It would appear that you have a personal axe to grind with this site, or the person running it. Did Mr.Beckstrom fire you? I read your posts in the Honda forum under "This site lacking in updates". It sure sounds like sour grapes to me. Don't worry, a well educated grammarian computer geek, shouldn't have trouble finding a job. Also, you won't eat fish because fish swim in their own toilet. I guess you don't eat meat either. The last time I checked, livestock defecate in the same places they live and feed. Ah, but you must be a vegetarian. Did you realize that the feces of the very animals you choose not to eat, are spred on the fields that the vegtables you consume are grown in? Sometimes they even use human excreta! Disgusting! Get a life city boy.
Old 03-24-2001, 02:33 AM
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Here's a quote from FastRotax...

<<TPSReports, It would appear that you have a personal axe to grind with this site, or the person running it. Did Mr.Beckstrom fire you? I read your posts in the Honda forum under "This site lacking in updates". It sure sounds like sour grapes to me. Don't worry, a well educated grammarian computer geek, shouldn't have trouble finding a job. Also you won't eat fish because fish swim in their own toilet. I guess you don't eat meat either. The last time I checked, livestock defecate in the same places they live and feed. Ah, but you must be a vegetarian. Did you realize that the feces of the very animals you choose not to eat, are spred on the vegtables that you consume? Sometimes they even use human excreta! Disgusting! Get a life city boy.>>

Nope, no axe to grind here. I enjoy seeing people like you get all riled up over my words.
Nope, DB didn't fire me, I never worked for him.
Nope, no sour grapes here either. I watched this site degenerate into a nonstop pissing contest between testosterone crazed children. This is romper room on crack.

Hey Rotax, labeling me eh? hah! Do you have a clue what I do for a living? Nope. Besides, what are you worried about? I feel no guilt so I have no problems making the statements I do. You are obviously so filled with guilt you must resort to desperate measures so you respond in a manner which indicates guilt.

Whats wrong Rotax, pissed that I don't eat fish? Build a bridge, get over it. I eat meat, as a matter of fact I had an excellent steak about an hour ago. Oh yeah, feces taste good. I eat my veggies too, lots of them and if getting decent veggies or a decent steak means someone took a dump on them, so be itI hate fish but as they say, once ya get past the smell ya got it licked...right?

I have a life, a 500 acre farm which I own outright, smack dab in the middle of nowhere. So much for this "city boy" eh, Rotax?

I like this.

-Samir Nagonnaworkhereanymore
Old 03-24-2001, 04:38 AM
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TPSReports, I must have gotten to you. Why else would you explain what you had for dinner, or for that matter your place of residence and financial situation. If it is a gentleman farmer that you are, you should have no trouble come the growing season. Not many people can spread bulls**t as well as you. I like this too. But please, in the future try not to be so easy.
Old 03-24-2001, 08:52 PM
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Nope, you certainly didn't get to me at all. I clarified my previous statements. I explained nothing.

I don't recall stating my financial situation but since you care to read something else out of my responses, so be it. You are entitled to look like a fool and I shall never deprive you of that god-given right. Pay attention now.

This should be an excellent growing season.
No bulls*** on my farm though, I raise horses.

Try not to think so hard Rotax, it only makes you appear silly.

Have a nice day

-Samir Nagonnaworkhereanymore
Old 03-24-2001, 09:54 PM
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No, I'm not even going to touch this...
Old 03-24-2001, 11:38 PM
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TPSReports, shut the heck up man, if you don't like Polaris, stay away from them, they're riders and this forum, just don't even bother with posting on Atv Connection, cuz ur prolly the most biased person I've seen on the forum, I think i speak for everybody on this forum when I say you can kiss my ***!!!!

Oh yeah, and GET A LIFE.....you probably never even rode a quad!!!!


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