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Old 08-03-2003, 11:30 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

Thanks Mudcat for giving me the info I have been looking for.

Blackballed, if I wanted your legalistic self-righteous speech I would have asked for it. I am sure you never break the speed limit either. If everyone was like you, then there would have never been a Boston Tea Party and dictatorships would never be overthrown by revolutions and uprisings. Some laws and governments are unreasonable, and meant to be broken or overthrown, because they were put into place by corrupt lawmakers whom in most instances are influenced by whom ever is padding thier pocket the most.

I would like to see a 160 lb 15 year old ride the same 90cc quad that my kids rode when they were 6 years old.

Old 08-04-2003, 09:37 AM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

Originally posted by: mudcat47537
Me and my son have been going to Turkey Bay for years and he has never been "legal" age. He is now 12 and rides a Blaster......

From the park regulations:
[list=1][*]No person under age 16 may operate an ATV with an engine size exceeding 90 cc displacement and no person under age 12 may operate an ATV with an engine size exceeding 70 cc, according to Kentucky state law.

(from mudcat):
"......I register both quads in my name and we stay away from the check in station......"

Unbelievable......what reason do you give your child for not going over there and familiarizing him with the people who are there to do their job?

(from mudcat):
"..... I don't believe in the age guidelines for quads....."

So, if I'm understanding you correctly.........you're of the mind that one should simply determine what their "own" rules should be.......so as to proudly pass these legacies down to the next generation.

Tell me something.........what in the heck do you tell your child; when he starts complaining that his little buddy can't go to LBL.......because his "mean old dad" tried to "lie" to his friend, regarding that it was NOT legal for him to ride there? Agree that his father is an idiot? Tell him that "you" are the only one allowed to break the law at LBL?

(from mudcat):
".....There is no way that my son could ride my daughters (age 8) 90 on the trails we ride and hill we climb. That would be crazy to try it...."

And aren't those the same trails and hills that you "just have to go up/down".....in order for "you" to have the best time there and not be straddled with what that machine is capable of at that venue? Gosh, it wouldn't be "fair" if you didn't get to go to all the places you 'wanted to' at LBL.........because the darn KIDS were the ones holding you back! (I've seen this used as an excuse for "doubling up" with kids....... too many times to count).

"...They let any age kid ride any size motorcycle I see no reason why it should be different with a quad....."

Hey, you're the one making the rules................

"....... Yes I guess I am teaching my kids to break the law. I guess I can't be perfect like some of the others...."

Why do people in this country automatically revert to becomming "the victim" when simple questions of right and wrong are put on the table?

".....For a little more fun with out the restrictions on age, helmets,or riding double check out Coal Creek mining in Oliver Springs, TN. Great place to go ride.
Again, "unbelievable"............not only does this kid get to learn about how to skirt the law in Kentucky............let's drag him down to Tennessee and proudly point to idiots with "no helmets" riding "double" at Coal Creek.

I'll comment on Brewster's tirade later and will leave you now with one question................why would anybody come up on here AFTER I've already commented on how irresponsible people seem to be in modeling anywhere 'near' the correct behavior for their children.........and then BRAG about the very same thing or ask us all if there's any chance they'll get caught breaking the law with their kids in tow?

And we've got folks on here blaming the "environmentalists" or the "CPSC" for most of our problems???

(By the way, moderators.........I have been kicked off atv sites for arguing a lot less than this..........if you feel that my continued persistence regarding the fact that riders in our community had darn well better start setting some kind of example for our youth...........if this philosophy is somewhat "unreasonable" and not "politically correct"...........give me the boot!).
Old 08-04-2003, 10:46 AM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

you dont deserve the ''boot'' here,you deserve some recognition for standing up for moral and ethic values that should be passed onto our youth riders by their parents ect.

Instead,here we have an indivdule,because HE dont agree with the Kentuckey ORV riding laws,decides to make HIS own laws.WHY dont this guy do something to help CHANGE this ridicules law instead of showing youth what you do when YOU disagree with a law?

Sorry BLACKBALLED,but your RIGHT ON THE MONEY with this one!

Old 08-04-2003, 11:19 AM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

I am in complete agreement that the law is ridiculous.........seems like I met a fellow from Burton once that spent more than a few years fighting basically "alone" to get some blatantly stupid youth atv laws changed.

I'm almost certain that this person could have used some extra help from someone like Mudcat ....and I am also sure that if Mudcat thought a little more about it.......he'd come to the conclusion that helping to fight (rather than ignore) these injustices; would be a pretty nice legacy for his children to be darn proud that their Dad was involved in. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Old 08-04-2003, 12:49 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

O.K.- Thanks to the people who posted "usefull" replies to the simple questions that I asked about LBL. We returned yesterday, and we had a blast. I would reccomend this park to anyone considering going there. Vast amount of trails, hills, beautiful scenery, not to mention exceptionally friendly Rangers and fellow riders. There is a challenge there for just about any level of rider. The only casualties we suffered were my buddies Scrambler, and my other buddies dirtbike. Blown head gasket on the Scrambler, water logged motor on the dirtbike, I guess these aren't made to double as submarines!!!!!! Good thing we brought extra quads! Some things I would reccomend are trash bags, the previous campers decided to leave our campsite trashed, so we had to clean up after them, as well as ourselves. Many thanks to the Ranger who gave us more than enough trash bags to clean up after them, as well as ourselves. If you are of drinking age, and plan to drink- Make sure to bring your own, since its a dry county, and the nearest place to buy is in Tenesee, about 25 mins away!! You can't drink until riding hours are over, usually at sundown, which is a very good rule! Why would anyone even think about riding an ATV while under the influence? We had a great time camping, sitting by the fire, and reflecting on the "good ol days!" There were a few storms that passed, which made for an interesting second day of riding! All in all, it was a great time, and I will be returning very soon! Once again, thanks for the useful info!!!!!!
Old 08-04-2003, 01:41 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

Now, on to Dr. Blackballed........

Yet another topic hijacked by the self righteous, as someone else refered to you as, almost communist, perfect angel.

To start things off, I'm not sure where you got the misconception that these forums are for the purpose of teaching morals into the youth of America........ This is an ATV forum, not DR.Phil, Anne Landers, etc. etc. If people come on here for that, then they have bigger issues. PARENTS, not you or me, are responsible for raising thier children and teaching them the ways of the world and so on. This forum is for talking about ATVs, places to ride, as this topic is under, and yes, there is a "other ATV topics section, which you seem to frequent as well. If you claim to be such a perfect role model, why would you support physical violence, as well as gun violence, as you did in another forum, to the supposed vulnerable youth reading these forums? Ahhhhh, if they have loud pipes, give em a good old fashioned lesson, that'll teach em! Better yet, if they venture off a trail, shoot em in the head and mount it on the wall! that'll teach em! Great advice, hipocrite.

I NEVER mentioned wanting to break rules on the use of alcohol on the premises. If it was against the rules, then we would have just camped elsewhere, where it would be allowed. Did I not make this clear on a previous post? I would appreciate it if you are going to hold a respectful debate that you not take peoples words and twist them around in order to make your points seem valid, as you did here and another topic.

If you ARE really involved in the numerous organizations that you mentioned, then I applaud you, even though I feel sorry for anyone that has to hear your far right theories on a regular basis. If you did spend that amount of money on getting some children properly trained on safety, then once again, congrats. Atleast you're contributing something "worthwhile" to the sport.

People like me are who are keeping this sport alive by frequenting the various state an privately owned parks, demanding better performing ATVs from the manufacturer, and not to mention keeping countless amounts of people employed be it by the manufacturer or the various small businesses that manufacter performance accessories, sell these accessories, etc. etc., as well as the state parks that employ many people to upkeep and enforce rules.

I don't claim to be a "perfect" person, and yes, I have broken the rules sometimes, and when caught, suffered the consequences for "MY" actions. I do have respect for most regulations that exist, and know that there are "usually" good reasons for thier existence. I just know there is a reason that usually, as was the case at LBL, that they are not strictly enforced. My buddy did end up using his spark arrestor, although he didn't need to, after witnessing theamount of bikes that were there with aftermarket exausts, and not hearing one person complain about the noise. Hell, even the deer and wild turkeys that were in the woods didn't even bother, they just went along thier business.

I'm sure theres many more false accusations you made against me, but I'm not going to waste my time answering them all, no use, as well as digging up your previous posts in which, yes, you do contradict yourself! Imagine that! Mr. Perfect isn't so perfect!!!

Remember, people come on here for advice on ATV's, parks, and yes, even on regulations. they don't come on here for your garbage, which is why you usually get laughed off of the topics!!! So, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Moron.
Old 08-04-2003, 02:08 PM
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One more thing.......

You voiced your little "challenge" to the moderaters, and admitted being booted before? Hmmmmmmm.... Real smart, challenging moderaters! There's obviousy a reason why they boot you, ever think about that? Are you breaking the established forum rules therefore causing them to boot you? If so, you are not playing by the rules, and therefore teaching "vulnerable" youth that its O.K. to challenge authority? Kinda cotradictory if you ask me? Please moderaters, don't boot him, we need the comic relief from time to time!!!!!!Please??????
Old 08-04-2003, 07:42 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

Originally posted by: Diablo
...."Yet another topic hijacked by the self righteous, as someone else refered to you as, almost communist, perfect angel........"

(lol)...What part of Indiana did you say you were from? You're kind of confusing me here a little as I'm not sure you know the difference between "left" and "right" ideology when you try to describe me as follows; only a couple sentences later!:

".....then I applaud you, even though I feel sorry for anyone that has to hear your "far right" theories on a regular basis....."

Let's hear it for the Indiana Public School system!

".....To start off....I'm not sure where you got the misconception that these forums are for the purpose of teaching morals into the youth of America......"

Responsible "adults" don't necessarily value the manner in which they communicate with each other as a 'conscious' effort to communicate morals to their children. But when we act like we've travelled farther than the "Indianapolis by-pass" in the way that we conduct ourselves?............God Bless the fact that our children are "always listening".... and they couldn't have any better teachers than the good people of these forums who haven't yet let the self-righteous punks of this world take it over.

"......PARENTS, not you or me, are responsible for raising thier children and teaching them the ways of the world and so on......."

So isn't it a good thing that when we obviously have a few folks on here that are a little "lacking" in the parenting department........coupled with people like yourself who are a lot more worried about getting "caught" than what the law actually ever reads..........that there are others on here who have absolutely no problem with speaking their mind and (most importantly) backing it up?

"....If you claim to be such a perfect role model........"

(lol)... easy now!.....I have asked you before to back up what you say with some kind of reference..........

"....why would you support physical violence, as well as gun violence, as you did in another forum, to the supposed vulnerable youth reading these forums?......"

(LOL)! Do you mean to try and tell us that you want to 'now' start "making things up"???......... and even to the extreme of using 'guns v.s. innocent kids' as your fantasy? (lol)...bring the quotes on, my friend!

Ahhhhh, if they have loud pipes, give em a good old fashioned lesson, that'll teach em! Better yet, if they venture off a trail, shoot em in the head and mount it on the wall! that'll teach em! Great advice, hipocrite.........

PUT THE PIPE DOWN, Diablo! Has rock cocaine invaded even the rural vestiges of small-town Indiana? (lol)!

"....I NEVER mentioned wanting to break rules on the use of alcohol on the premises. If it was against the rules, then we would have just camped elsewhere, where it would be allowed. Did I not make this clear on a previous post?....."

You're killing me!!! (LOL!!!)

What did you "think"..... when somebody up here told you that the rangers would arrest you and hold you on FEDERAL CHARGES for 'drinking'? That all of us would somehow 'now' turn around and believe that all this time "you thought" they were going to drag you all away from your campfire and throw you in jail on federal charges.............and "that" was what you were all "disappointed" and worried about about?

Do you guys 'get out' much or do you think we're all just stupid?

"......I would appreciate it if you are going to hold a respectful debate that you not take peoples words and twist them around in order to make your points seem valid, as you did here and another topic......"

(chuckle)......Better look in the miirror, bub........and again,"please"......we're all waiting patiently for you to dig up all this dirt and make something of it!

".....At least you're contributing something "worthwhile" to the sport.People like me are who are keeping this sport alive by frequenting the various state an privately owned parks, demanding better performing ATVs from the manufacturer, and not to mention keeping countless amounts of people employed be it by the manufacturer or the various small businesses that manufacter performance accessories, sell these accessories, etc. etc., as well as the state parks that employ many people........"

WOW!!! You bought a quad.......you had to ride it 'somewhere'..... or you had to sell it.............you're right......"people like yourself" are definitely the backbone of "what's right" in atving today.........if I can find the town hall in b.f. Indiana........I'm gonna go right up to the mayor and have him name 'a day in May' after ya!

"....I don't claim to be a "perfect" person, and yes, I have broken the rules sometimes, and when caught, suffered the consequences for "MY" actions. I do have respect for "most" regulations that exist, and know that there are "usually" good reasons for thier existence. I just know there is a reason that usually, as was the case at LBL, that they are not strictly enforced....."

I guess "you" can read all of that and somehow make sense of it........as for me?.......I'm really sorry that I took the time to respond to someone who is so cluelessly representative of what is wrong with our young people today. They ought to take the self-righteous nonsense you just uttered and hold it up as an example in our schools of what's wrong with today's youth (unless they all feel the same way.....[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] )

"...My buddy did end up using his spark arrestor, although he didn't need to, after witnessing theamount of bikes that were there with aftermarket exausts......."

Honestly, you're about as stupid as the other guy on here with the "other" spark arrestor question and "crisis"...........you're riding in a national 'forest'...........but your buddy "didn't need to" install his spark arrestor.............. because it turns out that there were other dumbasses already down there doing their best to try and burn the place down........ so he might just as well have "joined them"??????

"...and not hearing one person complain about the noise. Hell, even the deer and wild turkeys that were in the woods didn't even bother, they just went along thier business........"


"Heck...it never bothered dem dare deer and turkeys none!............and I didn't even hear or see one feller who said nuttin' about all the rackit we was makin'!....


".....but I'm not going to waste my time answering them all, no use, as well as digging up your previous posts in which, yes, you do contradict yourself!....."


That's "o.k.", diablo........we all know that you 'could'....... 'really' get up here and back your accusations up ...."if you wanted to"......we respect you so much more when we can just "take your word for it". [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

"....they don't come on here for your garbage, which is why you usually get laughed off of the topics!!! So, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Moron."
Won't all of us be glad when 'school' starts? (lol).

Old 08-04-2003, 08:38 PM
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Sorry, "bub," but I am no longer in school, having graduated some time ago from both high school and college, so once again, you are wrong! Don't you get tired of being wrong all the time? No, I was not worried about federal marshals coming to our campsite and dragging us to jail, although I was worried about getting kicked out of the park for drinking on the premises if it was not allowed. As I mentioned before, we brought extra quads, we always do in case of breakdowns. So if my buddy had not had his spark arrester, and had caught grief for being over the db limit, we would have parked it and used a spare, easy as that.

I don't need your "respect," and don't have to prove anything to you, because you are a true "idiot" and a waist of my time, as well as other forum members time. The only person here with thier panties up in a bunch is you, not to mention apparently having something crammed so far up there that it makes you be a complete jerk to anyone who doesn't live within your standards. Trying to humiliate people for not having as much of an education as you claim to have just makes you look plain self rightous, and stupid.

Yes, I do live in B.F. Indiana, LOL, nothin wrong wit dat yall!!!!! HUH HUH, HUH HUH! Let me go get me banjo and play you a tune!!!!! We don't even have no mayor, town to small!!! But if you succeed at getting a day named after me, do it in October, thats my birth month! When you come in on the main highway, look to your left, I do believe you'll see more of your own kind out grazing in the field, you know, those things that look like horses, but much smaller with big ol ears! well, I gotte go, I hear me sister, I mean wife calling me! Yeeeeehaaaaa!!!!
Old 08-04-2003, 10:11 PM
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O.K. smart guy,I read my post and will admit, I did get my ideology confused. I will admit that as a man should. I don't claim to be the brightest apple on the tree, but will defend my freedom to express myself and to let people like you know that you are not always right. You make some valid points, and maybe if you didn't go about it wrong and come off as an @sshole, people would take you a little more seriously. Go ahead, insult my intellegence, make stuff up, be a complete jerk off as I'm sure you will be, I find it pretty comical to tell you the truth, and will not lose a wink of sleep over it. Well, I better go find some kids to turn into alcoholics, some forests to burn down or pollute, and a wall to bang my uneducated head against, maybe it'll make me smarter!!!!!!!!!

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