Yamaha better that Honda, or vice versa??
Just because drum brakes are absolutely, positively, undeniably (by any reasonable person) superior to cheesy discs you guys don't have to be so edgy. That was the original thread here wasn't it--or was it the Honda differential thing again?
Maybe we could all agree about the general shape of tires, or that the exhaust should puff out the back and not out between the headlights.
Maybe we could all agree about the general shape of tires, or that the exhaust should puff out the back and not out between the headlights.
I'm sorry tree farmer maybe I have to be a little more clear for you.when i said "may your delusions of grandeur comfort you" I was pointing out how you were the arrogant one, trying to sound so smart and above all us speaking to each other like we would on a race track or bike shop(how rude of us), while you are arrogantly bellowing out your best imitation of frasier crane.
747, I'm not proud of descending this far into infantile banter. You may now post the last word (you DO want to post the last word, don't you?), signifying (to you) the soundness of your arguments, the sharpness of your wit, the righteousness of your cause, the originality of your prose, and the "fact" you "won" the argument. Consider this opportunity my gift to you.
Tree Farmer
Tree Farmer