ATV Industry Facts: Did You Know?

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ATV Industry Facts: Did You Know?
Mullet not included.

These days Honda’s off-road racing efforts are never to be underestimated but they pale in comparison to the coolness and domination they enjoyed back in the 1980s and 90s.

Amazingly enough it appears fans of such things are going to be able to experience a small taste of what it felt like to be around back then thanks to a collaboration between American Honda and the clothing brand Forever 21.
ATV Industry Facts: Did You Know?
Jackets, jerseys, tees, tanks and styles for men and women, it looks like a trip to the mall or to Forever 21’s website is all that’s required to travel back in time to the era of premix and cigarette brand series sponsors.

Bonus Fact: The odd arrangement appears to have both companies thrilled, with the Los Angles-based clothing chain expecting ample sales and exposure and Honda content with getting a cut on designs and logos already paid for, used, and tucked away for decades.
ATV Industry Facts: Did You Know?

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