Ask The Editors: Why Does My Quad Have a Lock Here?

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Ask The Editors: Why Does My Quad Have a Lock Here?
A true mystery lock.

Dear ATVC: I’m new to the whole ATV world. So this is probably a noobie question. I was mounting a winch yesterday and saw this keyhole. What is it for?

Nope, not a noobie question. All of the industry veterans we showed the picture to scratched their head and had the same response: Can’t say I’ve ever seen that one before.

The only safe conclusion is that is a lock to another dimension so guard the key that came with it at all costs! The fate of humanity rests firmly upon your shoulders.

All fooling aside, what it looks like to us is an e-Bike battery lock – manufactures of electric vehicles use these to keep would-be bandits from being able to detach and steal pricey battery packs. What it’s doing there, though, we can’t say for certain.

It would help if we knew the year, make and model and whether or not you purchased the machine new. Assuming it is an OEM deign, our guess would be that this brand also makes an electric variation of the quad and attaches the locks to the frame of both it and the gas-powered variation prior to engine installation.

Sadly that’s about the best we can come up with based only on the single pic you provided. If we can dig up anything more concrete, we’ll followup.

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