#2: Quicksteel Epoxy

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#2: Quicksteel Epoxy
If you really want to take a moment to make yourself paranoid, imagine the sheer number of threats to your ATV’s precious underbody on each and every square foot of trail. Rocks, logs, sticks, buried metal, roots… The sheer volume of potentially ride-ending debris out there is mind blowing. However, fear of a torn engine cover, casing, cracked fastener, sheered bolt, split frame and so on can be counteracted by a simple tube of Quicksteel bonding epoxy.

A $5 tube of Moose Quicksteel Epoxy, for example, can be used to patch and plug just about any damaged surface and best of all seats in roughly 15-minutes. We’ve witnessed the stuff seal up a broken case spewing engine oil miles and miles from the trailhead. Beginning as pliable putty, it can be bent, curved, flattened out, or packed tightly to serve as a temporary fix on which to limp a damaged machine back to the shop for a more permanent repair. And if you’re really good, your trailside fix could well be your permanent repair!

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