SprocketList Weekly ATV Find: Sniffing Out Good Deals So You Don’t Have To

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Each week we rummage around SprocketList in the hopes of uncovering some spectacular deal on a nice used ATV so as to offer hope to those in need of a new (or new to them) set of wheels for the upcoming season.

This week we happened across an ad that takes us to a place called Stafford, VA.

The specimen in question grabbed our attention simply because the Suzuki LTZ Quadsport 400 just so happens to be one of our absolute favorite ATVs of all time thanks to their versatility and reliability. This particular example is a 2003 model year and quite affordable to boot.

SprocketList Weekly ATV Find: Sniffing Out Good Deals So You Don’t Have To

As the ad states: The four wheeler is in good shape and just had the top end of the engine rebuilt including a fresh timing chain, valves and piston rings.

The only thing it may need are front tires eventually due to tread wear.

The poster is looking for $1500 and is open to a variety of potential trades including a scooter (gas/street legal), carry-on trailer (5 x 10 minimum), a golf cart or storage shed.

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