1. Tow Jam

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1. Tow Jam

After all of the high-tech gadgets and wild inventions we’ve included on this list, the #1 spot is occupied by a remnant from a simpler age: the tow strap. Yet without it, a stranded vehicle often has absolutely no choice but to be left behind until the party can return with a tow strap. And that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to potential usage. A tow strap can be used to drag away fallen trees, be tied tight to secure cargo and become a lifeline should water or mud prove beyond someone in the group’s capabilities. We even saw one used to drag several boulders into a crevice that had formed during a rain-washout to act as a makeshift bridge! They can also be attached to a vehicles frame then wrapped around a sturdy tree to keep a machine on its wheels while traversing off-cambers or steep inclines. Sometimes high-tech isn’t always better.

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