Ask the Editors: Who Came After Honda?

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Dear ATVC:I always hear that Honda made the first ATV but when did all of the other manufacturers get on board?

Honda did indeed introduce the first all-terrain vehicle, the three-wheeled US90 with its 7hp engine for $595 in 1970 then it would be almost a whole decade before the next Japanese ATV hit America believe it or not!

The second ATV came from Yamaha in the form of the YT125 in 1979. The third spot goes to Kawasaki in 1981 (KTL200-A1) and Suzuki was last to the party when they dropped their first ATVs (including the first four-wheeler) in 1982.

After the “Big 4” arrived, Polaris was next in 1985. The first Arctic Cats went on sale in 1996. Bombardier (Can-Am) hit the scene in 1998. Kymco dove into the ATV scene in 2004 and KTM was most recent, having released their first ATVs in 2008.

Ask the Editors: Who Came After Honda?

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